Says he's going to give you NEETbux

>says he's going to give you NEETbux
>then tells you to get back to work

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>American Healthcare can handle Corona at the same level as Italyt
tik tok Americhubs.

i know for a fact that Obama would have handled this cornavirus bullshit 1000x better than drumpf. what a fucking retarded boomer.

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Wageslaves should have months worth of savings. Businesses and Corporations don't need even a week of cash reserves. In fact they ought to be leveraged with debt beyond their actual value.
That's the message. That's how you get yuge market numbers.

>Neetbux AND salary
Imagine being a pure neet or a pure wagie

this is unironically true, every generation wants to give their children better lives

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Just like he handled healthcare and the wars in the mid east too huh?

Its gonna be massacre in the US.

Lmao flip my burger, wagie

Crashing the global economy... WITH NO SURVIVORS

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why are americans so dumb?

>what was swine flu
He handled a much less dangerous disease far worse.

dude that pic CAN'T be real

Handing out NEETBUX only helps the economy if people actually spend it freely. If people sit on it and make it stretch as far as possible because they're afraid they'll be out of work indefinitely, it will have the opposite effect. So yeah, they need to get people back to work ASAP. That doesn't mean being stupid and making the pandemic situation worse if it can be helped, but it does mean that planning for a six or nine month lockdown (like Cuomo has said) is courting disaster.

The fuck are you on about? The economy is destroyed, how did Obama do worse than that?

What will you do with your coronabux?

I'm going to pay off my debts and try to save as much as I can

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>wanting to give your life to this twitter generation

fuck that.

National embarrassment for 4 years straight

Really? Did he keep downplaying the pandemic for weeks and call it a hoax until he pulled a 180 and started claiming he had been calling it a pandemic for ages? And then give himself a 10/10 when asked to grade his handling of the situation?


Get ready for 4 more. DNC so weak they're honestly trotting out Biden.

trump did not handle anything yet

It takes two seconds to google it.

How many ICU there are in the US? Thinking positive around 0,2% of the infected will need, and if we say that maybe 50 or 40% will be infected that might be around 300k beds. Could the US sustain it?

>willing to do anything for anybody

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Need I remind you that the DEMOCRATS in the senate are the ones BLOCKING your trumpbux right now

>Did he keep downplaying the pandemic for weeks and call it a hoax until he pulled a 180 and started claiming he had been calling it a pandemic for ages?
I mean he just golfed for 3 weeks and didn't even mention it until it had killed thousands so it was worse than that.

B-but if drumf helps the A-American people then they m-might like him!!! It’s a risk we are not willing to take!!

realistically speaking how much longer will this shit take to blow over. We can't just let the economy tank like this forever, we need to reopen stores before the lack of profits forces everyone but amazon and Disney to shut down complete.

Didn't people used to have insurance for this sort of thing? Why can't you buy insurance for losing your job in the case of an epidemic? Maybe if the government were out of the way and not giving people welfare, there would be a much greater supply of insurance and a much more subtle one.

Wageslaves have debt because of low interest rates, which is why corporations are levered up.

Burgers are getting CORONA'D hard

>it's actually just to bail out businesses

>DemonRats are psychopaths
What else is new?

The virus was unavoidable

>This is a bad thing

>everyone stopping working, reducing supply
>Fed printing money for trumpbux
what could go wrong?

Do you get all of your retarded opinions from left-wing media or are some of them original?

several months at least

trump saying he wants the economy to be at 100% again by easter is retarded

trump fucking sucks and has handled this mess poorly, but youre retarded if you think anyone else would do much better, if at all. The first time the president starts panicking or making this seem serious, America would fucking collapse


Because they want the bill to block corporations from using the money they could receive for stock buybacks, block stupid shit like anti-abortion amendments being added to it, give funding to schools, give people MORE money than what republicans want, deny Mnuchin from getting a giant corporate slush fund, prevent utilities from being cut off, give more money to food assistance, etc.

The republican senate bill basically just wants to give corporate bailouts and some leftover crums for people who aren’t filthy rich.

Which month was this? It sounds familiar, but I want to hear it from you to be sure.

Why isn't it? Businesses should be saving for a rainy day.

Want corona relief?
First you have to fund immigration assistance (when borders are closed) JFK school of performance arts, NASA, global warming research and you need diversity quotas if you want government loans for your business which the government itself shut down

paying off the car loan i took out 4 years ago without a stable, well paying job like a fucking retard

In that case he should probably have started planning for it in November last year

>thinks I remember the exact month of an epidemic that happened over a decade ago

>block corporations from using the money they could receive for stock buybacks
Maybe if they raised interest rates, corporations would stop doing this.

>dem block neet bucks
>force everyone to go back to work
>millions dead
>free to import millions of third worlders
>give them neet bucks
>Brazil 2.0

Wouldn't have made a difference. Would have spread either way. No one was stopping this thing. Libs just need something new to complain about since they've failed on all fronts.

>people who barely make it living paycheck to paycheck are expected to have months of savings for emergencies
>corporations with revenue in the tens of billions demand bailouts after a couple of down weeks

he does what his jewish masters tell him so back work, goy? why does Yas Forums like this israeli puppet anyway, just to the libs ?

You mean just like getting tax cuts would make them invest more? Oh wait, even then they just inflated their own stock worth by giant buybacks.

I don’t understand what’s going on and I live in Los Angeles and could honestly give a rats fucking ass about a flu pandemic Jesus Christ why is this generation so weak

>Did he keep downplaying the pandemic for weeks

based retard

Democrats are blocking it so they can try to sneak in all their pet projects like requiring same day voter registration for all federal elections and Green New Deal shit and more diversity quotas. Fucking ridiculous how both sides try to add tons of unrelated things to every bill. There needs to be a limit of 100 pages to every bill to cut down pork and so people can actually read what is in there. After Pelosi got her hands on the Republican bill it went from around 400 pages to 1200 pages.


Why lie? The timeline is publicly available and very clearly presented on the CDC website. The CDC activated its Emergency Operations Center on April 22, which was three days BEFORE the WHO declared it a public health emergency of international concern on April 25, and when there were only 2 known cases in the USA. Obama then declared a public health emergency the following day, April 26. Measures were preemptive and when the first actions and declarations were made by the Obama administration there were maximum 20 confirmed cases, no deaths.

Your argument is just cynicism.

>this other thing didn't work therefore nothing will work
>btw, I hate business

Trump could cure this unavoidable disease with his bare hands and the tolerant left would still find something to complain about. Why do you guys still entertain these faggots after all their failed attempts at defamation?

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Did Israel give him a call? This 180 is too much even for Trump.

>Preparing tests, preparing for economic impacts and producing medical equipment and prepping the health industry for a pandemic and collecting all known data as the events unfold to inform your administration and the public wouldn't have made a difference
Yeah those freakin libs are so stupid

Same day registration is a good thing, considering how trigger happy republicans are in purging voter rolls. Why wouldn’t you want as many people to be allowed to vote? Voter suppression is anti democratic.

RIP drumpy

Trump can't even put correctly some tan on his face LMFAO

>Trump could cure this unavoidable disease with his bare hands and the tolerant left would still find something to complain about. Why do you guys still entertain these faggots after all their failed attempts at defamation?

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>boomers used to be able to buy a house working minimum wage
>lived in the greatest era of human prosperity in history
>decided to import a billion shitskins and outsource everything
>most young people today will never ever be able to afford their own home and work more than their parents ever did with higher levels of education for worse pay
>boomers wonder why they're so lazy

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Good, you can't make something out of nothing.

If you want money go get a job.

Why is it bad to prevent corporations, who time and time again prove to only care about padding their own pockets, from misusing the money they would get from the government? Why are you such a corporate dick sucker?

To be honest, his hands are so small he could probably strangle the virus with them.

does user not remember the dead swine flu bodies flooding the streets of America? it was an atrocity. all government organizations are propaganda and disinfo machines first and foremost

That's because democrats spent it, and won't let any deal pass until American poor are robbed to fund more immgirants.

Why do we live in a country where the government has to prepare anything? Can't the free market deal with creating more tests and making more ventilators etc? It seems like the bureaucracy would hurt more than help in this situation.

Literally wouldn't. It was still gonna get here and blow up. The incubation period is its best weapon.

Not boomers lol
They don’t even help their kids get jobs

Hillary may be a tranny, and a lizard, and some sort of reanimated zombie, not to mention being a narcissistic child-killing psychopath, but it was HER TURN goddamit

If you don’t want to be criticized maybe don’t run for the highest office in the country where you’re responsible for the lives and well being of hundreds of millions of people. Criticism and attacks are part of the job.

If same day voter registration is accompanied with strict requirements to verify identity and residency I have no problem with it. But of course Democrats think it is racist to prove you are who you say you are and you are a legal resident of your state so we aren’t getting those two things together.

Anyways, the broader point is stop packaging together unrelated topics. Election laws have fuck-all to do with the pandemic.

Why does anyone still support this fucking idiot? Purely for the lolz? Why are Republicans trolling America so hard?

I understand you can't avoid people having criticism, I just don't get why people still give you guys any attention. The dems have become the party who cried wolf.

So you guys have officially moved from it being a hoax, then to it being handled well, then to it not lasting very long anyway, and now finally landed on there was nothing we could have done anyway?

Cuomo said 4-9 for the whole thing to end. His current plan is to expedite tests like SK did, problem is that they're much later than SK was on it. This is why they closed everything for the next couple of weeks so that we could catch-up on tests.One of the benefits is that the technology has improved and soon we'll have 45-minute results.

Seeing the mutts get utterly raped by Corona makes my peepee hard.

You're retarded please kill yourself imbecile

He's falling for the bull trap today.

I stand corrected

>more will die in a recession so no lol

maybe someone should remind Drumpf his real estate value in NYC will plummet if that place becomes the epicentre of that virus

>implying red team or blue team would have changed a damn thing
Maybe having an economy based on getting indebted is not a great plan?

It's an unavoidable disease and the libs are overreactionaries. Truly the party of women. Hard pass.

No you really don't. Please kill yourself you waste of space.