What's the explanation behind the massive quality difference between episodes? The first three were decent popcorn shit even if full of tropes and then out of nowhere it's unwatchable
What's the explanation behind the massive quality difference between episodes...
episode six was kino
This was the best episode.
I dropped it within 5 mins the female character was ridiculous
>This was the best episode
Agreed. It's the one I ended up rewatching the most.
This show is highly overrated and the plot goes nowhere.
What's the explanation for people liking the Mandalorian at all? It's simplistic, played out and feels like a shoddy youtube fan series. It even reuses plots from TCW.
It was a movie and they turned it into a series. The movie was split up into episodes and the filler episodes were added.
I dislike women so I dislike this show
Since its star wars it is compared to the massive failure that is the star wars movies currently. People want Star Wars and this is the only thing that is watchable.
that makes sense, they've got about a movies worth of good stuff. Now it will just be forgotten in a sea of shitty media, good job execs
me 2
People just need to see a brand name that's trending for them to buy something. In this case, people saw Star Wars attached to it and watched it.
Compared to the rest of nu-StarWars it's an absolute breath of fresh air. People like it's small stakes, simplicity, and characters. If the superhero shit has proved anything it's that going bigger and bigger in spectacle eventually is just fucking boring. Mandalorian is a throwback to a simple, comfy Western. Is it tropey? Yeah, sure, but when it does the tropes so well with great direction (art, acting, etc.) it's easy to enjoy it.
Plus I'm personally a huge sucker for any "old badass has to deal with a kid" cliche. Logan, The Nice Guys, literally feed this plot to me in any way you want it's almost always fantastic.
I asked Yas Forums why everyone seemed to love this show despite the fact that literally (in the real sense of the word, not the fake usage) nothing of consequence happens and the main character ends the last episode in the exact same narrative position he ended the 2nd episode.
When he first flees Bounty Hunter Planet with Baby Yoda in episode 2, he's got exactly the same amount of friends, enemies, and people hunting him as he does when he flees the planet in episode 8. The only actual difference is now he's got a new female friend who might help him sometime in the future.
Yas Forums's response was "lololol u got filtered lol dont u know its a homage to old western serielas lololol pleb", as if not having any sort of arc or narrative progression somehow makes a show better just because it's episodic.So again, is this a feature, or a bug?
It was the worst. The Twilek were cringe and annoying and fucking Bill Burr? Seriously?
Spaghetti western for ADHD zoomers
I liked the episodes that had nothing to do with the main plot the best because they reminded me of old Star Trek/old tv in general where the characters would go on the adventure of the week, it was comfy. I'm not sure why every show nowadays has to only be ten episodes or less per season and every episode has to focus on the main plot.
I like it because it's good. I don't know what TCW is and haven't watched a Star Wars movie since the first awful podracing prequel. Simplistic can be good since Star Wars is so convoluted and retarded. MUH FEDERATION TAXES AND POLITICS AND MIDCHORINE BAT SOUP
That episode was the worst though. Hardly any baby yoda which everyone on earth agrees carried the show
That episode was a perfect encapsulation of what the show should be, a western in space with unique, colorful characters and a fun self-contained story. Yes, it is the best episode so far.
That's like saying the briefcase carried Pulp Fiction.
Mandalorian and Rogue One were the only Star Wars products that I have seen since Episode III that I even remotely enjoyed and I have CONSOOOMED everything.
That's not something I've given much thought to. Lots of fun shows are like that, each episode could stand on its own, but many newer shows just stretch out one main plot and add filler to make it a series.
the series was actually a video game in tv form
Next quest
then another quest
Final Boss
Is Roque One the one where Donnie Yen babbles about being a Chinese Jedi?
In what way? She was believable.
>What's the explanation behind the massive quality difference between episodes?
Most people attribute it to the fact that Dave Filoni raped and murdered a girl in 1997
I don't believe anyone on earth can be filtered by something as accessible as this
yet you have somehow managed it
There are worse narrative structures. At least there aren't 20 minutes of each episode with some side character building a porch or something THAT'S RIGHT MIKE I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU YOU'D BETTER FORGET SAUL AND CALL LIFEALERT BECAUSE YOU'VE FALLEN AND CAN'T GET UP
nah i'm not saying its a bad narrative structure. it actually fits the genre since Mando is a bounty hunter who goes around and takes quests. The dialogue just sometimes feels so cringe though
I think SW fans like it because of its simplicity and low stakes. Its comfy and has that star wars feel but doesn't fuck with SW canon and spit in the face of Lucas' work like most of the other disney stuff has
>What's the explanation for people liking the Mandalorian at all?
It's fun.
>dialogue just sometimes feels so cringe though
Karl Weathers disappointed me a bit, and Gina Carano still hasn't gotten any better at acting. I feel like she holds it back from being great. She's believable, physically, though which is more than I can say about any other Marvel/Disney wahmen
Different directors and writers for each episode.
Like all good shows.
The main female character only appeared in the 4th episode you fucking annoying poltard. So really you dropped it hours in.
She also fought cyborg in mma, so could actually kick your ass which I assume is the part that makes you feel insecure.
it's a decently made western with a SW skin.
also this nigga is fuckin ridiculously charismatic, even with the helmet
I really really like this series.
Somehow Disney shat the bed with the movies yet put out a good TV series. Why is that?
tranny, you're so mad you can't read properly
he was clearly talking about the twi'lek in episode six
That's only an explanation to why people checked it out, not why they liked it.
>it does the tropes so well
I didn't see that. Training the locals to fight and preparing for an invasion was very underwhelming, and then the payoff is bad, especially against a single Walker, which otherwise gets easily taken out by teddy bears.
The stoic, pragmatic protagonist has a heart of gold, so of course he rescues the child, but it kind of just stops there.
>Pedro Pascal
>Clancy Brown
>Bill Burr
>Mark Boone Jr
>Richard Ayoade
Kino cast, kino episode.
Because the creative people behind the TV series actually love Star Wars and respect the lore and the fans, something which cannot be said for the creative teams behind the movies.
they had several different directors. all the kino episodes were by deborah chow.
>"people" still watching nuwars
It is called binge watching. That is their company policy.
is that fuckin billy red balls?
Why is he supposed to have a lot more friends at the end of the season? He's a loner that lives on the fringes of society, how many people is he supposed to have on call? Was he supposed to assemble Dumbledore's army or something?
He's a big guy. And a hothead too.
Deborah Chow, who should be making Lifetime and Women's Channel movies exclusively and is in all likelihood a Kathleen Kennedy shoe-in and/or concession by Favreau faction.
It was the worst imho
The middle episodes were weaker somewhat, but there wasn't a single episode in the season I would say is 'bad." It seems to me you just wanted a more concise narrative, which is understandable.
Then why did they release the episodes one at a time a week apart?
>Why is he supposed to have a lot more friends at the end of the season?
That's not the point and either you know it and are being a retard, or don't know it which means you're also a retard. The point isn't that he's "supposed to have more friends", the point is nothing is actually accomplished. The friend(s) he does make are intentionally left offscreen exactly SO they can be "on call" for future episodes, but distant enough to pretend he's still a "loner". This means that anything that any individual episodes tried to accomplish with their self-contained stories having larger implications on the narrative is erased for the sake of somehow having nothing actually progress. You can tell the story of a loner character who wanders around place to place, and still actually have some narrative progression across the entire series.
But this show is actually designed so that literally nothing of consequence has changed between the first and last episode.
The rise of binge watching is cancer and the way it influences the development of content makes me hate "TV shows" nowadays.
She's too competent for what you're describing. You must be thinking of the Jessica Jones lady.
Doesn't apply to the Mandalorian. It was not released all at once.
Maybe that's why I liked The Mandalorian then. That, and as pointed out, the middle episodes really allowed the show time to breathe.
Basically every single episode of the show either affects the main plot or creates plot threads that could be used in a subplot sometime in the future. I'm not sure what you mean when you say that nothing has progressed when every single episode has the Mandalorian either making a new connection that he can call on in the future or pissing off someone who may come after him for revenge. If you want a major shift in characterization you aren't going to get it because that's not the kind of character the Mandalorian is.
The majority of the first season was spent allowing the audience to discover who the Mandalorian was. Why does he hate droids? Why does he care about some random kid? Sure the answer was pretty standard, but it still allows the audience to go through a journey of learning more about the character himself. It'll be future seasons where the Mandalorian can slowly change and open up, and even in season one he made some progress by befriending those villagers and trusting that one droid.
Werner Herzog
>Licks dagger
Coming off of TLJ it's basically the best thing ever in terms of star wars.
the bdh episode sucked