Was "Tick Tock" the low point of the whole show?

Was "Tick Tock" the low point of the whole show?

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Still going down

>the Kremlins are going to pay for this! I'm going to hunt them down through the whole island until I get back until the last banana of my pile

Lisa Goes Gaga is still the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen in my entire life.

Chuck suck with the fuck
Sneed feed my seeders up

They've been on "celebrity flavor of the week" and fast dated references for years now. The show is just an advertising platform for celebrities who have new films or tv shows coming out

last good episode was season 11 episode 5.

quick rundown, why is this one singled out as the worst? Pretty sure its the worst rated episode on IMDB, but what is specifically so bad about it

remember when the show was almost counterculture?

Didn't know they had internet in nursing homes.

Moe's rag comes to mind

i think season 29 - 30 was the lowest point ive seen. 31 has not been as bad as them. 3 - 12 was the gold age.

this but unironically. everything pass season 11 really is shit

I've watched them all. And I think that the newer seasons have been "okay" with occasionally good moments, some bad, plenty of mediocrity throughout. Sometime between 12-27 were the worst seasons with very desperate attempts to cling to relevancy like "hey what if american idol" and "what if american idol again!!!!". Those types of episodes are a bit rarer now.

>3 - 12 was the gold age.

No. 2-6. The show was already showing age around season 7, and by season 10 it was clearly declining.

i think episodes pass season 27 is still god awful

Season 11was shit .fuck off sneedposters

golden age was 2-8
season 9 is half good, half mediocre
season 10 is the official beginning of zombie Simpsons
season 12 is the last watchable one

Fox has no shame. They're obviously not even trying and haven't for 20 years.

The episode with the Harry Potter guy voicing the bird kid at Lisa’s school was the lowest watched episode at that point

dunno, I'm not bothered by those premises because I'm not a Yas Forumsack. There's still the occasional good joke and that's good enough for me. I liked around half of yesterday's episode, for instance.

What will make me drop the show is if Apu shows up without Hank Azaria voicing. They should just make him fuck off to india or leave him in the background to spite poos.

Different user here, it’s pretty much a perfect storm of the Simpsons fully embracing the cheapest form of celebrity worship that the show was kind of created against.
It feels like one of those celeb cameo episodes from a shitty sitcom cranked up to 11 where you can really just feel like you’re watching something die right before your eyes. Best way to truly view it is by watching one of the best episodes from seasons 2-8 and watching that one right afterwards, it doesn’t even feel like the same show in the slightest (the Monorail one might be good since it pokes fun at Leonard Nimoy being a stick in the mud while he’s having fun voicing on there).

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This one is up there

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The drag queen episode was so dumb
>Marge becomes a tupperware host
>Julio and whoever his boyfriend is from the Weird Al episode give her a makeover and invite tons of their gay friends
>the gay friends think Marge is a drag queen (a guy in drag)
>Marge makes tons of money
>Homer eventually reveals this fact because of reasons
>Homer is depicted as the bad guy for revealing the scam
>Homer dresses up in drag with RuPaul or whatever

the older i get the more i realize it was never good. it was just on


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Formerly going up

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Terrible take

This and it also has the worst musical number in Simpsons history

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No, "Sneed Chuck" was.

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I remember watching this with my friends when it aired, they loved the episode and called me a contrarian faggot for not liking it
Fuck you Leo and your shit sense of humor

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The Simpsons and Star Wars being controlled by the mouse will never not be weird to me.


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so mickey mouse, little bo peep (presumably toy story), iron man, yoda, and what the fuck is lisa supposed to be


An iceberg or something meant to represent nature. you know, for National Geographic

look into who was on the titanic

Shocked by the like/dislike ratio on the YT vid.

fucking double standards
had it be Lisa's butt everyfuckingbody would sue the show

>every season after 9th is shit
Why NPCs keep spamming this retarded take?

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Stop being friends with consoomers

She also kinda looks like Elsa

Serious question, please believe me when I say I'm asking honestly here.

What's the deal with musical features in shows like this? Simpsons, South Park, Futurama, Family Guy etc. I would get it being something different as a one-off, but it's done and lot and I always find it very cringey.

That’s not that long ago right? I mean I was just playing the Simpsons game on my 360, that was only
>13 years ago

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If anything, that was better than the episodes around that time. Not saying much, but it was.

Because it upsets the natural order of things, neither of these properties should ever be owned by a company like Disney.

People like musicals.


They’re cartoons. Writers who work on cartoons are mentally stunted soiboys who think musical numbers are fun because they consumed too much Disney as a child.

>people like musicals

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It's a good way tho fill time if the episode is to short whenever you see a musical number that goes on and on pointlessly it's because they didn't have enough content for 20 minutes and had to strech it out as much as possible, Family guy is the worst at this

>what the fuck is lisa supposed to be

bait, but yeah 12 is the last watchable one. Name the seasons that are watchable after 12?

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Simpsons has had celebrity cameos since season 1.

Love the show and characters so much I thought I was never going to drop it despite everything but this is the episode that changed my mind

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13th, the episode in the post that you quoted in particular, but I bet you didn't even watched it.

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fuck and suck

It's not "muh NPSEEEEs" thing, it's a common knowledge thing. It's like calling someone who says we breathe air is an NPC drone because other people say the same thing.

Do they not?

low point for most fans was armen tanzarian which was s9e2
if you were watching after that you deserved everything you got

Tell me what is wrong with these episodes.

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Yes, and they often used to play characters. Homers brother, homers mom, a substitute teacher, a jazz musician, ect. Then it slowly became “look, it’s X! And they’re hanging out with the simpsons! Sunday on fox”

Can we just ignore these Sneed shitters and try to actually have a comfy Simpsons thread? Post your favorite characters I'll start. In no particular order:

Eddie Muntz

Fat Tony
Eckhardt Simpson
Eliza Simpson

Nikki McKenna
Don Brodka

Evelyn Graycomb

Yves Bouvier

Uma Nahasapeemapetilon
Chuck Muntz
Skinner (formerly Armin Tamzarian)


haha bart has a COCK