Dr. Grant, I'm DNA

Dr. Grant, I'm DNA.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Frog DNA, no charge

is that pusy? what does pusy taste like?

Dr. Grant, I'm hello John

>Spare no expense
>Doesn't pay his IT guy

Tree sap


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Hello John

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What did John do with his clones?

He abandoned them, hoping they'd all die from the lysine contingency, but they survived by getting lysine from other sources, and then some of them changed sex and they started reproducing amongst themselves.

Bullshit. I bet he just fed them to the dinosaurs

>my fee? You can keep it. All I want in exchange for my services is the right to hunt one of the Johns. A male, a buck only. How and why are my business.

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Ran his business empire for InGen, that's how he funded Jurassic Park. All those "investors" he talked about were his clones.

Uhh... you don't get to clone friends...

>...what species is this?
>Uh, it's a Hammond


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Hello John!

turned them into cheap labor

So much for our first thread, two shitposters and one saged copypaste.

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You you two uh, dig up, uh dig up dinosaur bones?

You're a clever girl.

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This rich guy comes into your trailer, and slaps open that champagne you were saving.
What do you do?

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John paid Newman EXACTLY what Newman asked to be paid.
I'm sorry about your financial problems, I really am. But they are: YOUR. PROBLEMS.

Hack his computers with my Unix skills

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Probably figured he'd get a good inheritance from his dad

You'd think he would be a little more forgiving considering he was nedrys dad.

ah ah ahh
ah ah ahh
ah ah ahh




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Mister Deedelay, where did you come from?

Did we ever see anyone die on camera from a velociraptor? It's always obscured or it cuts away.

Are these characters autoerotica?

I never read the book, is it how explained how John came to be the head of a major dinosaur cloning company despite knowing nothing about dinosaurs or cloning? The movie makes it seem like he knew jack shit about dinosaurs and just wanted to make wacky theme parks. Also the part where he said his first 'park' was a tiny mechanical flea circus made me think he was originally dirt poor if he was depending on kids and street walkers to give him money to look at it

From your butt!

>chilli and seabass

Who the fuck does this?

Remember when this was an actual scene in JP3?
God every movie but the first sucked

>Spared no expense
>Couldn't afford to build a concrete moat around the exhibits like every other zoo in the world

>The self-replicating boomers
Horror kino.

Those that catch Chilean seabass

Deck him right in his 104 year old face

It could have been worse, John. A lot worse.

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John isn't the head of a dinosaur cloning company he's the CEO of Ingen a megacorp with it's fingers in many pies Jurrasic Park is just a side project. In the book it was just a cover for their more nefarious uses of gene splicing and cloning tech.

Book Hammond and Movie Hammond are basically different characters with Book Hammond being your typical corporate bad guy that only cares about profit and his image, while movie Hammond is well intentioned and wanted to use advanced technology to amaze people with something they have never seen before.

As for his understanding of dinosaurs and cloning he probably isn't an expert he's the just the guy signing the checks as well as being the idea guy.

>HELLO, John. HELLO, John. HELLO, John. HELLO, John. HELLO, John. HELLO, John.
>Fine I guess, but, eh, how did I get here?
>HELLO, John. Well, HELLO, John, first I'll need a "HELLO, John." You're "HELLO, John" to be exact.
>*poke* Ooh.... HELLO, John.
>Relax, John, it's all part of the miracle of cloning.
>Hello, John.
>Hehe, Hello, John.
>HELLO, John.
>Hello, John.
>HELLO, John.


You ever seen The Prestige?

What a complete slob.

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the things folk create

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Heh heh hehhh, aarrrhehehe heh HEH HAR HAH HAAR!

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>IRL it would have been vore or tanny gashes filling the screen.

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Stick his head under the seismic scanning thing and fire it.

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Welcome to Late Cretaceous park!

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>But John, grass hadn't evolved like this during that time. This isn't accurate!
>You're right, send a flamethrower and herbicide squad.

I made that webm!

Spared no expense.

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How did they clone the prehistoric plants? Why did they even bother? Was it the male mosquitoes drinking nectar?

>White bitches dead we gett'n da fuck outta here.