Carefully craft virus in wuhan laboratory

>carefully craft virus in wuhan laboratory
>wait for election year and peak market euphoria
>release the virus in your own country so no one suspects you created it, knowing that your authoritarian government is 100% capable of containing it in a month, some may die, a sacrifice you are willing to take for your Great Country
>lie about numbers and general data so everyone think it's not a big deal
>know democracies are weak and slow to react
>know this will crash the entire US economy
>claim the US military created the virus, claim they are racist, etc

Any kinos where the villain has a 200+ IQ?

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> not posting this kino pic related

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New season of Mr. Robot?

>plan that's easy enough to explain very clearly with a few meme arrows
is this really what passes for 200+ IQ in america?

As if a grown man who gets angry about being compared to Winnie the Pooh could be that diabolical.

his skin is so yellow

>destroys globohomo empire

Was he the villain, or the hero?

god i hate the chinese so much

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The Chad Englishman vs. The Virgin Chinaman.

Trump and Xi aren’t enemies and the United States and China aren’t engaged in a covert war. Both countries are actually working together and Trump and Xi are both Austro-libertarian marxists looking to strengthen internationalist business ties. Just wait for the rhetoric when this all over about how the whole world fought it off together and the celebrities are already shilling with that stupid John Lennon song.

The virus destroyed Trump's economy, wiping out all economic gains since 2016. It was basically like he was never president. The Trade War was a complete waste of time. Now the US is going to fall into a great depression worse than 2008 and is likely to last at least 5 years. Now China has to bail them out again with loans. Watch as Western companies fall further into the hands of the Chinese as they struggle to stay afloat. This will mean the reshuffling of world powers, one that could benefit China if they play their cards right.

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>United States and China aren’t engaged in a covert war
Found the retard

enjoy your bat soup Chang, you'll be quarantined and left for dead soon enough

The CIA fucking around doesn't count as a war.

No it’s like how all the Kings of Europe met in secret with Queen Elizabeth being their ultra monarch. Then they would pretend to have a wars with each other for various reasons

>carefully craft virus
Being a disgusting little race of creatures who eat the rats that scurry out from the shitholes they call "bathrooms" is fine cuisine over there user.

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unironically based

If this actually were true it'd be fucking based.

Did Winnie get to him bros?

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>create anti-china sentiment worldwide thereby undermining your global silk road initiative
>200 IQ

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Kill yourself cuck

Can't be worse than anti-Japanese sentiment during WW2, which went away like 3 years after the war.

how about China infiltrating U.S. schools and military for twenty or so odd years?
China planned on displacing the U.S. as a superpower in about 20 years but this pandemic is going to set that back.

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>lie about numbers and general data so everyone think it's not a big deal
Why release it on your people at all if the numbers are a lie?

You conspiracy nuts are so fucking retarded

Japanese got nuked twice and got humiliated and their women spread their legs for white GIs and now their country is a protectorate of the USA empire

kino aesthetics.

>that huwhite guy in the background leaving the room

>no match for no malarkey

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China becoming world power is inevitable, no matter who was leading the country or if this virus happened or not. They are probably going to buy up your bankrupting companies soon.


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they got a little more docile after a few rads

its actually speeding it up. U.S. was too slow to react and its economy is getting crushed. meanwhile chinas already done with the virus and opening up plants again lol.

>t. kike

Joe, you dog!

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Pretty sure that is Macarthur

You're a fucking fool if you think we're not going to war with the chink menace after we clean up their fucking bioweapon.

>>lie about numbers and general data so everyone think it's not a big deal
>Why release it on your people at all if the numbers are a lie?

>You conspiracy nuts are so fucking retarded

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>chinas already done with the virus and opening up plants again lol.
you dont exactly have a choice, Chang. And that 8 million drop in phone signals suggest you have more than a few dead.

with the japanese emperor yes

This. The US economy is absolute fucked. I heard that if they enact a national shutdown for more than two weeks, there's no climbing back out of this easily. It will take years to recover and during that time companies will need the Chinese market/cheap labor to earn back the money they lost.

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communism is the future. get over it whitey. look on the bright side you wont have to work 40 hrs a week to pay for ur shitty trailer anymore. youll just get one for free.

ur small brain if u think any large scale war is going to happen in the year 2020 lol.

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>meanwhile chinas already done with the virus and opening up plants again lol.
Doesn't matter because China relies on western countries to purchase their cheap, mass-produced garbage. What's going to happen if they don't have a market for their goods, retard?

lmao doesnt matter how many are dead or not. theyre a dictatorship taking advantage of the fact that the worlds economies are all a lie. they can print as much and instantly do whatever they want with money. our country still uses democracy and bureaucracy to allocate funds to programs, which is even more retarded today due to the left/right politics being as far apart as they are.

Why don't you go complain in this thread

tiny tiny asian dick

>which went away like 3 years
More like 3 decades. Not to mention Japan got a new government, I don't see the CCP standing down unless there's a revolution. There might be. These Chinese hate their govt just as much as we do.

Very low IQ post
Release it in your country to cover up any suspicions
Lie about numbers to make everyone keep their guards down and allow the shit storm to brew long enough so that when the other countries react its already too late
If China came in hot telling us the true numbers most western countries would have immediately locked shit down to prevent the spread

doesnt matter. theyll just sell to the billions of other people in the world, retard. america is only 300 million lol.

So when are you getting a head start on your social credit score Yas Forums? Maybe once China occupies your pitiful country you can become an administrator of some sort in a collaboration government!

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Yeah like the US has never purposefully spread diseases or performed false flags. Get your head out of your ass zoomer.

Shhhh! He's so peaceful.

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china had to shutdown a city of 40 million and took a huge economic hit. i doubt they released it on purpose.

China's numbers are a "lie" in the same sense that ours are. There's only so many tests. Everyone's real numbers are way higher, it's not because anyone is lying.

They'll always have a market because of their cheap labor.

We need to build Liberty Prime; that is all.

> US spends trillions on a huge Millitary.

> US spends nothing on defence against pandemics.

How's that military spending working out, America?

>What's going to happen if they don't have a market for their goods
>European countries are literally casting aside the EU and begging China for aid (including medical equipment) at this very moment

But it worked out in the end.

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