Was the Chad meme before it was even a thing

>Was the Chad meme before it was even a thing
>Still lost every time

Was it fair?

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Women, bro.

Why didn't he go for the superior Loli? I mean Suzy is literally begging for it.

this, show would have been extremely wholesome

all tv shows and movies always push this notion that the nerdy best friend gets the girl all the time, but in reality they get fucked raw dog by half the high school football team

That was the joke. In reality, Johnny would've been drenched in pussy everyday.

Iirc the shows creators said Johnny scores, but for the shows comedy sake chicks reject him for gags. Even outside of that theres plenty of times he had dates.

The fact that hes usually confident 24/7 despite the rejection is a good trait. Perserverance.

Johnny is an aspie. There were a few times when the woman actually wanted to fuck him and he chickened out.

It has already been stated that it focused on the times he didn't score chicks.

>Even outside of that theres plenty of times he had dates.

From what I recall, there was always some sort of catch. Like he got into a blind date with a talking deer or that one chick that was a werewolf.

He's not a virgin, definitely. There was an episode where an island tribe of women tried to sacrifice him as a virgin sacrifice to a volcano, Johnny raises his brow saying "Virgin?" and the volcano spit him back out.

>Like he got into a blind date with a talking deer
>JB had /hmofa/
This happened for real?!

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Is an antelope a woman?
/k/ would argue yes

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Well, it turns out it was an antelope but nearly the same thing.

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He was a manlet.

what does hmofa mean?

that would explain the hair and high heels

Oh if only those cartoonists knew what fetishes they'd unlock in the future generation.

He did date that super spy

WTF is wrong with you gross ass nigger.

he's child-friendly duke nukem

When a man and a female animal love each other very much...

human male on female anthro

no. it was unrealistic. he'd have been swimming in puss

>Still lost every time
>Doesn't know that Johnny Bravo picked up
Velma and cockblocked Dexter in the process
Bravo's always been based

Based animators.

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He had Velma drooling for him in the Scooby Doo episode

Creator said he got laid of screen, which is why the volcano god rejects him because he isn't a virgin.

Was a recurring thing in the ads too

more like /hmoff/

The purest and most objectively based form of love

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>every time

He still got laid sometimes, the show just wouldn't be as funny that way. It's funny when he fails.

Plus, he's canonically not a virgin, the volcano refused him for not being one.

>Was it fair?
If you want to watch Chad score with a bunch of girls, you should consider directing porn instead of watching cartoon comedy for kids.

>that one episode where a gypsy turns him into a girl and he gets his privileges checked and acknowledges his toxic masculinity
Even as a child i sensed that there was something very wrong and that the world is about to change.

There was also an episode where he dated a werewolf.


Well was he, Yas Forums?

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He would become one in a few years after he gives up asking women out.

sometimes I forget I'm in the company of freaks

>ignoring the entire thread in which it's said he gets plenty of sex off screen and isn't a virgin

fucking based

>people forgetting he fucked a girl clown on an airplane and it’s blatant

>johnny bravo's creator in the middle

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>implying you wouldn't

it's been a while desu, and checked

Yeah I just watched that because you mentioned it and it wasn't even cleverly hidden.

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Based quints.

i wish people didn't know about incels now i have to kill myself

Man, this was effortlessly such a good show. No pandering, no pretentious bullshit about being "deep" like gravity falls or whatever.

Zoomers will never know.

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I mean, the whole show was about how women were justified in hitting him just for talking to them

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he doesn't

Female antelope have horns. They're just smaller than the males' horns.

The Scooby Doo crossover episode is honestly of my favorite moments from my childhood.

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That's one frame. You could also see it as getting punched/rejected by a woman being a trivial experience. Which is a good attitude to have for a bunch of reasons, at least in the context of asking girls out, which if you're afraid if rejection you'll be afraid to do. So it's good to see it as trivial.

Outside of that frame it's pretty bad, the idea that women are justified in hitting a man for 'hitting on' them.

So, interestingly, this is a good show for boys to watch, but a bad show for girls to watch.

Here he is with Butch Hartman, Seth MacFarlane, and some loli.

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Aren't Velma and Daphne a little too young for him? He seems pretty interested in Daphne...

>That front of the van shot with Johnny and the gang
>None of the scooby-doo characters are animated and don't even blink
>Johnny shooting around the van in the usual sharp and quick animation style
Shit was great

>MacFarlane was recruited during the senior film festival by development executive Ellen Cockrill and President Fred Seibert.[15] He went to work at Hanna-Barbera (then Hanna-Barbera Cartoons) based on the writing content of The Life of Larry, rather than on cartooning ability. He was one of only a few people hired by the company solely based on writing talent.[2]


>MacFarlane worked on four television series during his tenure at the studio: Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, I Am Weasel, and Johnny Bravo.[16][17] Working as both a writer and storyboard artist, MacFarlane spent the most time on Johnny Bravo.

He was too thirsty. There was an episode where he simply disregarded females and they were all swooning

How old are the Scooby Doo gang supposed to be anyway? I always thought they were college age or even older. Apparently they're teens?

16 in the original show iirc