Does this movie still hold up?

Does this movie still hold up?

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Well yes, more than the first one. It's less problematic in current year

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It's pretty racist tbqh. I mean he shits all over the african culture all for a joke

They never explained where he got the rhino

Shikasha!... shikaGO!

Is Ace Ventura a super hero?

Is it though? I mean, it uses a caricature of “the exotic primitive” as the basis for a lot of humor, but I don’t remember it doing much that amounts to “shitting all over African culture.”

>the noises he makes during this scene

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this is peak yoomer comedy
aged but a generation will always look back on it fondly

Ace Ventura has aged horribly.

I just saw Ace Ventura: Pet Detective for the first time in over 1 years. I remembered that the twist was the Ray Finkle became Einhorn (a women), what I didn't realize was how strong the transphobia was in that movie.

After Ace realizes he kissed someone that used to be a man he is completely disgusted and burns his clothes and plunges his face. Later when it's revealed in front of an entire police force all the Male officers are grossed out. Also Ace says the Einhorn is a man several times with nobody correcting him that she used to be a man but is now a women, everyone just goes with that.

She's humiliated in front of all the officers by being stripped down by Ace, when it was humiliation that led her to commiting the crimes. Also it's revealed that Ray Finkle went crazy is why he became a women, strongly implying no sane person would change their sex- you'd have to go crazy to do something like that according to the movie.


No that’s the joke


This is unironically a good thing

Uh bro, not even 10 years ago sitcoms were still making LOL R U GAY??? jokes. I remember a late episode of friends, the crux of an entire scene being that Chandler mistakenly kissed a man and Ross going LOL U KISSED A DUDE XDDD GAY!!!

This feels like something from the dark ages. We've come a long way. I hope they recut the movie.

God that was great, hopefully some sharp middle school teachers show it on no-class days at the end of the year for this alone.


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The police were grossed out because they all had relations with her/him

lurk more

You'd be grossed out too if you made out with a man.

>african culture
there is no such thing and it is racist to assume "African" is anything other than a geographical distinction

Agreed. This bulge needs to be bigger.

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Still the funniest scene in the history of cinema

Apart from that one scene, no. They took the worst traits of Ace and cranked them up to 11. It's not funny, it's just annoying.

The joke was totally worth it. Those weird tribes have tons written about them from say, the 1930's. Some of those customs are fucking bananas and I don't give a shit what sort of insensitivity it is.

Some of those tribes have absolutely fucked up and backwards traditions.

Attached: trap realization.webm (640x360, 2.38M)

>tfw translator was retarded and it was implied to be hemorrhoids
Fuck only now I see its a dick

I now this is bait, but of the small chance you people actually encounter a faggot that unironically thinks Ace Ventura is "problematic" because it makes fun of a tranny, remind them this. Finkle is not a tranny he didn't transition because he feels he is a woman he transitioned to hide himslef and carry his revenge.

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Pretty sure that's what they tried to say it was in some censorship effort. The logic, I guess being that hemorrhoids are more common in men?

One of the few examples where the sequel was better than the first.


The first movie had an eccentric guy who worked with animals, who happened to be a pretty good detective. This movie had a mentally unstable obnoxious buffoon, who merely gets caught in wacky hijinx. There's a reason this movie had very mixed reviews back in the day.
I still like it though

I still say LIKE A GLOVE all the time when driving

I watched it as a kid and genuinely believed it. And I guess that was the logic. Didn't even know about sex change horrors then

The joke was that if she was actually a woman her dick must just be a bad case of hemorrhoids. 6 year old me took it literally and thought it was actually hemorrhoids.

user! Don't just stand there, throw me a (You)!

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even in the original line he talks about hemorrhoids:
>If the lieutenant is indeed a woman as she claims to be, then she is suffering from the worst case ofhemorrhoidsI have EVER seen!

what happened to this site


>hot totally passable trap with a huge dick
>everyone shrieks in disgust

nah making out with a man is hot
making out with a diseased tranny is disgusting

The idea is that the idiots all slept with Finkle without figuring it out. That's the joke. Pretty sure it's a parody of The Crying Game.

The joke is Finkle kissed them

I still would

did anyone else see all this stuff like Ace Ventura, Mrs. Garrison, etc. and then never have any problems with transgender people growing up? like who cares? Their existence doesn't negatively impact my life at all. So you have a mannish looking person with female clothes on or vice versa. Big whoop. Plenty of uglier people out there that aren't transgender if you're some moron who takes offense that not everyone is attractive.


I didn't have a problem with trannies back in the day because they were rare as fuck to find, and everybody saw them for what they were - disgusting freaks.

I'd rather fuck a (non-troon) tranny than a full on man.

>>tfw translator was retarded and it was implied to be hemorrhoids
>Fuck only now I see its a dick

Ace isn't saying that it's hermorrhoids. He is saying that that bulge has to be genitals, because the only other explanation, hermorrhoids, would be outrageous.


its bait and you fell for it

>Does this movie still hold up?
Why do all zoomers always say this about anything made before 2010?

>disgusting freaks
Not the first guy you were responding to, but why do you think of them as disgusting freaks? Obviously they are abnormal, but they disgust you?

Culture has very little to do with race. You can call the movie "culturally insensitive" or whatever, but the movie is definitely not racist.

it's racist to hold them to their own standards

the modern criteria is whether or not someone opportunistic can accuse it to be racist

is this merely "abnormal" to you?

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not him but yeah
people with face tattoos or MAGA hats are much more concerning to me than a drag queen

how is that legal wtf
that entire class of children is now eternally traumatized

>how is that legal

and a bumblebee tuna to you too faggot

>people with face tattoos
What's the difference of someone regularly putting on Satan like make up, horns and pure black eyes and someone having a face tattoo?

Reddit, not everything is bait, some are just stupid

Man, good to know I can go to prison, have tattoos all over my body and then put horns on my head so I can read books to kids
at least I'm not wearing a maga hat, it would probably be pierced by the horns

>nooo you can't just have people in makeup read childrens books to kids
>buys grand theft auto 5 for their child

yes, that scene alone is kino

still rebelling against soccer moms, huh

Ace Ventura 2 - When Nature Calls demonstrates that Buddhist monks are racist, sexist, and absolutely HATE minorities and diversity. Buddhist monks are Asian men that only hang out with other Asian men.

They didn't like Ace Ventura when he joined them because he was white. And they gleefully celebrated when he left.


yeah man pre school children playing GTA5 lmao
also GTA5 is not in public schools and has a "Mature" rating


SHI - KA - GO!

Yep. Based beyond comprehension.

yeah, some parents actually directly pay $60 for their child to be exposed to extreme violence and sexual content lmao

Which african culture? Theres hundreds of different tribes and hundreds of different languages. Africa as a continent is fucking huge.


yeah and some parents rape their children, those are subhuman mentally ill parents

but raping children isn't shown as something normal and regular in public schools as far as I'm aware

Haha, You're outta there! Go on ! You're gone!

YOURRRRRE OUT come on, leave the thread

Yeah we know Mrs.Clinton

>strongly implying no sane person would change their sex- you'd have to go crazy to do something like that
we truly live in the dark ages, so much indisputable truth in a comedy film

> the face of every african american when they saw the movie

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*hesitantly leaves the thread, somewhat confused*

I love how brainfried twitter tumblrinas can retroactively get triggered by literally anything

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