Looks like kino is back
Looks like kino is back
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when is it coming out
Gotta say, I either hate most live action anime or enjoy it ironically, but the Kenshin live action movies so far were actually great. Looking forward to this.
July for Final
August for Beginning
The last movie in the series was trash. Lol when Saito one shot the turtle shield guy.
Who's he fighting? That the blind guy who can feng sui the shit out of him or something like that. The show went to shit after Schizo.
the only issue is that we'll all be dead by then
Brother of her late gf
this is after the anime arcs since the anime never finished the manga before ending
You thought that was bad? Look at what they did to my poor boy Sojiro.
the chinese
Japanese people can't act.
I need to watch Sword of the Stranger again. That was a good anime.
This was in a league of its own. Piss on all the rest of it. Kino to the max. I paid over $100 to get the blu-ray release imported when it finally came.out. Still was worth it. That shit actually made me cry.
Music was really good too.
all kung fu moves are effeminate men pretending to be masculine badasses
it's so cringy.
Even Jackie Chan movies?
batosai los cojone
Probably will watch it on the cinema
wasn't the writer of this manga a cunnyseur
It didn't stick, if I remember correctly.
yes, he had tons of RL cunny on his computer
yes it did, he paid a fine
something like $5000
especially ones starring that homosexual clown
This was pretty good too
Don't wanna watch shit where small dicked Asians are the protags.
Kenshin should be a White Man.
Oh fuck
Who plays Tomoe?
Kasumi Arimura
>Japaneses doing a Chinese story
This is weird
They all look and sound the same to me.
I agree, pic related was a disgrace
I still think Emi Takei is qter
>kenshin not played by a girl
You would know since you are gay yourself user
Yeah, I already watched that one, kino reunion between Forzer and Meteor
>No arc with Yahiko beating one of the 10th swords
>He's going to beat one of the mythical beasts bodyguards
[x] doubt
Why? I was thinking of watching it, did it suck?
All live action anime made by japan were made for japanese people
the lupin the 3rd live action was made for western audiences
So is good then
I'm not entirely against that, how did that fuck it up? Lupin and the gang travel the world a lot, it fits.
It's okay.
does the live action hav the guy with the bandages? thats all i remember from the anime
Its capeshit-tier with bug people talking in forced english
The 2nd and 3rd movie has Shishio, yes
I like the ED song. Will they ever use the song from anime? Or are all live action movies obligated to use new music ?
The swords look too rubbery and they attack like they were baseball bats, sad
The new movie has him too... It's on the cast list
>japanese """""acting""""""
Is that Yumi?!! holy shit what an ugly monster
Any other good anime live action movies?
I've only seen:
>Crows Zero 1+2 (10/10)
>Kaiji (mediocre-okay movies, but I still really liked both as I love any Kaiji work)
>Death Note (OG Jap live-action, pretty fun even if not really great movies)
What is this? isn't there 3 movies already?
Tokyo Tribe is the only valid answer
>Any other good anime live action movies?
>I've only seen:
>>Crows Zero 1+2 (10/10)
>>Kaiji (mediocre-okay movies, but I still really liked both as I love any Kaiji work)
>>Death Note (OG Jap live-action, pretty fun even if not really great movies)
Chihayafuru or Inuyashiki
What the fuck is this shit?? Is China trying to be like "no hard feeling-lings for destroying the economy and killing millions of people lol"
If you watch this chink shit then fuck you! These cocksuckers deserve no mercy
And Gantz too, I forgot about that. First Gantz film is great, second one is OK.
Thanks. Sion Sono is bretty good.
>Chihayafuru or Inuyashiki
Thanks, both look pretty good.