
>Renner maintains that his daughter’s “reasonable needs” shouldn’t be more than $11,200 per month

>“The well-being of his daughter Ava has always been and continues to be the primary focus for Jeremy,” Renner’s rep told the outlet at the time. “This is a matter for the court to decide.”

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good. Fuck libtards

Who on earth needs that much as a child per month. That’s just ridiculous.

Why not just buy a hitman to off her, at that point?

>having a daughter

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Why does he need all his money?

Are most married people happy?

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>$11,200 per month

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>Renner gets JUST'd
>my faces when

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Why does she need all of his money?

his """wife""" already accused him of sending death threats
that ship has long since sailed

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She's a woman.

It's actually 30k per month but he's trying his damndest to lower it it ONLY 11k.

Because that's what they signed up for

Bet that was his dog

He'll be fine with all that Marvel money

Just marry bro. You're not incel virgin, right?

Some women are just evil

Child support has always been a scam. I speak from experience. My mother took all the child support money and spent it on herself. She fed us a single taco and a glass of water a day each while she bought herself expensive clothing and booze.

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>lost the jeremy renner app
>now this

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>Hollywood shuts down
>never recovers
>Renner is out of work
>has to keep paying child support anyway until he goes broke

For Renner, it's all over

>Leaves her and the daughter at home alone FOR MONTHS on end
>Builds his career while totally neglecting his marriage and child
>Wife's career and income opportunities are completely limited because she's spending her time raising her child like a real parent
>He expects her to fend for herself after the inevitable divorce
Make a bed, lie in it. Don't ignore your duties as a husband and father to make money, then act shocked when you have to give some of that money to the people you pledged your life to.

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We have a new king. JUST save the king

Child support wasn't the problem, your psycopath of a mother was.

alimony and child support are not based around what the child needs on some objective level

the goal is to provide a similar level of living after divorce

a baiting cuck wrote this post

ok most

she divorced him after 10 months. its like she didnt even tried

>tfw when finally got out of 8 years of alimony

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>the goal is to provide a similar level of living after divorce

I've seen this argument and it never fails to be stupid. Not that I'm suggesting you agree with it, just that it being the reason courts grant such high alimony/child support due to that reasoning is idiotic.

>how much of that fat 30k will actually go to the daughter?

I have a friend that was paying child support and then took his ex to court. He used all the social media posts of her bragging about spending the money of herself and her new boyfriend and won custody of the kids.

Someone who thinks actions having consequences is "unfair" wrote this post.

Why does she need nearly half a million tax free every year then? It absolutely can't be any less?


>no one posted it

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How can you earn so much money yet still live from paycheck to paycheck?

i hope she has to pay child support now

Well why dont she stay married to him then? What's the difference?

>The world is ending and whores are still trying to screw men over

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>Wife's career and income opportunities are completely limited
A nanny is not THAT expensive, especially with 11k every month

brainlet here
what am I looking at

She can’t be a STRONG INDEPENDENT YAAAAAS KWEEN without a man’s money

Women with high body counts divorce rape men

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no, I'm saying you wrote that post to literally bait faggots ITT

>mfw I could probably survive 3-4 years on $11,200

Some people have it easy I guess.

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arbitrating acceptable levels of abuse is a fools folly
either grow a pair or cut them off

thats what you get for getting married. Keep making fun of mgtow incels though

Not in Shitifornia

If you've got things going for you dont get married until youre old.

"child support" is obvious newspeak, 80% of that is going inside his ex's wardrobe and travel expenses.

Poor Justmy Renner.

lmao of course not

What is the benefit of marriage for the man?

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He is getting replaced in the next show by a female mutt if it ever starts filming

people can't call you an incel

>ill never get married
>thot touched guys dick once in a while
>i believe she might be the one

every single time

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You get to call other people incels on the internet.
Actually you get to do that regardless, but you'll feel a bit better about it.

They weren't married long so she wont get alimony long.

>Man’s definition of love: giving your everything to and taking care of someone
It’s in our nature

Woman’s definition of love: what makes me happy ;)


Looks like a fookin tranny

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taxation purpose

People see this happening all the time and yet they keep getting married.
The only explanation for this is that they are ok with giving away their life force to raise some kids.
Good for them I guess, but not for me.

it makes your woman happy
what more do you need?

No, I'm pretty sure marriage had tangible, monetary benefits at some point. A dowry, I believe it was called?

That tax benefit is for the couple, not the man specifically. It goes away on divorce.

Not sure but having a gf requires way more from a man than. It does a woman

Makes you more desirable to other women.

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Honest question.
Why nobody had changed that silly law in USA?
Literally every man in country (except for the sóyest of the sóy) would be thankful. That's half of country's voters.

Taxation is theft

don't marry women with high body counts then?
better yet, don't pump and dump and there will be less women with high body counts


people dont realize the career benefits of being a married man
a company doesnt want a loose cannon to be in management,
they want someone who is going to stick with the job for years and build with it, as well as be very dependant on his income

but that's just trying to attract more parasites.

because it's HIS fucking money
I wouldn't even mind that much in child support if the mother had to provide receipts to show the money was actually being spent on the child

Really makes you think, doesn't it? You see, if they changed the law, the state would have to provide for those single mothers so instead they throw the weight on the man.

based howardkipfer555

>intangible "dude trust me" benefits

Why not just wear a ring and lie on your resume?

incel bigot

...why dont they just give him the kid?

Meanwhile in the real world: the managers in corporations get younger and younger. Demanding a marriage in this situation would be ridiculous. Stop with this meme already.
>t. someone who's been working in a corporation for the last 9 years

Jeremy if you're reading this, for two months of child support I can set your future payments to zero for the rest of your life. I have experience with people that need to go away.

Dm me @HillaryClinton

>work function
>everyone expecting to meet your wife
>show up with a tranny hooker who barely knows you

good luck with that

Sexist, she is a strong, capable, and INDEPENDENT single mother who don't need no man. Just make a man give her 30,000 dollars for an X amount of years and she'll prove it bigot.

He deserves it lol