Gimme some unique kino

im talkin some really vibey shit that feels good, with good colors, pacing, all that shit. strong mood shit. shit that sticks with you forever shit.

some shit I like:
Paris, Texas
Sans Soleil
Kings of the Road
Songs From the Second Floor
A Woman Under the Influence
Trash Humpers
American Movie
Pink Flamingos
Withnail and I
Mars Attacks
Chungking Express
Leaving Las Vegas
Out of the Blue
The Thing
Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Five Easy Pieces

if you haven't seen these, watch these

what the fuck you got anons

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why are you swearing so much stop it

It's not his fault. Leave him be.

idk man its just the way i like to talk im sorry if it offends you

so whats the deal you got any fuckin movies or what user

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so much for my fucking thread i guess its fucked

Desperate Living
Vagabond (Sans toit ni loi)
Punch Drunk Love
Robinson's Garden
We Are the Best!
Black Girl (La noire de...) - the 1966 film
City of God

vagabond was dees, love punch drunk love. fitzcarraldo couldnt keep watching because I had already been on a herzog binge. will check out the rest. thank you for your response!

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and other Terry Gilliam films.

underrated kino coming in, from Coppola

blood simple

Wild At Heart
Possession, On the Silver Globe and others by Zulawski
Holy Motors and other Carax films
Picnic at Hanging Rock

yes gilliam is my fucking man. meaning of life is the bomb if you haven't seen it

yes love david lynch. will check out those others

thanks yall


damn that is some nice ass camera panning and composition and color shit my man, nice

kys zoomer

>blood simple
holy shit old fashioned coen bros. didn't even know about this. looks kino. added.

born 1993 my friend now you got a movie or what motherfuck

yeah it's "80s" before the 80s were a thing

this is the most cringe inducing op ive seen this year

Tetsuo the Iron Man

go to bed Australia, no one likes you

You talk like a fag and your shit’s all retarded.

youth always confuses cynicism with sophistication

just recommend kinos instead of pretending you're above it all, niggers

i feel like michael mann takes that 80s aesthetic and vibes it up with some really strong stuff, I highly recommend

I tried watching that and for some reason I could not force myself to sit and deal with it

Dodes'ka-den was a memorable experience

the magic christian

but I am above it all I'm posting from my steampunk airship right now

bringing out the dead

Your description is very vague
Marketa Lazarova
Valley of the Bees
The Cremator
The Searchers
Andrei Rublev
The Hourglass Sanatorium
Eternity and a Day
Landscape in the Mist
Werckmeister Harmonies
A Man Escaped
The Thief, The Cook, His Wife and Her Lover
The Baby of Macon
Red Desert
The Passenger
La Notte
Barry Lyndon
The Birth of a Nation
Il Gattopardo
Francisca (1981)
The Night of the Hunter
McCabe and Mrs Miller
Days of Heaven
The Thin Red Line
The Tree of Life
The Long Day Closes
Distant Voices, Still Lives
The Double Life of Veronique
Lola Montes
The Conformist
Black Narcissus
Mother and Son
Peeping Tom

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The Fifth Element

I actually don't think Mann is that 80s. Vice is ok but still way too TV and kinda cheezy, Scarface did everything he wanted before Miami Vice was made

was having a really hard time describing, but I thought maybe the movies themselves would be demonstrative enough

thanks for the reccs, adding to my list

night of the hunter is hardcore kino for sure, especially if you had a stepfather. shit cuts deep.

nice post, normalfag

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pixote is a difficult movie to walk away from

Beyond the Black Rainbow
Good Time
Uncut Gems

kino. extra kino points if on vhs

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just pick one with an example instead of being a glory hog

Blood and Black Lace


Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall... and Spring
Ballad of Narayama (Original and Remake)
The Black Stallion
A Matter of Life and Death
Son of the White Mare and The Last Unicorn if you're into animation
And I'm guessing you've already seen it since you posted Paris, Texas, but Wings of Desire is a must watch.

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I welcome long lists. I save the webpages and then I go back through each and do a little imdb search, checking em out and adding the ones I like to my to watch list. Have found some life altering kino this way. I recommend.

spring, summer, winter, fall... and spring is very very good

wings of desire I remember liking a lot, it has just been so long since I've seen it that I don't know if it'd hit the same. May have to check it out again. Wenders also did Kings of the Road which I think is less appreciated but that one I watched not too long ago and it hit pretty deep, I would definitely recommend.

thanks for the reccs!!

dawn of the dead
evil dead 2

herzog is pretty badass. that movie is pretty goddam depressing though.

his movies Even Dwarfs Started Small and The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser are pretty kino

One Hour Photo
Computer Chess
The Eyes of Tammy Faye
Easy Rider
Medium Cool
No Such Thing

do you really?

Syndromes and a Century
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
An Elephant Sitting Still
Kaili Blues
Still Walking

truth be told the only Mann I've seen is Thief but it kicked my ass really good. It made strong vibey associations in my mind with the 80s but that could also be based off my own misunderstandings of the 80s.

really really

thanks for the reccs. An Elephant Sitting Still was fucking dismal if I remember correctly, but still a good watch

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Beyond The Black Rainbow has some of the best use of color in a film to date.

'The Lives of Others' is good soul crushing malaise kino

You had to be a kid I guess, Transformers is 80s peak even though you could dismiss it as consumerist trash

it's wannabe trash

I may have to get around to trying this out, specifically on a CRT. Seems comfy

I Heart Huckabees is real good. kinda tongue in cheek but very heartfelt, it'll stick with you

it's ok, but just from the intro you can see where the whole "80s = neon grids" comes from

watch more films

added for sure

I remember this being pretty kino

this looks really good

lilja 4-ever
drugstore cowboy
before the devil knows youre dead
city of god
Henry portrait of a serial killer

yes that is some kino. I feel like it crossed over pretty well with my Wes Anderson infatuation of Life Aquatic and all his movies that came before it

speaking of Jason Schwartzman, the movie Spun I think is worth seeing at least once

drugstore cowboy + stalker, fuck yeas.

speaking of drugstore cowboy, you ever try any of Gus Van Sant's other movies?

adding those others, thnks m8

hmm yes. Tron weighs pretty heavily in my aesthetic conception of the 80s

Picnic at hanging rock

Any Quentin Dupieux (Mr. Oizo) kino. I see you've already seen wrong. Watch Rubber. Kino soundtrack too.

yeah I had dreams of being on the blue team but somehow I barely remember Tron. Most 80s kids would tell you that the toy shows and Nintendo were how they remember the decade.