What is the most soul sucking, depressing, mentally brutal film you've ever watched?
What is the most soul sucking, depressing, mentally brutal film you've ever watched?
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I watched a vlog once.
Birds of Prey
Day the clown cried
>The Hunt
>Dear Zachary
>Come and See
>Funny Games
>The Road
>The Man Who Sleeps
>Lilya 4-ever
watch these and you'll be emotionally drained for a month straight
Umberto D
Clockwork Orange I guess
I'm not into these kind of movies
i love a man in uniform
>>Dear Zachary
>>Come and See
Downloading these now.
i watched light house earlier this year on a heroic dose of mushrooms and I seriously considered killing myself, even tho im normally a happy person
user wake up.
you're still tripping
shrooms are the only true way to fully immerse yourself in kino
I refuse to watch Johnny Got his Gun because its my worst nightmare.
That webm of spics watching negan kill people in the walking dead.
>Dear Zachary
Fucking hell, fuck that movie was depressing.
Good to know that any murderer can walk free if the killing was personal in Canada. Great system!
The last time a movie made me feel anxiety was the opening of Irreversible -- mainly due to the extinguisher part, which looked insanely real to me.
The Road and Children of Men.
little nicky
Real Life.
Deer Hunter, day I watched that was the most peculiar, legendarily grey day of all time, it'll never leave me
El patrón, radiografía de un crimen (2014) agreeable people is doomed
Any video of western city centers from the last decade
Far And Away was a serious downer. Every time I thought something good was finally about to happen, something bad happened.
Just saw El Hoyo, pretty brutal stuff
Both the heinous acts that take place in the movie and the implication that society works in a similar way.
Filipino soap operas.
For starters, they not only have torture porn, but child torture porn as well.
And that's not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to CP in our soap operas.
They also have tons of:
>Satanic/demonic propaganda
>fucked up morality
>general fucked up shit
>general depravity
>glorification of suicide (for God's sake, at least 13 Reasons Why had good intentions, no matter how clunky it was executed in the end, Filipino soap operas outright state that suicide is a good option)
>hardcore gore that belongs on the most fucked up of guro hentai
>Chinese bootleg hentai-tier Engrish mixed with negro Ebonics
>terrible production values (CGI that makes 16-bit era games look like Pixar movies by comparison, borked up visual effects where explosions are GIFs, fires are Photoshop filters and completey ear-grating audio that makes Dingo Pictures sound like AKIRA)
And worse, they're all aimed towards families.
>Nazi/KKK-tier racism towards anyone that isn't Filipino, especially the Chinese, which are the black people of the Philippines (even worse since I'm half-Chinese)
>offensive stereotypes towards people with disabilities
>everyone is fucked up, even the kids
>general obscenity and evil
Lol wut
my parents wedding video
Yeah, I watched this movie on a rainy day and it sucked the life out of me
my parents conceiving me video
Men Behind the Sun.
Nothing Really Happens. It really made me wonder if humanity is worth saving, knowing that this piece of pretentious hipster garbage not only exists, but is available on streaming services.
Where the dead go to die
Aren't you supposed to go outside on shrooms and save the movies for LSD?
Ran (the Japanese King Lear film), especially the battle scenes, with dirges rather than fanfares.
why do you think the Flips do this?
Kino name, but there's no way in hell I'm watching this.
philosophy of a knife
I've watched this two or three times and it was pretty heavy OP.
I do both with both it doesn’t matter
Amour hit me hard because I had two grandparents who had bad battles with dementia. My grandfather died one year before it was a released. I still remember that my father, uncle, and I were sitting talking to him and he didn't really respond to anything. After about an hour, he just looked at us and asked us to hug him. All that shit came rushing back when I watched the movie and I had to pause it a couple of times. It was a very cathartic experience, but not one I'd like to go through again.
Any films I must absolutely see on a certain psych?
One of the only movies I couldn't finish was the Road, I literally wanted to kill myself before the first half was over.
>I literally wanted to kill myself
you should have
I haven’t seen many while tripping I’ve always been a candy flip and go explore the city type of guy. I live in Miami and wynwood and Miami Beach and all the house and techno clubs are perfect for that.
Annihilation was cool as fuck. I was coming off a candy flip after clubbing and smoked a bit and it made me kind of start feeling the acid again. That was nuts. The old cartoons are cool too. The aristocats, Dalmatians. Oh fucking Wachowskis Speed Racer was nuts. So was that one Oz movie with James Franco. There was one movie, I can’t remember but it was these giant blue people attacking little people and I watched that on shrooms. Honestly as long as it’s not something super disturbing or violent it should be a good time.
Be careful with those sharp instruments.
not only was it depressing, it was a chore to watch, still i liked it though because of clint mansel, even recorded the music with the VCR so i could listen to it over and over.
It's not really a depressing movie, but Antichrist made me feel empty and lifeless.
Same goes for Hunger.
recently i'd say wind river, movie gut wrenchingly depressing. jeremy renner is great though.
*movie was
i'm not esl, i promise