>Movie about 10 years old nazi white boy falling in love with 17 years old Jewish girl
Why is this allowed?
>Movie about 10 years old nazi white boy falling in love with 17 years old Jewish girl
Why is this allowed?
what do you mean that sounds based
what if it was the other way around
Nude scene was a bit too much
Racism and Fascism can be cured by pussy incels
literally what's bad about that
Don't open
Ass inside
She cute
Hi Yas Forums
>Why is this allowed?
literally happens on this board on a daily basis
it could have been so based if the roles were reversed
What’s this from?
Yes, and they have sex.
who could have played the jewish girl in this scenario
>Movie about 10 years old Jewish white boy falling in love with 17 years old Nazi girl
god i wish i was jojo in this relationship
>>Movie about 10 years old nazi white boy falling in love with 17 years old Jewish girl
>Why is this allowed?
LOL, OP is too ugly to be seduced by the JIDF Khazar milkers brigade.
It's literally how 85% of everyone here has lost their virginity.
I don't even like Germans, care about politics or jews, but I wanted to bang some hot Jewish trim, so I played the part.
Get with the program user for fucks sake. Or are you one of the few retards here to actually talk about what's going on on TV or the movies??? JFC!!!
Jews Love Big White Cocks 7: Anal Holocaust
>nazi white boy
are there nazi nigger boys that i'm not aware of?
>he doesn't know
The Free Arabian Legion has arabs and blacks fighting with Germany against the Brits and French in North Africa.
Historically in many cultures adolescent boys who belonged to any degree of wealth were given sexual access to slightly older girls in order to be seen as manlier
Most young men of status lost their virginity to a slightly older slave girl or servant
Why do nazis pretend to hate niggers then if there were niggers who fought as nazis?
God, I wish it were me
>that time Cicero offhandedly mentioned raping an actress when he was 13
Our society has truly declined
We're fine with based niggers as long as they stay in their own countries.
Then why did they let niggers fight for them in Europe?
Racial propaganda was merely a political tool in the hands of the german elite, I highly doubt that even the majority of them had any actual beliefs on the subject, let alone coherent ones backed up by biological science. Also, a lot of their hatred was motivated by their jealousy of the success of the city dwelling jews living in Europe, which obviously were more racially german than middle eastern.
meant to say Germany*
>Racial propaganda was merely a political tool in the hands of the german elite, I highly doubt that even the majority of them had any actual beliefs on the subject, let alone coherent ones backed up by biological science. Also, a lot of their hatred was motivated by their jealousy of the success of the city dwelling jews living in Europe, which obviously were more racially german than middle eastern.
Although the alt-right has died and will soon be forgotten, the phrase "Khazar milkers" will live on forever.
She doesn't look jewish at all.
She's Kiwi
They didn't. The nonwhite units fought only in their local regions to my knowledge.
Nazis didn't have a particular hate against blacks, maybe because there were literally no black people in Germany in the first decades of the XX century. Same goes for Asians
He didn't fall in love, they saw each other as friends
There were only the Rhineland bastards from the French occupation after WW1. Thankfully Hitler took care of those rape babies.
>tfw I fell in love with my 12 year old senior when I was 7 or 8 years old at school
10 year old Jewish boy falling in love with 17 year old Nazi girl would be better.
alt-right was never a thing
Germany had 10 000 japanese living in the country but you also had the honorary aryan thing going on.
yes, I'm an israeli intelligence agent, we know your address and entire posting history online btw:-)
>He didn't fall in love, they saw each other as friends
Are you Asian or smth, have you never heard of having "butterflies" in your belly? What do you think it stands for, my man, what was the point of all these sexually tense awkward scenes, or when he confesses that he loves her?
But she manhandled, choked and insulted him in an earlier scene!
With Jews you win
I thought it was artistic and tasteful
seek professional help
>seek professional help
>Movie about 10 years old nazi white boy falling in love with 17 years old Jewish girl
Why hasn't anyone made a movie about a 10 year old jew lg falling in love with a 20 year old nazi that also falls in love with her and hides her from the nazi police
Basedjak posters must be banned from this website
>Basedjak posters must be banned from this website
oh this kind of /ss/ I can get into
is that Birdy the musician
based breh
hot, imagine banging a milf in at 13