/bcs/ - Better Call Saul - Post-episode rub'n'tug edition

Pure kino this episode imho, especially with fucking up Mesa Verde and marriage

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First for fuck Chuck.

>fancy German cars
>then rub'n'tug
Uhh, Vince?

i don't understand the people who refuse to believe gus is gay

I mean it was already fucking openly said, and it kind of explains a lot about his character and behavior.
In the next episode the Sneedman will be back.

Am I the only one who would have taken the hookers up on their offer? That black chick was hella thick.

I don't know about him but Gale is absolutely gay.

gale just reminds me of a libertarian

I wouldn't have if I had a Kimfu gf (soon to be wife) at home

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I don't understand if Walt was a wizard why didn't he cast any magic spells except that one time in Tuco's office he cast an explosion spell?

Gale is either an incel or a poly honestly.
These fuckers are never taking middle means

Based D: poster (hope you are the same guy), hope you will find bcs screenshot on the same level

libertarians are gay

from what bolsa and hector said, the cartel started with eladio, hector and bolsa, being hector the main enforcer and eladio the brain of the operation. the salamancas are apparently considered a problem by bolsa since eladio seems ok with them, which makes sense considering tuco and the cousins, but they're kept around out of respect to hector. it's not that the cartel was weak, gus just happened to take all the capos at once (he had taken care of bolsa and the salamancas anyway), the rest just decided to take what they could and run away
because it wasn't explicitly said so, but the insider podcast has confirmed it to be true

I usually don't find black women attractive, but she was pretty thicc.

more barry corbin please

Gale is reddit. Probably not gay, but just so full of soi he doesn't want sex.

interesting. also i’m the most based person on this board.

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my dick cant handle it bros

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This, I was concerned by the fact the Acker story seemed to have concluded this episode and he didn't make an appearance. I hope we see him again at least once more.

Black hooker > Kym

Any day.

Re: Last line in the episode. Copy from last thread cause I think it got shut down before I actually posted.

>No, I kept things from you to protect you. Look, if I got caught, and god forbid, you're questioned under oath, you have plausible deniability!

That last line was her suddenly changing tune and realizing that if they were married, they could not be called on to testify against each other. So they could continue to play the game from both sides like they'd been doing, except there would be no way investigate any of it.

I think that line is key because it twists the entire discussion they had a bit. Doesn't make it so much about Kim's emotions as it does about the tenuous game they were playing by collaborating and playing both sides like they were. She can't trust Jimmy because he felt like he needed to keep her in the dark, and he felt like he needed to keep her in the dark to protect her. The two logical avenues out of that, are they break up so that they aren't playing their game anymore, or they get married so they can do it with impunity.

Does Kim go back to Nebraska? Is that why Jimmy chose Nebraska from the Vacuum guy?

>woman is nothing special
>somehow the show makes you fall in love with her and makes her special
How? How is this done?

>Kim was born in Nebraska
how the fuck did I miss this? Seems like a huge detail.

Jimmy didn't choose Nebraska


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I don't know if it's ever mentioned besides the plate on Kim's moms car

Black women are ugly as fuck m8

>butt brothers
>gay friend
I mean her expressions also made her fucking attractive, even for a goddamn hooker.
I also hope they will give Acker some closure, he is one of the most SOUL characters in both BCS and BB.
IMHO it's either Kim breaks off with Jimmy or they marry, but she starts being full on alcoholic and shut-in and therefore that is why we don't see her in BB (but probably the first case is far more probable)
I would not call men who prefer voluptuous faggots. Yes, Kim has more style, but black hooker had more rug'n'tug.
Fucking hell, all AMC videos are not available in Europe, can somebody back them up and put them on mega or somewhere.

le reddit

>Jimmy this is what you do. You hurt people. Over and over and over. And then there’s this show of remorse. I know you don’t think it’s a show. I don’t doubt your emotions are real. But what’s the point of all the sad faces and the gnashing of teeth? If you’re not going to change your behavior, and you won’t, why don’t you skip the whole exercise? In the end, you’re going to hurt everyone around you. You can’t help it. So stop apologizing and accept it. Embrace it.

Looks like Sneed McGill was right all along

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I distinctly remember dialogue in Breaking Bad where Saul says he will end up as a manager in a Cinnabon in Omaha.

it is never stated how saul meets the vacuum repair man.

rent free

Not the one on BCS.

Yep, also remember that, probs one of the last episodes.
Chuck was absolutely right, but not for the world of BCS and BB.
Probs a contact of Mike.

He says that's his best case scenario to Walter. The disappearer is the one who chooses Nebraska for Saul.

She did say she was from the Midwest when she was being interviewed for that job with the other law firm, she said she had to leave because her only prospects for the future back home were either working a cash register at the grocery store or marrying the gas station's owner.

When does Saul get the office?

I am still waiting

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I'm guessing Mike will get that info from Gus. Ed doesn't seem like the kind of contact the vet has, and Saul can't know about this from the cartel side, so it has to be Mike who gives him the info.

Nacho escaping will probably be Mike's doing.

Why does Jimmy/Saul hate Howard?

Because Howard is The Man and Jimmy is anti-establishment.

I still can't believe we got that one Breaking Bad era flashforward. That was a wild cold open.


Why is she so cold to him anyway? She's so adorable when we first meet her. Whatever happened too make her like this

because howard has healed from chuck's death and accepted it. hence the namaste plate. jimmy may not know, but chuck's death has eaten him up on the inside and he's taking the anger out on howard.

he has lived through years of saul's bullshit.

read it

>Quite a ride, huh?
>Saul is saying this about his and Francesca's time together
>but really it's saying that all these years watching since Breaking Bad have been "quite a ride"

Bravo Vince

Jimmy is incensed by Howard because he came to apologize and offer him a job at HHM.

Jimmy doesn't want to forgive Howard because had Howard actually defended Jimmy and given him a job then, instead of listening to chuck and being a good partner and running interference, he would not have become Saul Goodman now.

By seeking forgiveness from Jimmy after everything that has happened is like having your cake and eating it too. So Jimmy won't forgive Howard because why should he able to rest easy when Jimmy's life is what it is.

Describe the appeal of Rhea Seahorn as Kim Wexler, and of her character, in 10 words or less.

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Loyalty, principals, willpower, understanding, forgiveness, playfulness, dorky taste in movies.

professional sexy mommy partner with a naughty and fun side

>ywn be as charismatic as Patrick Fabian is IRL


Howard is trying to asuage his guilt, which is absolutely the right thing to do. Humans feel guilt because they did something wrong. Howard felt guilty for everything that happened with Jimmy. The job offer cannot be used as a criticism towards Howard because he did something a nice rational person would do in that position. Jimmy is ungrateful as hell in this situation, because objectively Howard is doing the right thing.

For me it's IRL Giancarlo Esposito talking about yoga for 50 minutes

>it's a "Lalo turns himself into a pickle" episode

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Whore, thot, bitch, cunt, cumbucket,

Mando? More like Husbando

Okay, but which one?

anyone got a name on that thick as fuck black hooker? imdb page for this episode shows nothing

Lalo > Gus.

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Howard is only doing the right thing now. According to Jimmy and Howard admits this too, He could have done the right thing back then. But he didn't do it then. And Saul is still resentful of that.

And you can't just do horrible awful shit and then expect to receive forgiveness just because you apologized and seek it. Sometimes you can wrong someone in such a way that there is no forgiveness from it.

Unfortunately we basically know this will end with Lalo losing. Still it will be enjoyable watching Lalo fuck Gus's shit up for as long as he can get away with it.

After all his hard work these last several years for our entertainment, let's write to Vince a nice letter thanking him for giving us these shows, one post/word at a time.

I'll start.


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>doing the right thing
no he's doing what he FEELS like is the right thing. if he kept his mouth shut instead of rubbing the job offer in Saul's face, things would've been fine. he doesn't fucking owe Jimmy that job.


