Is Tom Hanks the most smug self-serving prick in the history of film and television ?

Is Tom Hanks the most smug self-serving prick in the history of film and television ?

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I read Tom Hardy at first

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At least he's not calling it a hoax and encouraging people to go outside because "it's just a flu" like some of the fucking retards in our government.

But tom I live paycheck to paycheck you burgois faggot. I'M DELIVERING YOU THE SNACKS!

piece of shit skype father.

why the fuck does everyone here hate tom hanks all of sudden?

yeah, i bet he was really uncomfortable

Are you mexican

Ive never understood why the fuck he always calls himself Hanx

redditors are contrarian. Yas Forums is one of the most popular boards for complete losers

same reason everyone here hates Keanu Reeves

>he hasnt taken the neetpill

only got yourself to blame

Yas Forums thinks that celebrities harvest chemicals from the brains of tortured children to get high and that the COVID-19 lockdown was actually a coverup for Trump to ship them to gitmo. i'm not even memeing

He eats children

He comes off as an absolute scumbag

lol wut
turns out he was right? you genuinely believe this or is it just a meme?

>your own house

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x marks the spot
x replaced ks
KS the state of Kansas

that's not how you spell Edward Norton

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this is from way before the quarantines, but hardy is still based nonetheless.

Is just a flu, the boomer remover flu

why does he always sign his tweets/posts?
is it a boomer thing I mean we know it's you

>never been in a good movie
>worshipped by amerifats
>"lol I'm such a nice guy I have no personality"

because of anti-trump remarks

>>never been in a good movie
pleb taste

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I like how multimillionaires and upper middle class office workers who can work from home or live off savings are telling paycheck to paycheck wagies just to hang in there for a few months and it'll be okay.

In a few months these people will be homeless, broke and starving. Coronavirus has a >1% mortality rate in America. When did we become such pussies? I'll roll and take my chances.

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You will never get an oscar Kojimbo, stop it.

This nigga will die of aids before getting the flu.

its all a conspiracy. adrenochrome raids? probably not, but something fucky is definitely going on.

love, HANXXX

that is a very small contingent of Qoomers who get told to fuck off in every other thread

The most overrated Tom Hanks movie ever. It's trash. Close second is Cloud Atlas, which really isn't overrated since it really isn't rated, but some fags around here love it so fuck them.

His best roles, in order:
1. Saving Private Ryan
2. Forrest Gump
3. Road to Perdition
4. A League of Their Own
5. Big

coronachan is AIDS. We all have it, and it's not some NWO illuminati jew plan. China fucked up, they are going to get nuked off the face of the planet, and then we're all getting UBI until we die coughing up blood in the next 20 years.

Google Jeffrey Epstein, pal.

He starred in a movie about red shoes

>Fagg doesn't like Splash

You're only half right. They do all that but Trump won't do a fucking thing about it

Why is a 60 year old man calling himself Hanx?

>acts like he was sheltering in place at home
>both him and his wife were treated in hospitals and cared for round the clock with their mild systems

was actually a coverup for Trump to ship them to gitmo. i'm not even memeing
Nope this aint it, Trump didnt know fuck all about this virus even though its been going on for months let alone some qboomer shit.

They literally simulated this in November. Check out "Event 201".

do you remember too, that before this shit all happened the media was talking about the plague? then like a month later corona comes out.

he's a nonce

2 hours after trump says "we know exactly where this virus comes from" Bill Gates resigned from his company's board of directors.

He's one of those unlikable oldguards who you just know has some skeleton in the closets. e.g. helen mirren

Its weird how they got every celebrity to blast the same stay inside panic propaganda

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thats funny because i've been thinking lately "why don't we just kill bill gates and take his money?" i even made a thinly veiled thread about it on /lit/.

BIG if true

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IMAGINE claiming to be a leftist and constantly, non-stop caping for the rich elite at all times of the day

Thats good. Its very dangerous to threaten someones life on a korean basket weaving forum


Just have millions of dollars and have a medical team and servants take care of you for two weeks. Common sense, no?

literally is just the flu you fucking dumb zoomer
kill yourself now if the world is so fucking scary, coz you not going to make it

Hasn't been in a decent film since The Burbs

The elites who pretend to support their agenda are different

just think though, if we got like 5 guys together (aka put together a team) we could take him for all his dough. a cool $100 billion

your life is consumed by delusion

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Do you have a source on this?

Part of the reason why I like Tom is because he's never really gotten openly political (at least from what I've seen)

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not him but calling out Yas Forums for the paranoid faggos they are doesnt mean your a leftist. just like calling out sjws for histrionic faggots doesnt make you a rightist if thats even a word. nuance is mad like that

>take him for all his dough
There's an act that specifically allows the US Treasury to seize all funds of those involved in human rights violations as well as human trafficking. Probably another reason he stepped down.

Edward is actually based though

they was the one that brought up Yas Forums for no reason because they believe Yas Forums is behind everything

lol goddamn. Yas Forums should do a convention and have All Gas No Breaks do a vid on them.

based hardy

that dude probably unironically uses Yas Forums

Fuck that pedo

you can literally go into Yas Forums right now and find people espousing this shit. here:

eat the rich

>just be rich like me

twitter screencap threads are almost always them making off topic threads whether he was right or wrong