Who will play them in the movie?
Who should direct?
Who will play them in the movie?
why does he always look so annoyed?
me as trump
Because of euros and the west coast.
gays are allowed to live
i don't feel so good mr. president
I like that they've started wearing matching jumpsuits. Adds to the kino.
Fincher should direct
this guy's career has been nothing but getting publicly btfo
>your dad has been talking about how this virus is a hoax
>get the virus
RIP drumpy
>if only you knew how good the whores are at this level
If Trump doesn't keep his neetbux promise i'm voting democrat.
It's the opposite of neetbux. It'll be based on your income tax last year, so no income = no trumpbuxxx.
if burgers manage to reelect him the next four years will make the past four look like a disney movie. it'll be nonstop kino.
Fags exist
Why are democrats seething that Trump is going to give Trumpbucks ($1000) to everyone?
All the kikes in the room
Because the democrats literally have nothing on trump now. He is taking all their campaigning points and shitting on them
There are still homos walking around on American soil.
Why are Americans trying to blame their president for a Chinese virus?
Are they fucking retarded?
he's vice president to a cuck administration led by a idiot
>Chinese virus
Wow, bit racist much?
It's not even your money. It's the federal reserve. Trump is just borrowing, and (You) will have to pay the interest on it. Bravo mutts.
daily reminder
Euro here
is it true that Trump is making temporary UBI ?
wtf ?
he keeps praying but the rapture still hasn't come
>Facebook post of a Yas Forums image of Twitter screencap
no one blames trump for the existence of the virus
everyone, correctly, blames trump for his response to the virus. or specifically his lack of response.
who should direct? an Israeli jew so its as close to reality as humanly possible, theyve been directed by one since day one.
Thats not what that tweet is saying at all
he's an even bigger israel ass kisser than trump because he's a braindead evangeloid
Too many fags
>it's OUR money
his boss acts like a clown whether purposely to own da libz or not
>everyone, correctly, blames trump for his response to the virus. or specifically his lack of response.
What are you talking about?
The US is basically in the same position all other western nations are in.
Blaming Trump for not having 365 Million testing kits on hand is only something sub human amerifats would do.
Because he didn't do shit about it until it became an actual pandemic. Now we're on track to be Italy-level fucked and hospitals are woefully unprepared
Wasn't the US one of the earlier countries closing boarders and people gave trump shit for it?
Trump stopped travel to china in January and was called a xenophobe. Any complaints about his response are based on lies
What did Trump mean by this?
Because deranged men take pleasure in putting their penises in other men’s assholes
He literally claimed the virus was a hoax up until like a month ago. We should have been prepping for this shit while it was still in China. Just because other European countries were also retarded doesn't mean Trump is absolved of any blame
"only 10 people together at any given time!"
>16 people on stage
based retard
Actually, no. The USA is going the italian way and Italy had the worst response in the Western World (and Trump literally abolished the staff established by Obama to deal with pandemics ah and no one of signifance attended the briefing Obama organized to warn him about this ah and yes, he told us it was a hoax mere weeks ago but apart from all that he die just fine)
refer to: he's obviously in the pockets of his jewish overlords that are pulling the strings to destroy america
>He literally claimed the virus was a hoax up until like a month ago
>banned travel from china in january
No retard. We literally just closed our borders to Canada and Mexico. If you're referring to the fucking wall that's totally unrelated and would have done nothing to stop the virus
the travel ban was a hoax too obviously
shouldn't his first name be rosenberg
I was going to make fun of you for not knowing the difference between canada and china but honestly it can be hard to tell
yeah and that totally was enough to stop it. He did everything he could. What a great president
Closing the borders does little when americans traveling from infected countries are not put under quarantaine. It also does little when you excempt the UK for literally no reason.
He didn't call the virus a hoax. He was claiming the democrats were politicising it and referred their criticism as a hoax,
Serious question though I doubt I'll get a reply, Trump supporters adore and admire Jews as much as he does?
gays still exist. i would be too
>Blaming Trump for not having 365 Million testing kits on hand
>fired pandemic response team
>called it a hoax
He has no choice about being retarded, you do
Yes. What's wrong with that?
>wasn't the narrative I got from cable news and talk radio correct?
Why do mutts refuse to take the virus seriously?
trump chose not to buy more test kits, or accept the test kits the WHO were handing out
trump chose not to buy more respirators or masks, and now is telling states they are on their as far as treatment options or personal protective equipment
trump chose to lie about the virus to the public while receiving briefings about how bad the virus was (the senators in those meetings sold stock because they knew the virus would be a disaster)
trump only started thinking the virus was actually a problem last week
trump spent the last two months telling the public that the virus was nothing more than flu, that sick/infected people could still go to work and school, and that a vaccine was a week away
be honest and ask yourself - why would trump stop travel from china if he genuinely believed this was just a flu?
didnt say there was, why so guilty minded?
When your opinion matters we'll tell you. What are the chances of you having a forum like Yas Forums on your fucking island? It's zero isn't it? Zero?
>trump chose not to buy more respirators or masks, and now is telling states they are on their as far as treatment options or personal protective equipment
Uh, no he didn't. He told states that it would be best if they found the best prices they could for that equipment rather than waiting for the govt. to supply it -- at least, in the meantime.
Because it is just a flu, and mass panic is unnecessary and will crash the economy?
>What's wrong with that?
t. Joo
>leftoids being punished for abortion and gay marriage
Lib demochinks hate Drumpf so much they allied with the insectoids and released a deadly virus to sink him for destroying their adrenochrome supplies and 322 pizza parties.
Ok he just gutted it. Fact is when you asked Obama, and its on tape, what kept him up at night he would mention pandemics. Trump was asked about the nsc yesterday and he said he knew nothing about it. He dropped the ball hard.
(also good job refuting1/3 claims)
I wonder how someone can ever read something like this or his tweets and genuinely think this man is even remotely intelligent. All the evidence shows that he clearly just says whatever comes to his mind on the spot even if it contradicts something he previously said. He literally just makes shit up as he goes along.
Still was a better choice than hillary but after 4 years how can anyone unironically love trump when he has no idea what the fuck he is even saying at any time.
>uh yeah economies of scale favor fifty separate buyers instead of one
have you noticed how many of his businesses went under
not him, but you're screeching doesn't dismiss his point
The economy has crashed you fucking retard. We're already in a recession. The fed just printed $1 trillion out of thin air.
it isn't the flu, it's a health crisis that the united states wasn't prepared for and trump chose not to prepare for
trump's inaction is what caused the panic and the eventual market crash
A false assumption, sorry. This website.