What is the kino of ASMR?

What is the kino of ASMR?

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Do people actually listen to this with no intent of beating off?


Thots ruined ASMR. It is not supposed to be primarly sexual.


i have a lot of trouble falling asleep, specially in summer and asmr helps a lot (if it is well done and not one of those pretty face thots like op's pic)

i'd be even more dissapointed of this board if nobody mentions the french whisperer


ASMR Suna. Her fried chicken video is top ASMR kino and she is an absolute goddess


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They didn't ruin it, they make my penis engorged with increased bloodflow (erect), if you comprehend the meaning of my words.

This. It’s annoying when something goes viral and every average lazy talentless slut who looks decent bandwagons and tries to cash out by latching onto the cultural trend and taking advantage of millions of casual incels and simps willing to spend their wageslave bucks on digital stimulation

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I used to before when i was suffering from loneliness and used it as a "virtual friend", but then i got a cat. Now i just use asmr to fap

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Someone post Japanese asmr kino. I only know cham and kanan. RIP suzu

Why are they men who do it so much better than the women?

because women just have to be women in front of a camera for twenty minutes. Men need to come up with something fresh.

cause women use it to show off her make up filtered pretty face and get validation from beta orbiters

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Sorry, I don't listen to men doing ASMR because I'm not gay.


this is fucking gay on a whole new level.
why the fuck would you listen to an hour of a man whispering shit into your ear, whether its ironic or not.

Alex Shai


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fuck these thots
Fredsvoice and Massage ASMR are /ourguys/

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anons, is this asmr?

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When will she embrace her inner thot and start to do porn, bros?

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I was really hoping this was not real lmao

When will you head back to redit?

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you sound very insecure in your sexuality

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Sauce? Context?



i like youtubers who transition into porn, it fits my fetish

mycherrycrush was the opposite

what is this ?

Why is this off-topic thread still up?


just come out of the closet already, you're on an anonymous image board

PPOMO is too cute for this asmr world.

The fact that he's dressed up like the Village People version of what he thinks a manly man is only makes this gayer desu


>people show themselves in front of a camera

Why? That's making it visual stimulation now.

Well you dirty shitskin?

she records sounds and masturbate to them, the series is called limetown but it's not about that


I was about to say

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not necessarily
i get it from watching people trace things with their finger


>Elder God Tier
Ear-to-ear whispering
Receptionist type role play

>God Tier
Hand movements
Clinical role play
Foreign language

>Good Tier
Ear cupping
Eye contact

>Meh Tier
Slime and lotion sounds
Ear cleaning

>Awful Tier

>Send it to the Shadow Realm Tier

you posted it, user

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But I'm very sure of yours, faggot.

>no one knows my name or who I am but everyone must be made aware that I am gay
imagine parading around like a faggot for no real reason on an anonymous image board.

why are you so scared to accept that you're gay? it's like the norm now

Why are you so obsessed about his sexuality you bumbling homo

I seem to be the only one who just gets annoyed by ASMR sounds

Homosexuality is a shameful, self satiating condition that puts pleasures of the flesh over the intrinsic role of man in nature. It's weakness and moral corruption incarnate, found only in stagnate civilizations wallowing in a pit of their own opulence without any true purpose.
also it's how pedos breed

Meditate for about 10 minutes on why you hate it. You'll be surprised at the results.

i'm trying to help the poor soul come out of closet and stop lying to himself, i'm a psychologist irl it's my nature to try and help

if i ever see that binge eating chink ever again, i swear to god...

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faggot irl


imagine being this much of a coom brain

this aggression of yours most likely stems from a lack of maternal love, get closer to your mother and you'll feel better user, trust me

i can tell you come from a religious family, you don't have to be ashamed of being gay user, believe in yourself


it's to exercise acceptance of yourself, not the acceptance from others

hopefully soon, once her viewership starts to wane she'll give in

Any mommy or sister asmr? How about femboy asmr?

The religious ones don't know this evil truth about you parasites though

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>tfw you find out they're actually twins and it's not just the usual shit where the image is mirrored
Mic licking video made me cum gallons