Best alternate covers edition
>pic related
/who/ - Doctor Who General
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I never thought I would be glad of seeing McCoy's logo
based dead /who/
someone post jenna’s ass
Best cliffhangers? My pick would have to be the one in The Caves of Androzani part 3.
what is the doctor and clara's obsession with each other's asses?
Caves 3 is the best cliffhanger for sure, but I also like Fenric 3 when Fenric rises behind the Doctor and says "we play the contest again, Time Lord"
suck it /who/
jenna's so autistic
y-yes sir
Doctor Who episodes for this feeling?
A Town called Mercy
Timeless Children for that particular feeling
Rose sucked and somehow got the best ending out of all companions
lol, podcasts
12 should've had a long-term male companion. The male companions usually went with the older doctors and did the physical stuff they didn't like Ian and Jamie.
This, it would have been perfect
What was wrong with Amy whoring herself on the streets of new york to support herself?
must nuwho companions got reasonably happy endings and probably lived happily ever after. rose got her own human doctor which is probably the best ending of all companions, martha managed to snap out of her obsession and got married, amy and rory got to live happily ever after, even donna became rich in the end. it's just bill who got cyber'd and clara who became a zombie and had to go die in an alley.
Say it.
hi neo
i think passwords on nu/who/ are a good idea
How do you even get into Dr Who at this point?
not her
you shouldn't, and i say this as a fan. this show is the amalgamation of wasted potential
>Doctor Who General threads on Yas Forums in 2020
Shit really, I thought this was just crazy twilight zone nonsense and it sounds cool
the forum is better obvs
but we need new members
a new muse
a new hunter
kys yourelf
>the forum is better obvs
What the 3 trip fags?
I'm not joining that hell hole, tripfags deserve a rop or should cave in and get on a website that you sign up for.
is this canon?
Lmao yes the three of them
>should cave in and get on a website that you sign up for
...which they did?
It was kind of, more of Whacky space adventures with a God. If you want twilight zone shit, the first Doctor is going to be your favourite.
it is cool at times, there are some good seasons and godlike episodes, but the majority of it is campy and cheesy british television. if you wanna start somewhere, go with either Series 1 from 2005 or Series 5 from 2010. if you like them, watch everything before Series 11 and then stop. if you like the show and want to branch out, find Classic episodes and start wherever you like, or try the audiobooks.
>3 trip fags
It's actually over 30 tripfags, and it's still less of a hellhole than this poor imitation.
theres more than 3
nearly most of them are ok
Reminder that Jodie's nudes leaked and no one cared
What film was this from again?
oh yea
name 5
I mean, uhh, the forum is a total shithole! No one should go on there!
10 neo coins have been added to your wallet
More like 1 tripfag and 29 simps. Fuck everyone there with their (You)s, this place is infinitely better
The fact that they are named in the first place and not Anonymous is shit.
morph, fob, judy, molly, nilso
Doesn't even matter anymore? Whitaker Doctor screwed up everything with a smile. Fuck Who
imagine needing to hide behind anonymity lmao
yes i shit lintowl
No one here is joining your shitty forum trip fags, we aren't becoming another /trek/ with Jannies and Trannies ruining threads. Nor are we emigrating to make an 'account'. Back to the pit.
judy stop floating the fucking idea, we dont want it, and they dont want it either. stop.
Good jumping on points:
An Unearthly Child (very beginning)
Spearhead from Space (first story in colour)
Robot (first story with the Fourth Doctor who is arguably the most iconic)
Remembrance of the Daleks (first story with decent production values by modern standards)
Rose (first story of the 2005 revival, intended to appeal to newcomers)
The Eleventh Hour (first story with Steven Moffat as showrunner)
The Woman Who Fell to Earth (first story with Chris Chibnall as showrunner, basically a soft reboot with minimal references to past continuity)
I want neo to piss on my face while he chastises me for not listening to the latest earkinos from Big Finish Productions
you can still enjoy the things that went right in the past and ignore the things that went wrong in the present
What the fuck did I do to be brought into this
lol no one wants you degenerates around, now fuck off before i open /fobwatch/!
Neo is the neonazi who runs the Whocares podcast? Yeah, no thanks. Him and his dwgeneral forums can eat a dick. Full of altright refugees.
why would you want to go to a forum thats literally full of trips? barely a step above discord.
Alright lads, I'm going to go play HL:A in a few hours and I'm going to abandon this thread, have a meme.
No you idiot, they're the SJWs, we're the alt-righters
They're really not. Lots of lads have emigrated over there. The plan is to unpozz Chibnall by getting him to recognise the 6 million figure is a lie in an incoming episode. The Whocares podcast is full of ourguys redpilling simps and npcs on the jq.
/who/ here, what is it?
I cared :)