*rubs head*

*rubs head*
*runs into woods*
*runs back out*

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m'askusum reck
*rubs head*
you think thangs be like they was?
*squints into distance*
they's ain't

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msksm rayck...
*rubs head*
you even know coarl's birthday?

*rubs head*

He was unironically the best character and I should have stopped watching when he died

Why did he keep rubbing his head ?

it was really itchy

I'm loving the daily Shane threads as of late.

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Have you ever buzzed your head? Can't stop rubbing that shit. Feels good man

eye rig

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God this show is such garbage.

*walks up fast, rubbing head*
Mssksum janny
*sniffs and cocks head*
Much they payin you?
*shakes head then rubs it*
S'what I thought
How you gun survive?

*chases Dale up and down the stairs*

*rubs Rick's head*

>I bet he's gonna rub his head. He did it. Again. I can't believe it. I have to tell Carl about this. COOOORL!!!!!

I agree
Not the best because he was right, generally he wasn't and RECK had to step in, see the barn scene.
But he was interesting and not a cartoon villain like what followed.

>comic dale fucks an early-20s pair of sisters
>show dale has a stupid hat and dies

To be fair comic Dale also has a stupid hat and dies...

how will Yas Forums ever recover?

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why does this come off as a d0cumentary

they use shitty cameras

>walks around like he’s holding in a shit
>rubs head
lemiaskya summrig

kek, nice one user, thanks

im legit seething

name one time he was objectively wrong in his thinking
if he had survived to the prison and beyond he would have been irreplaceable as a decision maker

shanes problem was he was to quick to adapt to the new world they lived in while the rest of the group (especially rick) clung onto their archaice notions of the world before the zombie apocalypse
rick ended up becoming just like him, if not worse, shane just got there early,

shanes only real crime was falling for some overused dried up pussy that everyone including probably her own sons had a piece of

lori was a shakesperan villain and caused most of the problems for the two seasons

typical sheriffs wife, expected everyone to listen to her because of who her husband was, was holier then thou on every subject, actively avoided all chores including watching her only child, right after the only other kid in the group disappeared to boot, despite constantly asking others where he was and if they had watched him, while never actually being shown to be doing literally anything at any time other then bitching at rick for keeping them safe

god i forgot how much i hated lori

Not hard when every character is terrible

>we will never get mommy Andrea and the wholesome ending the comics got
It hurts bros

Season 9 isn't so bad. Episode 5 was kino asfUck. Shane was back and everything

Shane would have killed every single threat the moment he set eyes on them and become the warlord of Atlanta. I want to see that show

Rewatched S1 and forgot how good it was. Completely different show than what's on now

I forgot how good that show was at first.

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I’m crying

>yeah you're right, man. That is enough. *BANG*
Best scene in the entire show

god bros. it was kino tv
> ywn be young and excited to hear about the limited six episode premiere of the walking dead on Halloween night ever again
> you'll never get the chills of seeing rick ride in to altanta for the first time or hearing glenn call him a fuckboi on the walkie talkie again

Frank really made the first season work it went all downhill in season 2

I got into the comics around issue 8 and was hooked. Ever since I started reading I'd always said it should be an animated HBO cartoon. I was super pumped when I heard it was getting an AMC adaptation, but after so much mental hype I was doomed to disappointment,

First episode in particular was what got me hooked it was so good. I don't even watch the crap that's on now

i still do
i havent enjoyed it in forever, but my older brother and i started watching it together ( he got me into the comics) and it was our one true bonding eperience
he died a few years back and even then , despite the shit show of season 6 we were still watching together.
so i still make a habit of sitting down with a cold glass of his favorite pop and powering through it

ill give the show credit and say this season has been watchable.

Sorry user, continue the tradition as long as you can, it's good to keep things like that alive.

til the last episode
i might just be the last person watching
you should watch a recap and watch the tenth season, its alright

season 2 is the best season by far. sorry you got filtered.

>the season where they stayed on a farm and did nothing but have the same 2 conversations over and over?
>the season where we got maybe two zombies per episode and usually in the background?
> the same season that gave us ninja zombies?


Funny meme bro. But it's actually shit

That sucks user. I'd keep watching too if I were in your shoes

Hey tony from hack the movies

>Guy's name is Richard
>His supposed best friend of many years calls him "Eric"
How the fuck did the writers let this slip? Christ almighty, this show was fucked from the start.


It's actually just tough guy Ebonics, dude really is saying Rick(or at least trying). They discussed it in an episode of the Talking Dead actually. Idk cops in the South are weird.

It brings luck

It was really just the pilot. The show had problems from the start. You don't remember the vatos with hearts of gold taking care of the elderly?

This. I fucking hate how the first season gets praised, everything after the second episode is as bad at the seasons that followed it. Only the first two episodes are good and there's a drop in quality between them.

The mall episode was good though, it had that Dawn of the Dead vibes.

Thank the actor for being a tard over Frank Darabront
>loyal to the point of sacrificing a steady paycheck
>try to puss out when it's time to film the death scene

go be a female somewhere else

holy based

lol no

>only watch thru s2 XD

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Shane was always right and the faggot writers realized it. They needed the audience to dislike him so they made him a rapist.

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Guilt from the cucking and mixed feeling upon Rick being alive

well if *you* say so deed

Season 3 was much better than season 2. The prison arc is great.



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Mmmlemmmmetursuummmeen Red

>expressing confusion