Mfw Yas Forums is getting to Yas Forums levels of shit

>mfw Yas Forums is getting to Yas Forums levels of shit
what went so wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_syndrome

i miss her bros...

Not enough Millie Bobby Brown

movies themselves are either shit or hiding in shit

What even happened to her?

Goddamn I would give my left testicle up just to go back in time and jizz on that face.

me too user me too

I wouldn't mind more mbb on Yas Forums

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half of the world is home from work

>what went so wrong?
there are too many redditors here. we have to come with creative ways of driving them out. if temporarily turning the board to Yas Forums means its survival, so be it

kys pedo


Yas Forums is one of the most reddit boards though, in fact it's arguably even worse than reddit

there is literally nothing pedo about being sexually attracted to loli Chlomo

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>mfw Yas Forums is getting to Yas Forums levels of fun


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>getting to
you wish pal

>Yas Forums has the same celebrity crushes and taste in women
Everyone here is literally a clone of me. Prove me wrong

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why is she biting her lip brehs

Both Yas Forums and Yas Forums, mostly Yas Forums in my opinion.

she loved playing with her dsl

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I've seen people on this board who think Eva Green and Daddario are attractive.

my dick. it cannot, CANNOT, be wrong to get hard to this. anyone who says otherwise is just anti-male

Well, cos they are

I disagree. See, we're not clones. Problem solved.

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how do we stop time brehs, there's not a single bigger enemy

What is this even from?

Television and film went wrong.
It's all crap. Thus the state of the board is crap.

some Jack and the Beanstalk movie, she made quite some kino

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when will they make good movies again

it's not time, it's aging

She was all yours, Yas Forums, and you abandoned her.

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god, how i wanted put my penis in there

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would you?

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man I used to like Chloe so damn much

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how come she actually looks hot here?

100% absolutely

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was it autism?

How is a girl with her mouth and jaw not in every movie?

she did not want to be sexualized and began picking shitty teen movies, she cucked her own career

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she still rocks those goat lips

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Should never have split the site.

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this is what I get, maybe you ought to stop looking at buff dudes

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Her cunny must be super puffy with that body type

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she's embracing her masculinity

it is

reddit and Yas Forums fucking our shit up

I think this post pretty much says it all.'s_syndrome

Yes, I agree.

Pol is EVIL and has NO Place on the chans.

We need them gone.

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assblasted r/the_donalder detected

wtf I love trump now

Isn't this the film where she says Hillary Clinton will be president lmao

yesterday was too much

too fucking much

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I've been going on blue boards to avoid the Corona panic and I've noticed that Yas Forums is consistently one of the most toxic boards. The mood here is fucking awful. I'm not sure if it's because there is a higher concentration of liberals here or if people who like this shit are just misanthropic. /ck/ is like a party compared to here.