In 2008's The Wrestler why did Randy The Ram Robinson get a job as a deli worker instead of a job in construction? I mean he has the body to do construction and construction certainly pays more.
Somethings been bothering me for the past 12 years
he doesn't want to injure himself in his day job
I presume the run down town where he lived had no work like that. IRL a town like this the vast majority are employed by walmart or the like.
At his age and with pro wrestling being so physically demanding, plus all the injures he's sustained in his'd want something low impact, too.
construction would be an awful choice for him
a job at the local prison might be more appropriate
cause his body is broken from wrasslin'
what do retired wrestlers do except die of heart attacks?
I'm not talking about DDP yoga type guys, but the Ram level ones.
Hey Ram, I really don't want to talk about the glory days again....just gimme a pound of turkey breast and make it snappy, alright?
Because when you're old, beaten up and poor you often take the first thing you can. Working at a deli isn't that bad at all.
indy wrestling shows and charge marks money for autographs at conventions. and now podcast
Rooney losing Best Actor to Penn playing some faggot was the first time I realized the Academy Awards were a total joke.
construction is horrible to the body.
He still do fights, that job was just a jig to get some extra money.
Yeah, you're probably, what can I getcha, big guy? The usual?
Periodically come out of retirement.
Seriously again? Fuck off and kill yourself
Go crazy and take out their entire family in a murder-suicide.
andre the giant rode tractors, drank ungodly amounts of alcohol and then died of a heart attack after he became crippled under his own immense weight
Yo ram how’s the pesto pasta
His body is destroyed. Warrick cappa holds the slow sign on construction sites, john barnes, a ruckman works as a garbo because he got too many concussions
Just stopping by to say that Rourke is the greatest living actor and I miss seeing him in stuff. Year of the Dragon is my all time favorite movie. Anyways, enjoy The Wrestler thread friendos, it's a great film.
>Hey doll, the regular pound of redskin potato salad? Comin' right up, darlin'. Heh heh... yeah you know you remind me of this girl I used to know. She was a real angel... went by Goldie. She told me to call her Goldie...
>I wake up and I'm in that place again, with the bright lights. People are waiting behind a counter, waiting for me. I got all this food in here, all this meat, but I don't know what the hell I'm doin' there, then I see her... Goldie, she came back. I jump the counter and run over to her, but she screams and someone slugs me. I come to and I'm in a little room, some huge pig screamin' at me. Nothin' I ain't used to. I break his jaw in three places and get outta there. I look down at my mitts and see I'm wearin' plastic gloves, the kind the chow line workers wear in the joint. How'd I get here, can't remember. I get confused sometimes.
>He injured himself at the deli on purpose.
>He literally dies wrestling.
The fuck you on about? Construction was the better option clearly.
Ouch man. So do you want a pickle?
come back as a manager
or do podcasts and sign autographs.
Needs more mighty fine coat that he finds in the walk in freezer
Heart fucking condition.
The ram was a fucking tomato can that could never draw a dime. He's a baby face? Man look at that fucking face. Maybe he should go to AEW with their phoney cosplay WRASSLIN' . he will never get over with real wrestling fans
>Ram types
Keep wrestling at weekend warrior shows and die of a heart attack
>Mid tier
Switch carrers to something like Real Estate
>DDP types
Become fitness instructors, motivational speakers, or get PhDs in Neuroscience.
Got out early and did something else
Dont give me that he chose to wrestle in the end. The doctor said hey dont fucking wrestle anymore, not hey dont get a job in construction.
Entry level construction and entry level retail dont pay much different, if at all.
He chose to fucking wrestle to fulfill his fucking vocation, not to pay a bill
>Why didn't the guy who destroyed his body for wrestling go into a career that is physically demanding and hard on the body?
You mean vanity right?
He wanted to remain low and probably as far away from anything physical, it's more likely that he'd be recognized by other men as a wrestler in construction work and that'd tempt him to go back to wrestling again just by peer pressure. He seems to have lost more than his health by being a washed-up wrestler, it barely worked for him before he lost his shit so it's safe to say he wouldn't do very well in anything else.
yeah if you want to call it that
wrestling was important to his sense of self and interior identity
construction is just a job same as working a deli counter
Obsession. All of Aronofsky's movies are about obsession.
I have worked both and they are two totally different jobs.
Did you guys allow food on the job sites? Did anyone eat sandwiches? Didn't you spend time standing or walking around and grabbing things at times? I honestly don't see how it's any different than working the deli (I've done neither, never worked a day in my life thankfully)
in the Sequel Ram gets a job working at the car dealership with his friend after getting out of the hospital
Benoit did nothing wrong, he was set up.
they are both
whereas wrestling was his life
It was his death I think if he did either construction or in the deli he'd still be alive
he should have made meth.
>die as a wrestler
>exist as a wagie
There are people that would actually choose option two.
>die at some indie show
>posted online
>become an /asp/ meme forever
I mean there are worse fates, but that wouldn't be a good one.
Did you miss the point of the whole fucking movie?
Ram never got over
So, what was The Ram at the peak of his wrestling career? I always assumed a top mid-carder.
He was trying to get back into his daughter's life. Construction would've given him that opportunity too. Dude he coulda had his daughter and Marisa Tomei. Fuck wrestling dude.
his body is already torn to shreds and he's like 50+ years old. nobody in construction would hire him (legally)
Not if you eat right, stretch before and after work, and (ideally) lift to keep your body strong/in shape
They might, but he would be picking up trash, sweeping, and fetching things for actual workers all day every day.
Not him but there’s usually nothing wrong with someone bringing donuts or pastries for the boys to eat (pre-coronavirus), or “hey my gf/fiancée/wife baked these” things; guys will eat sunflower seeds on the clock and leave the shells everywhere like fucking pigs, us union guys get a “mandatory” 15 minute break in addition to our 30 minute lunch so guys usually bring a lunch. Sometimes you spend time waiting around for material or especially fucking concrete trucks
Anyone smart enough to do that is running their own crew or doing specialty work within 5 years of whatever their trade is.
I'd hire the Ram
Something something just a slab of meat. Something something pound of flesh.
Something something turned into hamburger.