Should I say something bros?

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ask her to apologize for her car

say “that’s a very aggressive pink”

apologize for the fucking car

get on your knees and start sniffing her feet while panting vigorously

build up eye contact and start fapping

ask her if she browses Yas Forums

demand that she apologises
she has gone unrepentant long enough

ask her about harvey

"Accidentally" walk into her, apologize and pretend not to know who she is, that'll instantly make her cooter ooze with juice.

Ask her about her daily routine

>...better not tell on me. you hear me... you better not tell or i'll fucking get you

show her the zach thread and ask her to write us an apology letter for creating such a low IQ mongrel

Call in a delivery of beans feed them to her and wait for a fart.



Serve her a bowl of eggs that she has to eat.

>Hey you look like Emma Watson back when she was attractive.

That's what I'd say to her, what a Chad line.

harry potter is trash

Hit her ankles from behind, and when she falls unzip balls and start teabagging her.

Do nothing and continue taking secret pics

Fertilize her with or without her consent

Tell her you can be the beast to her beauty then cough in her face

Is that Emma Watson?


go up and cough in her face

Ask her the time, when she answers, say thanks and nothing else. She will remember you forever.

>You look a lot like Emma Watson, ya know, before she got old.

>he doesn't have a can or two of beans on him for an emergency

kick her in the cunt


kill her with a single strike.

Roll a coin toward her on the floor, go over and bend over to pick it up, then fart

>see Emma at a concert
>about to go up to her and say hi
>some chad walks up and grabs her cunny

wat do?

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>Do you have something to say to us about your car?

no that's bruce vilanch


politely ask to sniff his hand after they're done talking.

>ah yes quite pungent my dear

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absolutely devilish

>Haha thank god for "me too"
Proceed to also grab her pussy

Nervously approach her and tell her she's cute and if you'd like to go out some time.

Remember to look down the whole time and stammer. Girls love that.

ask her if she knows the 14 words and if she wants to save the white race

That is a really hot face. Just the right mixture of indifference, disgust and contempt.

imagine a girl looking at you like that while you're fucking

I hate her pants

This is a bad shop and I've seen some fucking shops

Tell her you have to take a wicked shit.

Underrated post

Ask if shes Emma Roberts

Tell her your the designated shoe inspector by royal appointment and you need to inspect her shoes.

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ask what Weinstein's penis looks like

God she's fucking cute

Omg im such an old fag xD


u must have pretty bad eyes then bc its real

she really is. i doubt she'll ever hit the wall. (and no a dumb haircut is not hitting the wall)

just stand right next to her and look at this picture on your phone

Attached: 1-P208ToGToV4vURjFxvP6VQ.png (1238x1206, 1.04M)

walk up to her and say excuse me i know you get this a hundred times a day but i think you are just classically beautiful in every way. and if its possible i wanted to give you my number on the offchance you would like to grab some coffee someday or even chat while you have some downtime. then grab her hand and place a rose you just purchased in it. as you walk away make eye contact and give her a smile

I also like cats, books, and coffee!

His index finger is inexplicably chopped off at the tip

...And then spend the next 6 months courting her, and finally marrying, starting a family together, living happily ever after.

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She hit it already mate.

why would you want harvey's sloppy seconds? you a simp or somethin?

just wash her pussy m8 itll be as good as new

prove it

You go the primitive route. Walk up to the chad and grab his dick then club Emma over the head and drag her back to your cave.