Why aren't there any good Filipino movies?
Why aren't there any good Filipino movies?
they suck ass
How can the most powerful race suck ass
Nothing more punchable than a flip masshole
Huh, you seem confused friendo
Oh boy it's this guy.
Their film industry puts Bollywood to shame, hilarious stuff so no not really hah
every flip ive ever met has been shorter than manlets
powerful my ass
the names gook.
i fucked like 20 pinays in 2 months of living in cebu. 4 virgins too
Fuck am I tired of this chink. Asians make almsot 28K more a year than whites. Whites make about 17K more a year than blacks, but only one of those gaps matters. Really makes ya think.
how does this help them sell fast food?
Meg has big boobs
most powerful, but easily wrecked by hurricanes and isis
Jollibee only has children's height urinals and I'm 100% serious
fast food?
Honestly there is nothing more pathetic than Asians, the most successful group in America(save the Jews) trying to cash in on the whole victim thing. I get that they probably resent seeing all the other brownies bitch and complain and want in on that cash-cow, but come on.
He's a flip, that comic is blaming superior Yellow genes on his failure.
Maybe it's because I'm not american, but I don't get what any of this is trying to say.
He's a flip and that comic is blaming East-Asians on his failures. I don't get how you can't get that comic.
Are you fucking retarded?
I wish our country had a Duterte president too
He's a self-loathing American-Filipino that is blaming his problems on the world.
basically hes retarded and schizo
what are these cringe as fuck comics.
>don't forget we're oppressed to. gibes mony plx
>I wish I had a mutt for a president
Do asians really...?
what’s going on in the bottom right panel? I get the guy is being deported, but did that old lady get evicted? Is she supposed to be chinese?
He's saying filipinos are niggers, and that's why the japanese are evil.
It """makes sense""" if you're into social justice.
Who are you quoting?
Oh right, thanks for the clarification.
>tfw filipino
everyday I think about kms to reroll a new ethnicity.
so basically philipinos got raped sideways by everyone from around the world? is that what this comic is trying to say?
Based East Asians putting these mutts in their place.
I think so, which is still a shit argument. I have a family member in ICE and he works cases for Europe. We're constantly deporting gangsters back to the Baltic states, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.
wtf flag is the raghead holding
As usual, the real explanation is IQ. SEAniggers have IQ's of about 85-95. NEAniggers are about 103-105. The only exception I know are the Thai, who are about 100.
I read it twice and I couldn't figure out the joke.
Hahaha holy fuck imagine feeling this sorry for yourself
Wtf is the "bamboo ceiling"?
These comics are just sad. Clearly the guy has some talent, but he must have been raped by a white man or something. Imagine being this seething.
Do I need to see twd to get this?
lmao this guy should kill himself in real life
This is the artist
The bamboo ceiling is the white supremacist superstructure that prevents Asian Americans from earning $100K a year like they otherwise would, instead of $85K per year.
His entire fanbase
I've been to Buckaroo BBQ, it's comfy as fuck. What is this guy's problem?
School shooter tier
>p-please white people, give me access to your resources!
faggot should be happy he gets to inhabit a white continent out of the goodness of their hearts to begin with
thats hilarious. chinese blood coming through strong
no wonder he's seething. he doesn't look like your average asian street meat flip monkey.
this mans is full on fu manchu but why does he want to be a brown mutt so much?
What an ugly fuck. Also, he looks Chinese.
>Most powerful race in the world
>Not a single Filikino
They're literally the worst Asians because they have the bravado and arrogance of being something special, but they aren't even the best Asians. The rest are either aware of their level or seem to lack confidence in their level.
Shitipinos have the confidence and none of the ability to even a attain a level.
If I showed up to a fan thing for him as a blue eyes light hair naturally pale white man would he cry and leave early?
This guy is unusually whiney for a flip. He's a real discredit to filipinos. I'd expect it from a dindu, but a pinoy?
And of course, he doesn't even look like one. He's probably the descendant of chink sojourners.
>newfags don't even recognize this b8
baka desu
>NEAniggers are about 103-105
Already proven to be false countless times.
that first panel is true though. I dated a filipino girl and she was OBSESSED with her skin tone. Like Micheal Jackson body dysmorphia shit. Apparently all asians think lesser of darkskinned asians and she would buy all kinds of lotions and ointments to try and whiten her skin.
What is their real IQ?
At this point, I wouldn't mind some references to Filikino, if it exists.
it really doesnt help that the lightest skinned asians are the richest and most intelligent and the darkest skinned are island niggers
>chadington iv
yeah he posts here for sure
What's wrong with top right and bottom right?
Is he the infamous BBC Hapa spammer?
M8 your'e not supposed to post those without his permission, this dude is gonna be angry.
Well connected flip user here
I know a few student directors right now and I can certainly tell you that they're a bunch of pretentious douchebags like the last generation of indies here
Music scene is the same as well which is full of commercialized indie and literal hacks
Animation is where our talent's at, Mike Inel could be an industry regular if he was more secretive about his lewd stuff like other regulars in the industry
Vidya side is surprising since I personally know a guy working on Oculus Rift's UI right now and was the same guy that did the UI for Dead Space
I don't get it. I'm Filipino. Is this an Yas Forums thing?
>the cut of the jeans and those boots
>flip animation
-What's it like? Anime/Manga (which doesn't look to different from Korean art, similar to Chink art)? Or modern flash trash?
Again I don't get this and I'm Filipino.
He doesn't look like a complete manlet.
Why not?
>chadington iv
This is what happens when you get a BA at an usually liberal school.
look at the length of his arms compared to others, he is wearing crazy shoelifts in those thick sole boots
dead kids was okay. u can watch it on netflix
Was your country invaded/colonized in the past?