Is the YouTube comment section the most based forum after Yas Forums?

Is the YouTube comment section the most based forum after Yas Forums?

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That's not xvideos' comment section.

It is remarkable how much the quality of discourse in YouTube comments has improved the last five years. It used to be incomprehensibly retarded.

depends on channel but ye sure

>Is the YouTube comment section the most based forum after Yas Forums?

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>I'm in the weird part of youtube again...

Attached: c2167a02dd73b68cfec375ef06a2083b.jpg (815x1000, 137.76K)

cyst popping isn't that weird and it's extremely gratifying

>anyone else watching this in 2020?

Attached: 1584365638065.jpg (1080x1080, 308.43K)

absolutely nobody:
op: iS tHe yOuTuBe CoMmEnT sEcTiOn ThE mOsT BaSeD fOrUm aFtEr Yas Forums?

>comment is just a quote from the video
>1k+ likes

Attached: 1572573262278.jpg (270x481, 27.1K)

>end up on some random video where most of the comments are miniblogs and casual conversations

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It's called Yahoo's comment section, friend.

second to yahoo news

2011: no
2012: no
2013: no
2015: no
2017: no
2018: no
2019: no

>144p we meet again ...
>LOL, at 1:44 he made a joke which I found funny
>the 2675842 people who disliked this video are French
>if my comment gets 5 thumps up, I'm going to do a flip
>day 2, I'm still searching for BadMofo666's comment

absolutely nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
not even keanu reeves:
random incel on Yas Forums: SOIJAK(500).JPG LOL I QUOTE YOU
[everyone disliked that]
baby yeed: wait that's illegal
brie larson: ok that was lowkey on point
pickle rick: *slaps roof of car* luke did i ever tell you about the time i turned myself into a pickle? it was an epic moment.
luke: *is retarded*
CIA: Bane?
sans undertale: hey don't google HP Lovecraft's cat name
[OP googles hp lovecrafts cat name]
CIA: congratulations you got yourself caught!
stan lee: *flies past in a spaceship* ooooh i dont care what universe you're from that's GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
keanu reeves: you're breathtaking!
area 51 guards:i bet i can take keanu reeves
keanu reeves: you sure about that
keanu reeves: kills all area 51 guards
area 51:wait thats illegal
Everyone liked that
CIA: am I joke to you?
Alt right incels: there's no way star wars can be good agai....
Baby Yeed: hold my beer
Big chungus joined the chat
Drumpf has left the chat
4chanlets: 'Yeah, I'm thinking this is kind of epic based pilled, maybe a bit of a coom moment?? Idk think I might post a frog.

Yas Forums/nel is so bad now facebooks probably better

not a single soul:
not even keanu chungus wholesome 100:
OP: Is the YouTube comment section the most based forum after Yas Forums?

EDIT: thanks for the likes, i didnt expect this to blow up lol

>(edited) omg! thanks so much guys for all the likes :3

Unironically this. I've laughed more at FB memes this year.

The TMZ comment section is a mindfuck. I'll read an article about Jennifer Lopez at the beach in a new bikini, and people will be arguing about liberal snowflakes and Trump saving America. Shit is schizophrenic.

People argue about that stuff everywhere

I sometimes enjoy reading comments for individual songs that I like, there really is nowhere else that I know of where you can read what people think of a specific song. But otherwise it's definitely the worst.

the comment section on celebjihad is pretty retarded. i was looking at some patreon lady on there and the comment section was talking about muslims fucking goats or whatever

>click on cool scene from random kino
>top comment "absolutely the greatest scene in cinematic history..."
Every time

>back when music was good
>omg how can one person be so talented omg
>now this is real music
>*posts all the song lyrics*

But on other sites it's normally in relation to the article's topic. On TMZ it's completely irrelevant.

>>*posts all the song lyrics*

based strokeposter

>Shriekingdickhead98 sent me here

all me

YouTube is fucking retarded these days. I hate how the suggested videos no longer give you related content but try to suggest old interests you watched weeks ago.
Related, has anyone else noticed how terriable google search results have been getting last 5 years? Their algorithm has been completely gamed I think.

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>it's the comment section of a baby monkey video

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They (((fixed))) their algorithm after the fake news debacle with Trump. Now when you search anything the top results are all CNN, ABC and all the top network news channels. The videos are edited and you don't get the original raw video.
The trending promotes youtubers and trannies.
You really have to search for good stuff and get lucky. Recommended always gives me degenerate shit.

You need to look at the comments on DJ Vlad's community posts. Just a straight up race war, its hilarious

>my dad really liked this track and now he's dead

>The trending promotes youtubers and trannies.
Is that why I keep getting Contrapoints and Jefree Star or whatever?

Name one.

Obviously there's a lot of that and the more something is popular the more of that shit, but I'm not talking about mainstream songs with millions of views. I don't care to look up what people have to say about Stairway to heaven or Thriller, but for music I don't have anyone IRL to discuss with it's useful. Shit, don't make me defend youtube comments dog.

Intelligence ranking

>posts all the song lyrics

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/diy/>>/g/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>=Yas Forums=Yas Forums=Yas Forums=YT=FB=Twitter>Instragram>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>reddit>Yas Forums

I read this shit everytime it gets posted


>im only 14 but i listen to old music. I wish I was born in the '80s
Every time

>pepe or wojack avatar
>Yas Forums memes
>who's watching this in the current year

it's cringier than ever

Yes. But, for me? You're asking me? Well for me, it's the weird fringe redpilled females of low sub count females
this one being more on the schizophrenic side

Attached: Screenshot_20191128-223134_YouTube.jpg (810x2136, 513.63K)

no, it's 9gag
our bros over there are very redpilled

also thisthe only downside is that i can't be too edgy on facebook

This meme is redditarded.

They're out there bros.
Look up anything weird you're interested in the search but filter to newest and within the last month, or else youtube censors a TON out of your search. Only then will you find kino of insurmountable proportions.

Attached: Screenshot_20191128-223825_YouTube.jpg (810x1463, 228.26K)

>video features twitch chat stream full of pepe emoticons

its impossible to be dumber than Facebook

>*posts all the song lyrics*

This is actually helpful when it's not in English and they give you the translation.

For some reason it's very right wing

>millions of Pajeets having personal conversations with a copied video f a pornstar

You have Pewdiepie to thank for that.

>edit: wow thanks for the likes!!!!!!
>i like the part where [the only thing that happens in the video]

kek and their english is fucked up

there is this donkey kong soundtrack video but everyone thought that it was the checkpoint of life/universe or something, shit's weird

>Who else is here from x?

>No, I'm here because I like good music

It can be

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It's genuinely the worst. I've gotten more second hand embarrassment reading YouTube comments than on Facebook or Yas Forums

Yup, find me a video that doesn't have this stuff

>20% of the accounts have annoying pony avatars
thanks Yas Forums

>prize at the end
Keep going
Almost there
Just a little bit closer
You’ve gone to far
Haha just kidding
The prize: have a nice day!!!

Fuck. There’s supposed to be spaces between the comments. I screwed up guys.

yahoo's comment section for its articles is wonderful