The great debate

The great debate

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The only time ever that Brie Larson looked attractive

dont no what this is from but objectively
>bottom right
>top left
>top right

>bottom left

Knives because she's a teenager.

disagree if ya gay

In the story bottom left is objetively best girl


knives was best girl but I could never in a million years resist PUTA

Larson all the way

Attached: daisy as ramona.jpg (416x554, 148.74K)

Knives > Envy > Kim > Dog shit > Ramona

someone arrange them into a political compass

dios mio....................

Attached: GET THIS OFF MY SIGHTS.png (560x768, 315.8K)

Ramona, she's the perfect combination of aloof and interested. Knives is too clingy and Kim is a frigid bitch, Envy is hot but too self-involved to be likable.

Attached: scarlet as ramona.jpg (416x554, 148.82K)

>bottom right
>top right
>top left
>bottom left

Attached: 1584713708315.webm (960x960, 3M)

Daily reminder

They’re all trash

There is no debate

Attached: puta.jpg (600x846, 85K)

you know a girl is ugly if they have to turn side profile for a photo

My piss in that cup btw

delete this



>not ranking Knives first
faggots, the lot of you

Make me

Attached: putaa.jpg (2040x2500, 922.19K)


Attached: PUTA.jpg (2040x2500, 983.09K)

Scott Pilgrim ruined an entire generation of men by convincing them they could score a hot girlfriend with pop culture references

I did rate Knives first, nigger.



>All in for knives

>hot girlfriend
What? The dumpster fire in Pilgrim?

knives is the clear choice


This is called a cope

>The great debate

Attached: best girl.gif (500x270, 624.99K)

millennials are just a garbage generation
t. 32 year old millenial




That's it boys. Thread over.

Attached: Brie as Ramona.jpg (1200x1322, 472.9K)

Lisa > Highschool Lisa > Comic Ramona > Highschool Comic Kim > Movie Knives > Comic Kim > Comic College Envy > Movie Kim > Comic Knives > Comic Envy > Movie Ramona > Movie Envy

Attached: hqdefault (42).jpg (480x360, 36.64K)

You will never have this...

>asian cutie literally obsessed with you
>moon face
>fungus foot
There's no debate.

Based af

Puta > Alison pill > brie > knives

>1. Kim, she is frigid but she would stick it out and put out once in a while and be fun to chill with in general the sex life would be there but not fantastic it would be adequate though
>2. Knives she is clingy which would get annoying but always be happy to see you and do what you wanted including nasty or weird shit snd she is definitely loyal
>3. Envy complete bitch but that pussy is probably bomb and she might be willing to do butt stuff on your birthday, would fuck but wait and let the relationship implode
>4. Ramona trash, has had miles of cock in her already, dated a poo, massive baggage and irl would be a herion addict, good for a weekend not a relationship

Brie is best Ramona

Attached: 20200325_192545.jpg (334x358, 41.68K)

Ol' fungus foot it is.

I can hardly even begin to imagine how tight Knives is
Plus she gets wet over basic garage rock. Definitely top wife material and it's not even close.

Kim for days. The movie didn't do her justice.

God i hate roasties

Aubrey Plaza

Attached: plaza.jpg (299x168, 5.52K)

No further discussion needed.


Attached: 25DA3BAE-D2CE-4700-AE10-9DF97F27716F.jpg (389x653, 29.26K)

Dated a girl exactly like Knives once, she was eager to please but terrible in bed, got tiring pretty quickly. The dirty texts she sent were better than the actual sex, still have them saved and jerk to them occasionally.

And this is called absolute rock bottom standards.


Attached: yi4kcvztjh911.jpg (1280x720, 78.07K)


This, or maybe swap around Envy and Kim. I can't believe I actually liked Ramona when the movie came out.

This probably is just a meme but retarded art hoes already existed years before this movie came out.

>the actress playing Kim has nice, giant tits

Attached: 201909221721-1.png (1432x1390, 1.14M)

Friendly reminder that 14-17 is NOT a child and is NOT pedophilia and you're a faggot if you lump the two things together


Attached: kim.png (291x290, 122.02K)

Ramona and Envy are like cousins desu

It's knives, there is no debate

get that prolapse the hell out of here