Why do redditors hate him so much?
Why do redditors hate him so much?
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He remembers things so they dont have to
>Why do redditors hate him so much?
I wonder what he'll turn into next?
Why do autists like him so much?
Because he's "problematic" so they "cancelled him."
Because he reminds them of themselves
Well I know a couple of reasons to like him. He’s funny and an incredibly kind and humble guy, honestly he’s one of the best reviewers on YouTube, definitely the one with the biggest heart.
Will they ever do a collab?
Haven't watched Doug shit since I was a wee baby.
Should I get back into his stuff?
what did she see in him?
His shtick hasn't changed, so what was funny then really isn't funny now. His comedy has had absolutely no growth.
I swear there’s gotta be some chemical in the human brain that only makes this funny to 14 year olds. I remember laughing my ass off at routines like this, but now they’re unwatchable.
No one likes him. He's painfully unfunny, has no self awareness and takes himself extremely serious.
What's the over/under on days before Spoony dies now that he has the China Virus? Anyone want to bet? I'm starting a pool.
wait am I on Yas Forums
>A BAT... *cough* SOUP???
And yet when he changes shit you crybabies complain it’s different.
He doesn't have it, he barely even leaves the house and just shits out insanity on twitter all day.
He's never tried changing, that's the problem.
It's called having an undeveloped brain, everything's just more novel and fun
He's kinda comfy and they seethe because he isn't lol funny
He likes the webb spiderman better than the raimi ones
He said he has the symptoms and is on quarantine by doctors orders (not like there's any difference lel) on his patron live wire stream a few days ago. I wish I would have recorded it, I was laughing and thinking how the fuck can a hermit get Corona but then he said it was probably from a food delivery person and I laughed even harder. One of the brothers of the beaner Miles popped probably coughed on his tendies.
Are you forgetting when he killed the character off and did brand new, completely different shows? Or how, even when he brought the character back, he mixed it up and started doing less commentary over footage and more skits? Did you miss his The Wall review? You’re just wrong.
>Did you miss his The Wall review?
Oh I didn't miss that. The problem with that is that it was total shit since he didn't even understand the actual film or album at all. A puddle is deeper than Dougs thought process.
Yeah Im afraid I missed out on doug for the last decade
Lupa and Marzgurl should both be nuked from orbit. Awful fucking people. I had the dishonor of actually speaking to Lupa in person once and she was so clearly one of those "smile in your face then lie about you behind your back to make herself look better" type of person. In the middle of our conversation I irl ghosted her when she talked to another person. Total high school childish victim complex nutcase. I just wanted to talk about Baywatch but she kept making it about herself, she's pretty fucking gross looking and frumpy too irl. Also the last time I had my company set up at a convention, fuck that shit.
>Why do redditors hate him so much?
If you say you don't find Doug Walker funny and wouldn't fuck him you're a goddamn liar. He's hot as fuck.
For me, it's Linkara
>reddit gets mentioned
Best review?
>hehehe, im so evil that i started ww1 and cause of death for MILLIONS of europeans. I love people dying
Spiderman One More Day
Note it doesn't say anything about the Holocaust, just the war. Lucy wanted the kikes exterminated without any distractions; pretty fucked up
The power rangers rant
kek, im putting that in there
OP do YOU like this fuck face? Oh no, I know, if plebbit hates him then we have to LIKE HIM!
or how about this! Maybe never ever make a fucking shitty fucking shill thread for the stupid youtube """""""""critic""""""""" you jerked off to in 5th grade???
because it's like looking at yourself in the mirror
>i was 14
when i was 14 i was watching mel brooks comedies and laughing at actual stand up comedians. your age is no excuse you just have trash taste, you probably thing saying the N word is the height of comedy.
>he said that Heavy metal was just some dumb cartoon with boobies in it
>generally prefers the Dreamworks animation catalog because it is "le ebin zanny and funneh!!! XD!"
>Had to retract his joke about Mako, a well known and seasoned actor, and then did so in an almost mocking way
>has attempted, several fucking times, to create a meme, with black hole level cringe as a result
>the existence of his "the wall" """"""""""""""""""""review"""""""""""""""""""
etc, etc, etc
any one where he doesnt get fucking sanctimonious and fucking cringy. so, theres like 10 that are unwatchable for that reason.
is Mako really that amazing? A lot of people overpraise Samurai Jack already so not sure
which one is the biggest cringe?
>on set
you mean the middle of no where? and if he decided to have this "do it for free guys" movie shoot, uh, why was there no food for the people? not even like sandwiches? I know why tho, its because douge walker is an incompetent fucking hack.
but fuck lindsey and her "Welllll IIIII had some experience since i was going to film schoooool, so whyyyy he did not think to ask meeeeeee-" that shit was obnoxious
dude, internet videos are extremely autistic anyway, so expecting something semi-professional like food on set is asking a bit much
>i still watch spoony
probably the holy terror review...or maybe that entire fucking "there a little girl in my magic gun" story arch that i only know about because of the eggkara streams.
nah, i think most people would consider it. He just thought it would be easy and they would shoot everything in 2 days or whatever and be gone. Hes a fool. Thats the least of his inadequacies though.
i dont even think they were gone from civilization though. in the middle of filming kickassia, they mentioned
>we took jew wario out to a chinese restuarant for dinner!
and they had hotels in everything.
all people would have to do is just buy a bottle water and chips for the day. thats it
its not some rigorous film set where people have to shit in bags
nc is unfunny hack bastard and the other nc is a goddamn cultural marxist collaborator whore
>its not some rigorous film set
it was a hot dessert, and marzgurl sustained an injury because obviously douge didnt scout properly. I think i remember hearing it was a 2 hour drive back into town and they had to do that to take people to the bathroom?
100% true stories not grown from a dislike based on love of doug at all
Did Yas Forums make this?
>the other nc is a goddamn cultural marxist collaborator whore
yes, but she is 1000 times more competent and talented than doug "LOUD MEANS FUNNY" Walker
>Did Yas Forums make this?
>(he doesnt know)
oh no....OH NO NO NO NO NO!
Its carwreck kino like wingsofredemption