What's the most aesthetic shot you've seen in a movie or film?

What's the most aesthetic shot you've seen in a movie or film?

Post some screenshots.

Attached: kino.jpg (1834x1440, 551.85K)

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Just pick any frame in a Leone Western.

Anything shot by Nykvist.
Even regular close ups are beyond aesthetic

Attached: 1564085553421.png (1488x1080, 1.33M)

It's like Blade Runner.

Attached: tales-from-the-loop.jpg (1000x563, 444.42K)

Attached: zt.jpg (1879x919, 176.06K)

Attached: Screenshot_20180301-010856_01.png (1920x785, 1.15M)

Attached: 2a172045ec795372f5725873251722ba.jpg (806x342, 62.94K)

Attached: 369ca6a2f092f822d258270a8f2a170d.png (928x580, 185.35K)

Attached: Le Salaire De La Peur BDRip 1080p.mkv_snapshot_02.28.34_.jpg (1478x1080, 224.13K)

Attached: original.jpg (1280x544, 97.07K)

Attached: city.jpg (1800x1205, 264.95K)


Attached: Offret VII.jpg (772x960, 167.61K)

Attached: 81nod6mt2g031.jpg (1884x793, 149.93K)

Theres something about this shot, not sure why; its not even that great. But theres something about it that I love so much but I couldnt find a better picture of it. Its also hard to decide because this movie has most of my favorite shots in film. Like when the writer is caught in the anomaly, or when all three of them are back to back in a center shot with rain falling and pure silence other than the rain drops.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 20.49K)

Attached: 1494000143110[1].jpg (556x578, 42.51K)

Attached: kk.png (800x598, 918.62K)

Based Jarhead

Attached: The Birth of a Nation.png (1442x1078, 705.67K)

>when you realize the shot is actually upside down

Attached: 2ZW1zzh.jpg (1846x882, 91.36K)

Insanely kino movie and shot.

Attached: bladeRunner_283a.jpg (1934x1088, 927.93K)

Attached: her_eyes_were_green.png (1288x781, 1.22M)

Attached: Spirit of the Beehive (1971).png (1420x799, 1.44M)

Attached: loa.png (1920x1080, 2.73M)

Attached: Pale-Rider-3.jpg (2117x1000, 923.22K)

Attached: Cold War 2018.png (841x627, 618.27K)

Love these threads

Attached: Being There (1979).mkv_snapshot_01.55.06.jpg (1920x1040, 590.54K)

This looks familiar and I'm trying to place it but my brain won't quite click.

my personal favorite

Attached: outw.jpg (1200x500, 87.42K)

Attached: forbiddenplanet1055.jpg (1600x686, 125.72K)

Attached: A9201D24-47BC-4C80-8F57-76D82D24F8DE.jpg (1024x1024, 259.08K)

Attached: 1550235580346.jpg (1000x767, 273.95K)

Attached: basedtony.jpg (1280x640, 193.07K)

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Attached: frank.jpg (1276x1078, 174.92K)

Attached: 7nOr5yO.png (1898x1080, 3.57M)

Attached: YruMeWb.png (1420x799, 741.5K)


Attached: 1572480184814.jpg (4096x2722, 1.28M)

Attached: nice nasty and gnarly.jpg (1914x809, 195.79K)

The tunnel chase in Third Man.

there's nothing aesthetic about a bunch of ancient chinkoid buildings next to a boring ass metro

Attached: tcm1.png (850x485, 652.63K)

Attached: WDMC1.jpg (1024x435, 79.79K)

While not the greatest movie, Aquaman had some great shots. No pics for it though.

Attached: br.gif (1000x413, 1.03M)

Attached: madeira.jpg (1920x1280, 349.25K)

Bravo Martin

Attached: hp5.png (1919x799, 787.35K)

Attached: bay kino.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Attached: The Godfather Part II boat.jpg (1600x900, 141.32K)

>hello 4channel, i am underage.

Attached: use your imagination.jpg (400x224, 2.03K)

Attached: 12c898f0e645ab404ad5732f9030cda5.jpg (1600x900, 68.75K)

Attached: Hidalgo (2004).mkv_20181105_221437.223.jpg (1920x800, 310.45K)

Attached: based jim kino.png (1920x1080, 1.57M)

Attached: screenshot-lrg-25.png (1600x933, 894.77K)

Attached: Dog scene.jpg (945x940, 447.85K)

Gandalf fighting Balrog.

Trying to find the right shot on google is a pain

Attached: 85788.jpg (667x500, 46.22K)

Attached: stealmegeorgelucas!.png (1437x599, 1.08M)

Attached: Grinko and Solonitsyn.jpg (945x928, 393.26K)

Attached: North by Northwest (1959).mkv_20200119_155140.726.jpg (1920x1080, 210.32K)

Attached: unknown.png (400x225, 160.78K)

Attached: rRgZdv2.png (1920x1080, 2.95M)

Attached: Keirastares.webm (1280x544, 2.88M)

>10 minutes intro of Tony Scott kidnapping the producer's son
Raimi is merely the apprentice