This was considered an average American home in the 1990's.
What went wrong?
This was considered an average American home in the 1990's.
What went wrong?
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no it wasn't
jews and boomers
Wrong. You have been jewed to.
That's a suburban mansion.
massive international family holiday trips aren't normal either, quit buying into the corporate consumption propaganda
Are you a foreigner by chance?
why are boomers so bad?
like 20 people lived there its no wonder why they could afford it
zoomers love to blame them for all their problems
>it's not my fault that i put in less work than previous generations, it's the BOOMERS who are to blame for my nonexistant career!
>(((banks))) give subprime loans underwritten by the government
>(((Hollywood))) systemically shows middle class families living in houses they would never be able to afford
It really does cause one to ponder
black people and jews were invented in the 90s.
that only applies to poor people and niggers. You could easily afford a house like this being upper middle class
Still better than trusher.
The houses stayed the same size. The Americans got fatter so the houses seem smaller.
Boomers ruined the property market by heavily investing in it with multiple "rental properties". user is blaming the Jews but really its the banks who gave boomers all the money so they could buy up the housing stock.
>Imagine getting so brutally brainwashed by a bunch of 90s movies that you actually believe this
>banks who gave boomers all the money so they could buy up the housing stock.
I remember being 19
Actual US boomers (born around 1950) were gifted the greatest windfall of riches ever gifted to a generation. Imagine that right now in 2020, every other country was bombed into essential non-existence. Every factory, every city, every airport, transport center, everything. The USA is now in charge of meeting the manufacturing demands of the whole world. This is post World War 2 america. And instead of creating an ACTUAL UTOPIA of infrastructure/border security/education facilities that would lead us to be unparalleled in any way. The next 3 generations took all that incalculable wealth and used it on tax cuts for the wealthy who took more and more money and hid it in tax havens and created a small group of people with so much dark money that the whole planet is destabilized for the next foreseeable century
then you're far too young.
That was every American’s dream house, it added to the magical air of the movie at the time, that fucker sold a couple years ago for like 3 million
Where the fuck did they get the money then?
>The next 3 generations took all that incalculable wealth and used it on tax cuts for the wealthy who took more and more money and hid it in tax havens and created a small group of people with so much dark money that the whole planet is destabilized for the next foreseeable century
This was because of leftist bullshit, which is why Kennedy was killed. The reason why boomers have wealth is because they literally spent age 18-65 working 50-60 hours a week so they could buy a pontoon boat and a corvette.
>boomers work massive amounts of over time
Its not selfish. What was selfish was buying 6 or 7 investment properties, inflating the house prices and rents to ridiculous highs and didn't give a shit that they had drove young families out of the market.
Corona is karma.
everything you are saying is made up reddit garbage. The fact that you think boomers charging rent is the problem with the housing market shows how fucking naive you actually are
>in 1980 being an unmarried single mother was culturally frowned upon, and would land you ostracized
>2020 being a single mom with 3 kids is encouraged
WASPs lost the war against the kikes because of hollywood and women blind to their schemes.
Imagine being this illiterate.
imagine trying to backpedal instead of addressing the fact that their points are retarded
You have no idea what you're talking about. The point is that no matter who you were no matter how shitty your qualifications there was a relatively high paying job waiting for you because the USA had to meet the demands of the ENTIRE WORLD. Currently I work as an automation engineer and am friends with the hiring manager, we turn away so many amazing prospects it boggles the mind because most of our VP's and Directors NEVER EVEN GOT A FUCKING ENGINEERING DEGREE. And what happened to all the money? Gone. USA's infastructure is fucking trash.
Do you honestly think that boomers all met up and hatched plan like this? Think about boomers and ask yourself if all of this was intentional or if they are acting in their own individual self interests and this is the unfortunate result.
what the fuck are you even talking about you spazz. Youre made up nonsense i irrelevant
>He thinks people are pissed at boomers for charging rent.
No you fucking imbecile. Il state it again. The ruined the property market by buying up so much of the stock. Which created a supply problem that drove up property prices and rents.
For 10 years young people have been complaining that they cant get into the housing market and boomers have done nothing and neither have the boomers in the government who need their votes.
Its lead to in my case 90% of my friends leaving the city we grew up in and while this occurs they replace us with cheap labour who are happy to live with 15 people in a single house.
Corona is going to knock the shit out of that generation and they deserve it.
>Has no response
>declares any contradicting information irrelevant
boomer to the core.
>unfortunate result
>literally killing the planet
>user is blaming the Jews but really its the banks
>For 10 years young people have been complaining that they cant get into the housing market and boomers have done nothing and neither have the boomers in the government who need their votes
>Its lead to in my case 90% of my friends leaving the city
Section 8 housing and HUD homes is what inflated housing prices that outpriced young people, because the government was subsidizing million dollar projects for a bunch of crack heads to live in that ruined neighborhoods
America's infrastructure is trash thanks to public unionism. You're too much of a zoomer to comprehend these basic facts
The Earth is literally not alive. And what have the boomers personally done to kill the planet?
>Thinking the banks and the jews are separate things
>redditor environmentalist opinion
Choke on a cock faggot
Zoomers and millennials blaming boomers for everything is just like black blaming whitey for everything, feminists blaming men for everything, and whites blaming jews for everything.
>America's infrastructure is trash thanks to public unionism.
You are too fucking dumb to even explain what you mean by that. You just want to hand wave a phrase that you dont even understand. Because you are a complete and utter moron.
>hurr durr unionism is for the workers! WE deserve prevailing wages!
>suddenly the cost to fix roads costs tens of billions of dollars
>suddenly the roads break down even quicker
>suddenly concrete are having loads of sand added to the mix
>LOL oopsie! Looks like tax payers have to subsidize hundreds of millions of dollars worth of repairs!
>wonder why everything is so expensive
>wonder why the youth cant get jobs, why cities go bankrupt
>posts fiction of how he thinks it works in his mind.
You are an actual. Real retard. Next time try giving an example that isnt from your fan fiction.
You delusional cock sucking faggots why gas gets taxed at 60 cents a gallon, but still suck union cock
>1 million AUD
>"hurr durr"
>made up numbers
>trying to blame road degredation on something other than larger population and usage
>unsubstantiated statement exclamations
Why don't you prove him wrong. So far he is making the stronger statement
>denies reality and deflects proof
Billions of dollars a year for union strong niggers to fix fucking roads, and every fucking project goes over schedule and over budget, but you don't care because youre a redditier cock sucking loser
>uses 2 isolated examples to try and explain 4 million miles of road.
actual retard.
>isolated examples
>literally proposing a near .50 cent tax on every gallon of gas just for """isolated incidents""""
How convenient, spoken like a true spineless weasel, aka all liberals
Could you explain that? Because the topic is what happened to all the money after the US became the manufacturing capital of the world after WW2. This guy says unions are what happened. and his support is that unions poured wrong concrete in Michigan. Better yet. explain why you are so retarded.
>wanna rob house
>only a kid at home
>see what looks like party going on
>every light in the house on
>people in every window
>no cars in driveway or parked on street
I'm sorry, but are white people really that stupid?
I would also like to point out that that .50 cent tax hike on gas is likely going to cost the average commuter hundreds, if not thousands of dollars extra every year on order to pay these inflated budgets for union niggers, but you're too fucking stupid. You're literally a dumb asshole who hears "union strong for the workers!" and then goes to reddit to upvote bernie sander's subreddits
If i were to put your "examples" in a percentage context vs the money squandered after the US WW2 boom, i'm confident it wouldnt even pass 5%.
You could make whatever magic up in your mind, your you can address the fact that every liberal utopia has created nothing but destitution and shit infrastructure.
and yet blue states are by far the only non welfare states. Blue states pay the bills. Red states whine ALL THE TIME. how about you fags pay the rent?
Republican exceptionalism.
>and yet blue states are by far the only non welfare states.
And yet blue states also have the worst income inequality, and disastrous living quality. NY, LA, San Fran, and Chicago are all generate high amounts of cash, (thanks capitalism) and the only thing in common all these cities have is the ultra wealthy stay on one side, while the middle class and lower class have to deal with people literally shitting on the streets in their neighborhoods
It's clear you're specifically angry at some current tax hike (whatever this 50 cent thing is) and just venting about it on the internet because you're a retard. How about you take a vacation to wisconsin nearby and shove some of that cheese up your ass?
>hurr durr im arguing on behalf of the working man
>yeah whartever that .50 cent tax hike on every gallon of gas
Know how I know you're a teenager who lives on mommy and daddy's dime?
This is honestly the real answer to the "blue state/red state" state welfare. It's symptomatic of the growing wealth inequality brought upon by trickle-down, Keynesian economics.
lol spoken like a true poorfag. I'm far from "ultra wealthy", but I still see my CEO and division presidents and everyone at my level at all the restaurants/stores. The only problem is that those people could buy the whole fucking block on a whim. That is the income disparity that matters.
>It's symptomatic of the growing wealth inequality brought upon by trickle-down, Keynesian economics.
Not at all, its literally thanks to invasive governmental policies, You cant even build something on your own property in these states without levying all sorts of different taxes and permits. Rent control is great for a tiny portion, but the rest have to pay for it. This is why I laugh at anyone who loves the fact that they get big checks from tax returns. All that money would be better suited in your pocket, yet you struggled to put tires on your car that winter while a bunch of public employees got paid more than you per hour to sit around till sping
>The only problem is that those people could buy the whole fucking block on a whim. That is the income disparity that matters.
You are literally a teenager. Most business owners make a few hundred thousand a year if they are highly successful. 99% of businesses operate on thin profit margins
Know how i know you're a fucking retard? Because I'm not anonymous to myself and know you're wrong. lol fucking retard.
You clearly don't have to worry about paying for gas, which is why you casually dismiss massive hikes on fuel which is needed for people to go to work and run errands, which your mom does for you of course
>Most business owners make a few hundred thousand a year if they are highly successful. 99% of businesses operate on thin profit margins
You are either a complete retard or a paid corporate shill. There is NO PROBLEM with the vast majority of business owners. in fact we WANT TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF BUSINESS OWNERS while suppressing the number of massive businesses because it just leads to oligarchy. It's the very small percent of business owners that destabilize and buy congressmen and fuck america you utter retard.
Yeah, I also resent paying taxes when I could be making gains on that money first. Since I go from job to job as a tradesman I've filed 99 dependents on more than one occasion for that very reason. Too chicken to do it all of the time though. :P
Besides, if the government prints its own money then why does it need to tax people?