is there a movie thats just about coca cola? Like coca cola man the movie?
pepsi man got his own movie. so wheres coke man?
is there a movie thats just about coca cola? Like coca cola man the movie?
pepsi man got his own movie. so wheres coke man?
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Mac and Me
Holy crap, that reflection is legitimately horrifying...
its just mike's face
If only you knew how Loco things really are.
this fucking face
hes not a monster, hes just ahead of the curve
Maybe it's the shine in his right eye or something but the whole pic looks like one of those old timey photographs with an apparition hiding in the foreground, then once you spot it, it gives you the creeps.
monster dong more like it
are you saying mike matei is a ghost?
I'm saying he looks very ghoulish.
The Gods must be crazy (1980) was a pretty funny film which used Coca Cola as its plot device
>Eric Roberts
Fucking hell
Fuck, I burst out laughing at this
this is no laughing matter. someone needs to save james. look at how much hes bullied in this episode alone
Cinemassacre youtube has just pass Angry Joe's subcount just today
Does Mike have some kind of blackmail on James or what
i don't get it. aside from his 10 inch dick what's the deal with mike
hes absolutely unhinged
I've never had any cola before
mike isn't really talking about the soft drink
What's his name again?
Raging Ricardo
thats a cool game gear and id like to have it
Why did he glitch out?
Unhinged Umberto
But he seems to be the only same and based one in that pic. He has standards.
dare I say
he's always seemed like a bit of an asshole though
Anyone notice how bland and uneventful avgn episodes have been lately? AVGN mortal kombat was barely discussed at all on Yas Forums. like just a handful anons mentioning it in one thread on the day it came out.
Meanwhile, episodes like Life of Black Tiger was discussed extensively on Yas Forums for a week and shitposting was fun and non stop
i miss august 2019 bros.... it was the month i literally lost my virginity
racist asshole
Mike has beat the living shit out of him and his children again. I won’t even recant what he did to James’ wife.
* crosses fingers *
(please be true, please be true, please be true)
Flustered Fernando
Pissed Pedro
Barry's red cola
What an asshole
mad mariachi
battered wife look
for real, james reaction was an impulse
the fat guys have zero charisma and offer no good commentary, listening to them feels brainless. they never have insightful opinions
“It puts the pen onto the hand or else it gets the “10.2” again”, Mike interrupts from behind the couch. “Y-yes master”, James stammers, not dare forgetting to write “diarrhea drinking, asshole stinking” this time. Mike then proceeds Ryan to wiggle through the door in another horrid costume to help his golden goose James on the newest AVGN episode. James pins the blob of lard down and spots the open door seeing it as his one chance to escape. He bolts up the steps past the huge mass and out the front door as Mike is busy posting and pinning his own complementary comments on his videos and liking them with his Elvis8Atari alt. Ryan runs out to the front lawn after James but quickly collapses from exhaustion, so he calls for his partner in crime Mike "Loco Bandito" Matei since he doesn't trust Ryan with the tracking chip they installed in James. James' outward feet and autistic waggling doesn't take him very far as Mike catches up and carefully wraps his lasso cock around James' ankle so as to not harm his precious, wrangling him back inside.
James pleads to see his wife's daughters, but stops when Mike reminds him what happened the last time someone crossed him. Bootsy was indeed bad luck for Matei. Tearing out the last few strands of hair atop his head, a disheveled James exclaims he can't take it anymore. Mike in a blinding rage rips off his belt, “ENOUGH, you know what happens when you disobey me, James”. “This isn't right, Mike, d-don't do this”, Ryan interjects to no avail.
“If you question me again Ryan you'll be next to find out why they call me 'Motherfucker Mike'”. A tremoring James is forced on all fours, “You won't be shitting brown bricks for weeks when I'm done” Mike whispers into his ear. As Mike starts unfastening his pants he's suddenly struck in the head by a piece of hard neon pink plastic launched from the open basement door, causing him to fall back. It was the Dream Phone, “You should have finished me off when you had the chance”, Bootsy's calm and confident demeanor clashes with the tense atmosphere. “BOOTSY!” James cries out in joy, “You think I'd leave you behind, pal?” Bootsy smiles.
“Was poking one eye out not enough?” Mike venomously retorts, now standing back up whilst clutching his head. “Your rain of tyranny is over, Mike”. “I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP, BUT YOU DIDN'T LISTEN”, a furious Mike unleashes his deadly rod and lunges towards Bootsy, but a well prepared and determined Bootsy whips out the Shark Attack toy and snaps it's jaws shut, ripping in half Mike's deadliest weapon. He collapses face first, writhing in pain. “RYAN HELP!”, a desperate Mike pleads, but a conflicted Ryan stands aghast .
“WHOSE BAD LUCK NOW MOTHERFUCKER?”, Bootsy picks up both halves of the still stiff meat pole, passing one to James as they jam them into both of Mike's eye sockets and out through his skull, killing him instantly. “What about him? He's an accomplice” Bootsy inquires, turning to Ryan. “I-I only did what he said out of fear! I had a business to protect and a family to raise, please I'll do anything!” a despondent Ryan pleads - “Help us get rid of him first” James responds. “N-no problem, I have connections”, says Ryan. “Are we going to jail?” James ponders, “No, nobody will care that he's gone”, Bootsy answers nonchalantly.
I would do 2 8 balls with matei no problem and I havent done coke in years
Living kino
AND based
Is there anything he can't do?
>Is there anything he can't do?
i dont think its possible for mike to stick his entire dick inside a vagina; its just so big
that matched the picture perfectly desu
the new episodes arent very good
it's just a reflection of him smiling, holy shit you're a pussy
its enough to scare james
>those reddit posts
Unironically obsessed.