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/who/ - Doctor Who general
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I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Is this the scene where he punched that bigoted white racist in Thin Ice?
Post stories that people shit on but you like.
Leaked image of the 60th anniversary.
reminder that clara is based and redpilled since she tried to sacrifice her life only for the white male incarnations of the doctor
I have a soft spot for Gatiss it seems.
It's from Heaven Sent, when he's punching the wall that's harder than diamon.
Cold War is comfy, it's a shame they made the Ice Warrior a generic lizard in a shell though.
I really liked the idea they'd evolved those shells to protect against the atmosphere of Mars, rather than built it in a lab somewhere.
Should they ever do it?
>physically overpowers a cyborg in s8
>punches through azbantium in s9
>but punching that guy in s10 doesn't break his neck
come on now, a little consistency
Eccleston was the only good Doctor.
the trouble is that he sounds nothing like his dad.
It would be great if he had a cameo in an anniversary special though. like in day of the doctor, except you cut to him fiddling with the controls instead of using stock footage. I think that might've occured to Moffat but it's something he couldn't arrange.
They've already done Bradley so why not?
Well the final scene is her asking to him in the afterwork of the book she wrote, him racing around the TARDIS in response all excited after being despondent, and then little Amy sat on her suitcase smiling as we hear the TARDIS materialising.
>all punches are exactly the same strength
the STATE of smithtards
They weren't even allowed Mcgann, a Doctor from the 90s, the BBC would never allow a sexist racist from the 70s.
didn't know a reaction image is a sign of allegiance
Then you're as retarded as the rest of the Stirnerists.
Because she wanted his timedick. The moment he got older she changed too; she initially totally rejects him, then gets a new boyfriend, betrays him in the worst way possible while also dooming each and every person he might ever save after that point, and so on. Sure they get closer again, and he still cares for her deeply, but I never bought even by the end that her feelings had ever returned to the intensity of when he was 11.
the last punch did not have gravitas
Doctor Who general is still alive in Yas Forums? Feels like show lost all fuel years ago
Thanks user. I've wanted to see that for a long while.
Depends on whether he can do an impression.
Yes but it should be a cameo and dubbed by Tim Treloar since Tim sounds a lot like John but looks nothing like him and Sean looks like him but doesn't even come close to sound like him
The show is powered by William Hartnell. They hooked his corpse, spinning at over 10,000 RPM in his grave up to a generator.
If I remember right I think Sean has said that he wouldn't do it
Post rare Jodies
honestly bros, i always come back to this picture and wish there was more
Built for big juicy apples.
that was because s7 clara just had a childish crush
s8 was her being childish
s9 she loved him for real, they were just both so retarded that she literally had to die for her to realize they're both too autistic to talk about it
>the bbc will in no way condone the sexualization of women
>unless they're dykes then they can be as slutty as you want
I originally posted that image you faggot and every time I stick my head in this thread you keep posting the same image and the same unfunny tag.
Stop running the joke into the ground.
The absolute fucking state of jodiefags
You just know
>the 13th doctor's costume has an LGBT stripe on it
i never noticed that before
bravo bbc
Have you not seen an episode of the new series?
They plaster Jodie with rainbows all the time
>Jodie makes a cute video for little kids
>the forum verges
>No sign of the usual suspects
>No clarafags
>Not even the rare Missyfag
>Lack of comfy threads
>Who is on hiatus for the foreseeable future
>Finished all the recent audiobooks
>Not even a companion titty poster
Start the damn thread before I piss meself.
How would the show have differed if the "Master is the Doctor's brother" storyline had been allowed to play out?
Rank 'em.
>Actual shit
They knew exactly what they were doing giving her a nog love interest, nothing about this show will ever piss me off as much as that
>only 15,947 days to go until the Doctor Who 100th anniversary special
I've always liked Black Orchid but most people don't. It's one of the few purely historical stories and the Doctor's presence is pretty much superfluous. I think I like the idea of them just being Time Tourists and not having to save the whole universe every week.
It would have been aids.
My head canon is that 12 and Missy hit it off and travel the universe together and begin to fall in love.
Brother or relative is ok...but how about if the master is actually an incarnation of Susan who has become jaded and cruel after being abandoned by the Doctor
>My head canon is that 12 and Missy hit it off and travel the universe together and begin to fall in love.
And why does the Master and the Doctor being siblings preclude that?
NuWho was never canon.
Love and monsters. Do people shit on boom town if so that too.
Who knows if Gallifreyan society had a taboo regarding sibling relationships, since regenerations generates a lottery of DNA anyway, and isn't birth on Gallifrey a soft form of cloning?
Looms or some shit right?
If the Master and the Doctor were related it'd be weird but not jarring Since every timelord/Gallifreyan is technically related to the Doctor, and even caused the Master to sperg out when he confronted them about it
about the same. Their childhood friends so it's close to that already.
>childhood friends are the same as siblings
based department?
Well since we know the Doctor's DNA is in every Timelord, the whole race are brother and sister, which makes Gallifrey a planet of incest.
Based and Clom-pilled
First thing I do if I ever become showrunner is bring the abzorbaloff back just to spite /who/.
fuck you now i have to go rewatch heaven sent
But every time they regenerate they change every cell of their DNA though, so it's only incest in regard to observation of the person's name or title.
If they fucked one another (which they probably did) it wouldn't cause any difficulties in their gene pool or the like, so it would be irrelevant
/Who/ loves Abzorbaloff lad.
Love and Monsters is a pleb filter.
But if every cell of their DNA changed they'd fuck up the regeneration gene pretty quickly. Also when Jodie scanned Ruth she confirmed they were the same person, there has to be some sort of baseline that doesn't change.
Trips of truth.
The kiddywinks who grew up with that episode and unironically liked it are in college now. You won’t be pissing off that many people.
Post some pics of Jodie
>the only problem with incest is genes
So fucking your step-siblings is fine to you?
most of moffat's characters (other than the doctor) were shit, but i liked clara
Sally Sparrow was good
the moment was pretty based desu
Maybe when they nicked the regeneration shit from Doc and injected it into themselves, it fused with their very essence? Like in their blood? Who fucking knows lad.
In regards to the scan thing, maybe it's a time scanner and they can review that person's past? Rather than their DNA?
We see something similar in 11's first episode when the eye thing scanned Doc and we see the other incarnations. Same applies to Daleks. Also, if it was a bioscanner and it saw two hearts, pretty sure it's always gonna be the doc since master is dead.
As mentioned, Gallifreyan society isn't even close to Earth, let alone Western earth.
They probably would fuck step siblings since they seem to wank over purity and the like
You guys know it's just a TV show, right?
>Western earth.
What did you mean by this?
You know it's fun to discuss and put forward ideas that are better and more thought out than the ones on a TV show, right?
Western society, the one which frowns upon incest and relationships within the familial circle, blood or not.