What do you think about Amelie?
What do you think about Amelie?
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Built for jewish men
People call it a feel-god movie. But it only made me depressed because it made me realize how fucking lonely I am
Based. Triggers the fuck out of basement dwellers too so that's a plus
Came here for this, based
I think its a good film but people who just shit talk it/praise it without having actually watched it should fuck off
Like I know people who unironically see themselves in amelie and like it for that reason. Despite the fact that in the film she's called out on the fact that her quirky antics are just a defence to keep everyone at a distance and the elderly brittle bone disease friend she has (her only real friend) says if she doesn't change she'll end up just as alone as he is. This is when she lowers her guard and allows the guy she likes to actually love her and for her to love him.
Likewise I see retards shitting on the movie for promoting her sort of behaviour despite the above.
Soundtrack is fantastic.
me on the right
as a virgin this is my greatest fear
cute blind girl
Great movie, but in real life we won't find a quirky cute girl that leaves clues so we meet her. Instead we'll die while masturbating to porn, and they'll find us when the neighbours complain about the smell.
fuck fuck fuck why is she laughing fuck
You're very well capable of not dying a permavirgin. You're just not willing to do the things it takes.
Fuck you stupid cunt whore this is why men are avoiding white women she's hit the wall anyway dumb bitch
was apparently good enough that a popular bitcoin mining russian tranny uses it as a profile picture
This is what happens when you try to please a woman with a sub 8 inch cock
is it literally impossible to please a modern woman?
I always thought this scene said how excited she was to be with him, and in like a girlish way shes like "I cant believe I am with this guy, its too good to be true", shes just really not used to sex
Does his big cock feel good honey?
We don't have trannies here. It's most likely animefag, they like to larp as attractive girls. You see an anime profile picture and a girl's name on some social media - you know it's actually a neckbeard from Saratov
Cringe. Holy shit. You make me sick
very good soundtrack
Why do you care? As long as you dump your cum inside her, all is good.
Extra comfy, much poetry, whimsical and charming; shame about the (deliberately) embarrassing sex scenes tho
Why can't I stay hard with a condom and cum without jerking off bros?:
>Why can't I stay hard with a condom and cum without jerking off bros?:
2 much wanking
fitgirl repacks
piece of shit got sims4 and unpacking froze at 57%
This is the part that the autists who keep posting "that" gif conveniently forget about.
I personally never saw this as her laughing AT him, I mean she knows he's a virgin, she offers to have sex with him just because she feels bad for him. The smile, at least to me, looked more like a smile of bemusement at the situation in general, but with maternal underpinnings. At most, she perhaps finds his inexperience amusing, but adorable. It's easy to be the kind of man that activates that sort of instinct in a woman (though obviously it depends on the woman), you just have to not be a sperg.
The fact that in the OP scene she cradles him shortly afterwards is proof enough that she's not "dissatisfied" with him.
Where do I get one of those?
But she's a lonely autistic shut in too
my gf does this to me, she regularly wants me to lay my head on her chest and then she strokes through my hair.
ultra comfy desu lads
can confirm
it's even better if she's big tiddy
she cute
the last hope of French women
>It's very much a Harry Potter for women, wherein Harry is Amelie, a girl from a broken home (iirc) who has always been a bit quirky and special, who manages to rent her own apartment in literally the most desirable area in the most expensive city in Europe despite working presumably part-time (she never seems exhausted) as a waitress. There she gets to cut her own hair in a non-traditional but cute style, fuck a ton of Chad lotharios despite not really enjoying it because she's so depersonalized that she remains her status as childlike ingenue - and of course all she wants is to please other people teehee! And the locals at her non-chain cafe are all interesting older men who learn to love life because of her, including the creep-Chad she lusts after because he's sooo melancholy but who she falls in love with (in the apartment she rents with a MINIMUM WAGE salary). Vile, loathsome cinema.
>no girl has ever given me actual love, yet I've had sex with 8 different girls
>everytime they come back for more Dick but never want anything more
Cherish what you have. Don't envy guys that fuck a bunch of different women, its meaningless. Stick with one who loves you no matter how tempting other women can be
Is this the sort of shitty "review" letterboxd users think is deep?
lol ok virgin
Harry Potter is already for women.
all woman are whores
Women don't deserve to orgasm
Like what?
overrated trash
what motivates someone to post this
cute scene
>*holds up spork*