What killed western animation?
What killed western animation?
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user don't leave us hanging...
Adult westerners don't watch cartoons
Those who do are all autistic so they are better served by Japanese cartoons
CGI killed it.
blame pixar.
Childrens cable networks starving for content have made millions of hours of shovelware garbage for years now. It far outstrips the actual good stuff that came before it.
how can lines drawn by a fat japanese pedophile turn me on so much
literally lines
Came here to post this, bless you user.
3D CG animation. It's all shit, no matter what, good 2D animation will always be the best.
Westerners wanting to be paid fairly.
Insect people work themselves to literal death for far cheaper.
It was never alive to begin with. 99% all Hollywood animation can be described as a combination of musical and family adventure comedy. Even going back to the early 40s. I don't think there is one single Hollywood animation that is a drama.
It's seen as childish and inappropriate for older audiences. This severely restricts what can be made as there is an odd idea in Hollywood that any film aimed towards children must be incredibly basic and mindless.
99% of animation is aimed at children and adolescents, that's what killed it. They never used the medium to it's full extent.
they're not just random scribbles, user
I want to come inside
Unironically the new generation of animators all being weirdos who grew up on tumblr. We're never going go be able to escape the twee quirky aesthetic.
this. no respectable western animator will ever work for pennies and it's almost always been cheaper to simply outsource animation to gook sweatshop (has been happening since the 70s, look it up, nearly every western animated cartoon has been animated by a gook/jap studio). Since western artists want to be paid more, they get no work, no work and no money means no motivation to animate, since it's a long, tedious and painstaking process. All that work can be done at very little cost and time by worker ant gooks who work like machines. Capitalism is what killed western animation, essentially.
The problem is older and deeper than tumblr
The only people who got off to the weird shit in old cartoons were poorly socialized autists.
A trend of de-valuing the work of animators and the value of the art form since the 40s when Disney gained a stranglehold on the industry and decided it was disposable children's entertainment. Other studios have followed suit, making it harder and harder each decade to push the medium to its potential. Couple that with CGI, death of the traditional analog methoods and cal arts, and we have a situation where you'd have to be a glutton for punishment to want to work in the field.
Unironically this
It's natural. Don't try to deny your feelings user.
the jews
Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network's cheap looking shit
Horse gal, but ara ara words.
animation just isn't and never really has been respected in the west. look at all those pointless, soulless live action remakes who exist for no other reason than to "legitimize" what was already good
t.horse fuckers
incompetence and laziness
jewish nepotism and design by committee
not a furry but
Western Animation is not dead, as it was saved by Christy Karacas
Disney's theatrical monopoly meant there was an incredible lack of genetic diversity so when the first wave of Pixar virus hit them and took them out then theatrical animation died with them in America.
The french animation is still based.
That it is
The world forsake our lord and savior, John K
Also the 08 economic crisis permanently changed the way people saw and made movies
You're the man now, dog.
I’m surprised no ones really said it but dubbing anime is what killed western animation. At least in the late 90’s with the introduction of Pokemon. Before Pokemon and Sailor Moon you had really expensive cartoons like Animaniacs or Tiny Tuned which had the blessing of Steven Spielberg behind it and well as bankrolling it. But once western companies figured out you could bring over Power Rangers, fit in an american cast and just take their robot fighting scenes from Japan, the appeal of cheap entertaibmdnt dominating western animation. Pokemon, sailor moon, and dragon ball just became the final nail in the coffin since it was all animated and just needed English voices.
But I think western animation has revived and is doing well thanks to cable networks and subscription streaming. And I’d say thanks to adult swim we have a lot more adult oriented animation because it was a testing grounds for it.
Ah bad English and typing phone makes poor language, sorry
There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a horse, we have bonded with them for generations upon generations
Western animation is finally starting to wake up thanks to anime influence breaking the decades-long Disney conditioning about how animation should be treated. Moving online is the best thing for western animation, there's less expectation for online stuff to appeal to "everybody" and they're fine targeting niche audiences.
Why am I here? Why am I browsing this board?
Ralph Bakshi too.
No, you zoomed right passed furry all the way to bestiality.
>he put this on facebook with his real name
How autistic and socially unaware does someone need to be
Normal sex but a horse pussy.
ok this is based as heck
>There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a horse
Horses deserve better than you, creepo.
>not even posting the piss and scat based ones
based sex you mean
Holy shit wait I remember Justin, it's this autist from Michigan.
Whenever I see these kinds of things I like to think what a civilization 1000 years from now would think if was unearthed
I was turned on by TF when I was in preschool, and that fetish has yet to leave me.
God, my diiick
You're missing out on the what the audience wants, which is that western audience have always associated animation with kids-oriented so they don't care whether the medium is animated or cgi when they have to take their kids to see a movie. Therefore, western animation often gravitates towards that's cheap, which is cgi.
lubby chudder
phew, thats a relief
What the fuck wrong with whities.
Bakshi is a hack who relied on edginess to sell.
... dare I?
Horses are precious.
imagine when she 'winks' at you
Actually lol'ed