ITT we fix Joker 2019

ITT we fix Joker 2019
What can Yas Forums fix to make the movie score 10/10?

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dont pander to him
joker is mentally ill, the movie is literally we live in a society and his actions feel justified
they shouldnt be

Dumb roastie, it already is.

Give him quips every 5 minutes

It's already perfect.

Literally the only problem with the film was the music. Not the pop songs they used, those were sweet, but in the first half of the film, there are too many moments where the score is doing this big whole thing, and it would have worked better if there wasn't any music

no1 could make this a 10/10.. a nice atmosphere + good acting isnt enough

Make a We Live In A Society film with a likeable character who is innocent and shall be sympathised with, oh wait, that will just be Falling Down again.

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He kills bruce bane at the end of the riots

Show him suffer. He wasn't really suffering at all, he was just mentally ill and what drove him mad wasn't clear other than being not noticed by society

no batman tie in shit and not spoon feeding the audience with the black gf flashbacks

To make Joker 10/10 you've to go back in time and delete Taxi Driver, King of Comedy and Death Wish. Since it's not possible, Joker will never be a 10.

10 minute scene where he lays in his bed sucking his own dick while Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now by Jefferson Startship plays in the background.

Now it’s high art.

Remove that whole Batman fan service pandering like the Wayne’s getting shot, Arthur visiting Bruce at the fence (and choking Alfred) and the stupid flashbacks that ruin the whole suspense.

Also IMO the movie never should’ve been promoted as a Joker movie and it should be a big twist at the end of the movie that it’s actually about the Joker but that would never be possible, especially not with the Marketing that the movie ran

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He didn't actually say the N word.
If he would, it would be a 11/10

I imagine meeting Rooney Mara in a restaurant one day. Her table is next to mine, so I go to her and ask for a photograph and an autograph then I chat her up a little bit. I ask her about her movies and stuff, then I ask her what she's eating and she tells me it's some vegan shit, so I tell her I got some ribs and ask her if she wants to taste some. She will object at first but then I will tell her that my dog who loved ribs has dies and I make up a convincing story while tearing up. She feels embarrassed and accepts one bite. She likes it, I ask her, to taste more and before she knows it, we're eating meat together and having fun. She obviously likes it, the thrill of eating meat with another man while her vegan nutcase husband isn't there but she wants more. We start having an affair together, with her, disguised, we secretely meet up in motels and eat bacon, ribs, chops and all sorts of meat and then we have intense protein fuled sessions of lovemaking, sometimes we do both at the same time and spray ketchup all over our bodies and lick it. All these sessions will be chosen carefully so that they occur at the same time that her cuck vegan sperg husband is in vegan protests with his vegan faggot friends. We'll even collect articles and footage related to joaquin phoenix's vegan adventures and consume them while engaging in pleasures of the flesh and the stomach.

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also change him to a transwoman of color

write it better. i don't know what i'm supposed to feel about this character. is it the point that he's kind of dumb, or is the screenwriter just dumb? his speech on the talk show feels like something i would have written when i was 12. if that's the point, make it actually be about him being a weird stunted piece of shit. "super" did this pretty well, and i don't think super was a particularly smart movie. way smarter than this one though.

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replace roc kand roll part 2 with bennie and the jets like it was in the first draft
that's it

You can’t fix it, it’s perfect. I usually hate overrepresented black people but they add to the ugliness of the city so it works

>make it actually be about him being a weird stunted piece of shit
I guess you were asleep during the film

>entire movie is the stair scene on an escalator
You can pay me in bitcoin, thanks

>anyone who doesn't like my capeshit movie is reddit!
This is a good idea but would never fly with the corporate higher ups

i cannot think of anything more reddit than idolizing joker

idolizing Gosling

then it was executed very poorly. joker feels less like the scorsese movies it's paying tribute to and more like a carbon copy of the crispin glover remake of willard, minus the rats and with bizarre little tonal divergences along the way. that kind of movie can be fun if you watch it once and then discard it, but it isn't worthy of much discussion.

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Yas Forums is just reddit at this point and all the movies/actors they idolize are actually reddit in case you haven't noticed.
>I imagine
Nice fanfic incel

>i cannot think of anything more reddit than idolizing joker
idolizing Parasite and the MCU


>more scenes after he becomes the Joker
That's it, the only way to make a great movie better is to make more movie

Reddit literally hates Joker.

>i cannot think of anything more reddit than idolizing joker
Hating Joker

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But why? I don't believe it.

>What can Yas Forums fix to make the movie score 10/10?
You could stop being a pleb and stop being this easily influenced by your peers. Joker is already "10/10", you autist.

>rating everything because life is too complex to understand in abstract ways
Just fucking stop. Be normal.


Instead of a half-wit stumble bum, make him intelligent and becoming sinister in the wake of ultimate bad luck. Make him actual Joker instead of handicap guy in writer fantasy land.

Actual fix to the existing 6/10 Joker movie:

1.Take out the flashbacks that hold your hand to show you he imagined the relationship.
2.Rewrite entire end speech.
3.Take out the forced-in Bruce scene.
4.Rewrite the Wayne-is-bad angle.

Do these things and it might get as high as 8/10. Otherwise, total re-do is needed for 10

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Better plot, more polished characters and more action.

They don't feel justified.

>2.Rewrite entire end speech.
Reminder this is what these discord trannies think it's good writing

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>being this easily influenced by your peers
>Joker is already "10/10"

they are obviously some kind of shill, reddit loves joker


>I don't believe it
It's because Endgame came out in 2019 but everybody who knows anything about filmmaking thought Joker was better. It's an unfair comparison since Avengers is capeshit and Joker isn't, but they still took it pretty bad

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> reddit loves joker
>voted #14 of 2019 as shown here
Sup disneyshills how's things over there, disney+ still losing billions? Suck to hear that mate


He movie is already perfect,but Joaquin Phoneix is a vegan cuck. Fuck that guy.

Replace black girl with actual hot white woman

Joker: 6/10
Endgame: 5.5/10
Infinity War: 8/10

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He kills negros instead of wallstreet douches


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Imagine liking joker because an eceleb told you to. It's 7/10 but I have no desire to re-watch it.

So the Joker in this movie wasn't actually The Joker, right?

Tone down all of the Thomas Wayne stuff to the point of him being in the background but no actual confrontation happening.
Remove that cringe Bruce Wayne meet up where he slides down the pole.
Fix the tone a bit with his fantasy relationship with Sophie Dumond, either make it less obvious it's a fantasy, or more obvious, not this in-between.
Roll credits on him alone in the studio after he shoots Murray.

give him a bf in the end

cast heath ledger

>this is your brain on retardation

cast heath ledger



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different song when he's dancing on the stairs. that's the only music i really remember in the film.

he was the jokers dad