Are they the millennial Coens?

Are they the millennial Coens?

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They aren't there yet.
They've yet to make a true masterpiece, a film that will be studied for years to come.

Dude on the left needs a haircut and to embrace the hairline

they are /ourjews/

They've already made 2

They made two really good films but those films aren't necessarily masterpieces

Uncut Gems is close.

i think Gems is a masterpiece

I'd say so yeah

No, completely different style and they haven’t made anything yet that’s as good as a top 10 Coens film

probs. imagine being josh and having to stand next to benny whilst looking that shit tho

i agree - it will be discussed in future film classes

Why is the one on the right so creepy looking? Something about the blank expression on his face is in the uncanny valley

They've made films that equal or better Blood Simple > The Hudsucker Proxy

Coens have yet to make something as good as Heaven Knows What

he's the handsome one, what gives?

The Coens are fantastic in their ability to adapt and create unique, creative films
I loved both Uncut Gems and Good Time but there are so many similarities between the two. Both are created specifically to heighten tension and anxiety over the course of the film, both feature unlikeable scumbags as the main characters who treat everyone as a means to an end, and both of them meet their downfalls by doing a series of insane and escalating maneuvers to attempt to get out of trouble that ends up blowing up in their faces spectacularly.

The Coens haven't made a single masterpiece.

name a more jewish looking duo

I just want to see benny play a retard again that shit was kino

unironically I dare anyone on Yas Forums to name a director doing better work than these two rn

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They need to diversify.
The Coen's are really good at keeping a consistent style but their movies have completely different tones. Broadly you can separate their films into dramas and comedies however Oh Brother Where Art Thou is completely different from Raising Arizona or Hail, Caesar.

Good Time and Uncut Gems are very, very similar, other than Uncut Gems has more lighter moments and broader tone.

They have to make some different ass movies to be like the Coens.

More like the millenial Cassavetes or Scorsese.

What did they mean by this?

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they made two mediocre films

/ourguys/ even just for casting sandler in a dramatic role again

>tfw, when you know you’ll never get an intense crime thriller about OJ Simpson pulling off a robbery to get back stolen NFL memorabilia set in Vegas directed by the Safdie brothers.

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Raising Arizona is absolutely a masterpiece

They couldnt look more jewish.
fucking kikes

that movie made me fall in love with holly hunter

Pleasure of Being Robbed and Daddy Long Legs were pretty far removed from their mainstream breakthrough stuff.

>full brothers
>one has blue and one has brown eyes
wait a minute...

i hate jews but these guys make some kino
thankfully they have never seen a dollar from me

they look nothing alike, aren't brothers supposed to look kinda similar?

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it's been confirmed that the Safdies have spent time on Yas Forums before

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No, their style isn't really anything like the Coens.

It won't be. There's nothing exceptional about Uncut Gems or anything they've made. Your small reference pool of film knowledge has you confused.

Oh so which Safdie are you?

no idea who, but they look like "cohens"

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hi its benny

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>The Reddit Brothers

Gems is a bonafide masterpiece
Good Time is serviceable
Heaven Knows What is still seemingly untapped because plebs

It took normies a year and change to discover Good Time so whenever Gems becomes streamable in America they'll blow up even more.

I'm sure their next is yet another script that was workshopped across several years. I could see them doing a movie in the rap music world, just a guess.

yeah they are two of a kind. I think they're developing a recognisable style, which the Coens also did take the time do to, it just so happened there's a certain versatility to the Coens' directing style that maybe isn't possible with the Safdies'. Maybe it is, and they just haven't proven it yet. I think part of it is that the Coens like to frame their shots often quite passively, from a distance, and then allow the scene to play out within the field of vision covered by the camera. Their direction is often practiced far more in the space beyond the camera rather than necessarily via the motion of the camera itself. It's one of the reasons their films can't be described as having a 'visceral realism' like the Safdies. It's the visual and directorial equivalent of their deadpan writing style. Now this methodology has proven to actually be quite versatile, working in genre from surrealist mystery (Barton Fink) to broad comedy (The Big Lebowski), and including all manner of thrillers and crime dramas. It also lends itself to Westerns, and they essentially cemented the modern directorial tradition for neo-Westerns with No Country, with things like Sicario and Hell or High Water (though I admit Roger Deakins probably has a lot to do with this). Point is, it lends itself to versatility. But, then again, they've also been making films for almost 40 years, and therefore have gone through many stylistic 'eras' in their work.
Safdies are extremely young, and it's not necessarily a surprise that their first handful of commercial films follow a clear aesthetic. However, I think their close, intense directorial style - often with handheld cameras tight on actors' faces or other objects of interest, not really a set focus, and often intentionally haphazard framing - is, while obviously cultivated, a potential box for them. It lends itself to an extremely frenetic, anxious energy, and whether this can carry over into various styles of storytelling is yet to be seen.

*with things like Sicario and Hell or High Water taking cues from it

good monobrow on him

Yeah this. Their films are really in the same vein as things like The Killing of a Chinese Bookie. They clearly love that gritty 70s neo-noir shit, back when New York was an absolute dogshit hellhole.

Good thoughts. Im not worried. The next Safdie film oughtta prove sceptics wrong, I'm sure they've considered the escape plan.

Josh if you're reading this I like your hat that you wear in interviews sometimes. Also can you give me Julia Fox's number (because I'd like to 'fuck' her).

Are you kidding? They couldn't even stand up to Kevin Garnett's management when they demanded they call the movie "Uncut Gems" in what world are they worth respect or discussion?

yeah, they're shit like every milennial

Yeah I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I also think it's a side effect of being young and not yet feeling the need to change it up. They're still incredibly refreshing. I would like to see them make something set outside of a tight cityscape, however. I really liked how they directed the opening of Gems, in Ethiopia. I'm imagine them doing some neo-Western set in semi-urban Colorado or something, but not fornicating with the scenery and landscapes like other directors might do, instead framing it in their own way, like Wim Wenders treating West Texas with desolate indifference. But I feel like they just really like tight spaces, Cassavetes style.


The Coens work mostly within an institutional mode of representation schema, whereas the Safdies have this sort of FNW/cinéma vérité thing going on. It's really not that complicated

imagine working for someone's promo "street team" and having to post on Yas Forums lmao

just some weird meme being force by a mentally ill person. the film was called uncut gems before garnett joined.

Kevin Garnett and his management used his NBA connections to leverage Sandler's people into calling the movie Uncut Gems, thinking that adding a sly allusion to Garnett's name in the title would raise his profile as an actor. Garnett apparently personally called all of the other players they tried to negotiate to tell them the part was "off limits" so that the producers would be forced to cave to his camp's demands. Kind of a shitty thing to do but hard to respect the safdie brothers when they let a cameo actor push them around behind the scenes like that.

imagine actually reading every uncut gems thread

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source? What did they wanna call it?

kek Uncut Gems is on Netflx, retard

You're movies are kino

Yeah that's what I was getting at. 'My aesthetic is that of the sniper on the roof'.

They were going to call it Year of the Rat, the working/production title was "High Anxiety" like the Mel Brooks movie

why would they be promo-ing a film that was released last year, right now in the middle of a pandemic

>in the middle of the pandemic
do you always answer your own questions right as you ask them?

complete fabrication

I genuinely enjoy that posters thoughts, don't be a fag

sure dude, I often whore her out to anonymous imageboard posters, give me your address and social security number and she can be your slampig

why did you reply to me like you were already mid-sentence?

So you think people are promoting a film so that people will watch it on netflix when they're in quarantine?
Buddy, they've already sold the fucking thing to the streaming service, it's already had its theatre run, its already been at all the film festival and had its youtube promos. The promotional period is over.

No they're promoting their brand (what a street team does) by discussing them and their recent movies which are available to stream. You're acting obtuse on purpose, aren't you?

it's because Yas Forums can't be a place for real discussion or sharing of thoughts, it's only for schizophrenic retards to ramble about nothing

Could the Safdies make Uncut Gems and then shift gears to something lighthearted and fun like O Brother Where Art Thou? They’re just nowhere near as versatile right now

ok OP