
Any Vikings fans? Probably the best series i have ever watched. Epic battle scenes, extreme violence, no filler. Takes you back to the history of pagans and christians and how the northern countries raided and settled in England. It gives a new life to people interested in history, you can do your own research because most are real characters (albeit mixed with myth and legends) and it has some of the best acting i have ever seen. The way Lord Headmund is portayed is just spectacular.

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Vikings fan here.

I dont understand that sorry. Just want to have a normal conversation about the series

Did lagertha die yet? Is ivar king? Quick run down I didn't watch the series since ivar lost the battle against bjorn.

yeah watch it with the senpai. Entertaining enough, sometimes it hits the nail on the head and other times it misses completely. Old seasons with Ragnar were fucking excellent tho.

Series died for me once they started bringing in these yaassss qveen slay women.

The series died along with Ragnar.

>watching Vikings post Ragnar

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Based. Sons of Ragnar ruined the show

This serie is pure retarded unfiltered trash for illiterate underage mongoloids.

reminder that THIS was greenlit

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this, the story didnt need to continue.

Ive mixed myself up because i got b ack through the series looking for the best battles. Ivar ends up becoming king and is the best strategic master i have ever seen. Lord Headmund and his crusaders trys to lay seige to kattegat and Ivar has the most brutal traps waiting. You just xant geat Ivar he is a mad man. You have to watch it

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Come here and say that, christian.

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Cmon guys, it was sad and i thought i couldent watch it either. But the different personalities of each of his sons and the politcs of war was great fun

cucking: the series

Are you legit retarded. This show is utter garbage

wtf is this

The Last Kingdom is superior in every way

I like the schlock, but you a scream room temp IQ, OP. Go watch Suits or whatever.

Ivar went to Russia where he took a hot air balloon ride with the king of Kiev and then the king of Kiev mutilated his brother and took over his kingdom so he can invade Scandinavia for some reason

needs more diversity in the cast

First few series were awesome. Gets so fucking dumb around 4.

Not sure if OP is trolling... If not I wish I had his shit taste in tv, then I'd still be enjoying the show.

Female warriors lmao

Please tell me this is a lie.

The first two seasons were pretty good, it was all downhill from there.
It's pure garbage now.

in every way

No, it's real

if you're serious you're an absolute brainlet or actual underage (which I wouldnt be surprsied by based on your typing), the show was great in the first few seasons but took a complete nosedive in quality and acting once the sons took over. it turned into capeshit tier, and Ivar is the worst of them all.
They turned based Floki's plot into a big brother show on an island with a bunch of whiny retards, every episode needs to have a sex scene or multiple because they're appealing to a capeshit zoomer audience, and muh strong wymen warriors everywhere with awful acting jobs of all the sons except sometimes björn, and even he overacts most of the time
Your opinion is shit and you should feel bad for unironically liking this dumpster fire after the sons invasion (which was literally a few seconds long)

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holy shit Ivars actor can't even LAUGH without overacting, what a fucking joke this turned into

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I really enjoyed the first part of the series. The visuals and fighting was uncommonly good for a tv show.

It's a shame they turned Ivar into the main character and tried to make us root for him. His acting and writing is just so cringy. Like a teenager trying to be cool and edgy.

first few seasons were good. it's complete garbage now


Capeshit is fairly sexless.
Otherwise a good take

It's lame. It's more interesting to read about their real history

season 6 Ivar is just a Cuck. Hvirtsek and other are pretty lame too. Shame we didnt get to see Floki...he is imo the only interesting character left

Heahmund was pure kino.

Is that Runescape?

>history fan
you mean Danes right?

Thats you dude, your fukt m8, completely fukt.

Ok ugly cat memer guy. Im 30 years old . Firstly, shut the hell up. Im actually one of the main thought leaders on this website so cool it with the underage/brainlef remarks. I can type but its 11 pm and past the time i normally tuck myself in. In regards to this movie, again shut the hell up because ur fukt m8. It is the best stuff i have watched, i dont have alot of money like alot of you seem to have. I hav ed only had netflix for a few months. Its a massive saving, i used to pay $12 for 2 over night dvds and i lived 70km from the video store, so it was basically a 140km round trip to return 2 movies i hated anyway. Netflix made my life easier and more efficient and this is my favorite one so far so can you just let me be? Jesus Christ

holy shit

i wath tlk but utherus bores me so much

>tfw the only people with the budget and talent to do a Byzankino are *nglo dogs and their k*ke handlers and they couldn't give two fucks
n-not like I wanted a TV show about it or anything

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It's a dream or some schizo vision that he is having.

>tfw the strongest Viking were women all along

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is a zoomer

Athelstan, actually.

I wasn't referring to your typos, you TYPE, as in you "sound", like a zoomer/r*ddit tourist or soccer dad with brain damage trying to fit in. and that reflects in your taste in tv, only absolute brainlets can enjoy the last seasons, so get some better taste.
btw last kingdom is shit but you'd probably like it since it's just as capeshit as the last season of Ivar with a just as unlikable, unkillable main character

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Op here, say something nice about the show or dont say anything

Women gets crunched by horse hoof lord heahmund

>tfw no soviet era film about konstantinopolis with red army soldiers playing soldiers

ayo how come this viking dude has such nice clean pearly whites?

I stopped watching after Ragnar died.

Also god damn Katheryn Winnick is hot in this.

shit show

I havent been on social media for nearly 8 years. I have only been on reddit to see what people like you are talking about when they insult me. I am anti social and Yas Forums is basically all the socializing i get besides talking to my grandmother. Your just another mean, hopeless angry snob. Pissed off about something big going on in your life. Just scared of living. Scared of really good shows that bring glory to the screen for free real people not christian/jewish scum lords

>Show is produced by Jews and Christians
>Watches it and unironically thinks it's affirming his neo-pagan hippie dippie faggotry

Just came into the thread to tell you that you have shit taste, and shit standards.
Vikings is probably the most Americanized version of Viking history you can find.
At least The Last Kingdom has some historical authenticity, and isn't constantly trying to score SJW brownie points.

Also a lot of retarded shit where they're pretending to be historically accurate, yet they fuck up the timelines just to suit themselves.

tl;dr; this show is garbage and you should feel bad for liking it.

Lagertha is dead aswell. Doubt you'll ever be coming back now.

I dont believe that for a second, the production is way different

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Bjorn maybe dead too, it's now officially the Ivar And Oleg Hour

Not a single neo-pagan there kek

Cashed out in Season 5. Glad to do so. They ruined Ivar the Boneless beyond all recognition. Their artsy fartsy dialogue on the beaches was cringe as fuck, and all of the actors who play Ragnar's sons other than Bjorn Ironside are absolutely fucking pathetic. Fuck, I hate what they did to this show so fucking much.

Fucking terrible show from the output. The romantisization of Vikings as a fucking epic and fearless warrior culture is one of the most retarded things to have ever happened. They were nothing but glorified pirates who would rape and kill peasants or either flee from, or be easily killed, by an actual standing army.

There isn't a single more overrated and misunderstood "warrior" culture in history.

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