kino for this feel?
Kino for this feel?
rape in man's oldest tradition
None because Yas Forums LARPers can't get anything done besides jacking off to tranny porn and spending money on videogames so naturally they will never become decent filmmakers
>Europeans kill each other for centuries
>Yas Forums skyrim larpers think they have a common identity
A Hidden Life
Tree of Life
Kingdom of Heaven
The Vikings (1953)
Commando (1985)
>Complain about the EU
>guys if I just use SS corp symbols adopted from Nordic runes instead of swazticas no one will know I'm a nazi lol, deus vult ex dee :3:3:3
Super clever everyone is fooled
You're totally missing the point. United under the heavenly roof of European Fascism, white Austrians and white Northern Italians will happily find a solution to the question of ownership of Tyrol, Aryan Germans and Aryan French will finally figure out whom Alsacce belongs to, and brave aryan Russians and brave aryan Ukranian comrades will stop fighting over Eastern Ukraine.
All made possible by fascism, isn't it fantastic? Everyone will find a homely white aryan qt, make many babies with blonde hair and an aversion to the evil med sun, with fantastic superpowers in their native snowy regions, Varg told us all about it.
The archive.
>Russians and Ukrainians not killing each other
Yeah dude i'm sure balkans will also stop declaring wars in each other just because of muh evropa right? Stop LARPing you're fucking pathetic
Night moves (2013)
Into the wild (2007)
It’s an ironic post chief
nice damage control
>use pagan symbols but say deus vult
What did Yas Forums mean by this?
I’m a different user chief
The Matrix
Jacobs Ladder
Twilight Zone
Did your pic related actually exist? Or was it just a fantasy?
>elements in the SS briefly had a passing interest in this thing so you can't use it for the rest of time
Quality argument. I'm glad we've moved past original sin for people and can now apply it to ideas.
they made that webm too
I fucking hate this webm
yesterday i create pic of how russians women looks like in real life not in fantasy of nazi cucks
damn you guys stupid
the new world
Aryans are Persians and Hindus tho
who thinks the girl in the upper left is the best?
Same, dog.
No doubt she fucks dogs
That was just banter. The real enemies are the ones with a different skin colour. Like the Spaniards.
mmm... yeah, naw
He is a tranny guys, and im jacking it to him.
he's also a guy
Why ruin that collage of idyllic country life with a picture of a heavily armed soldier?
Ah, who am I kidding. It was probably made by some rightist creaming himself over the thought of people getting shot. I grew up on the European countryside and I loved it. I find it depressing that Nazis try to instrumentalize it for their ideology of war and slavery.
>quoth the raven "dick no more"
this, its just retarded zoomers who post this bullshit
Why do j_ws and their leftist dogs hate this?
The German girl is cute
Does not mean this is impossible if we have common enemies
To topic: i would love to have a series that is based on european myths and sagas
Ah yes, I'm sure Russian and Ukrainian nationalists will quickly settle over Donezk and Luhansk if we make it clear to them that our common enemy is the producer of
How old are you user
I prefer norway russia and france
I'll take the Portuguese cutie
Looks like the antifa brigade has joined us
>with a picture of a heavily armed soldier?
He's defending his homeland and nation instead of being sent pillaging across the world for the interests of people who would literally send him to his death for a few dollars. It's very much in line with an idealized nation-state, considering it's the line aforementioned pillagers are sold on initially.
If western europe falls they better find solutions to the eastern Ukraine conflict
Sandly hollywood wants the opposite of this. Time for us to get creative
>if we make it clear to them that our common enemy is the producer of
Eastern Europeans hate Jews more than Westerners, so yeah, they'd agree on that.
>people with common identity can't kill eachother
60IQ post
jesus christ if this isn't bait then Yas Forums really is fucking retarded
>preferring horse faced german girl with facial ticks
looks like a female anders danielsen lie
>niggers sell each other into slavery to whitey
>North African Muslims enslave nignogs before whitey ever did
>niggers complain about whitey and pretend they have a common heritage, wear Africa shirts/pendants etc
I take the Portuguese, discard rest
This will never happen
>The EU
>having European interests at heart
for me, it's Russia
Why do women get to sit on their asses while men do all the work. I hate the fucking field
You are stupid if you dont see the obvious
Because your qt wife is supposed to get fucked, give birth and cook food while you do everything else.
African Americans give no fucks about africa.
the german girl is the most feminine
although the portu girl is cute she you know will be too hairy like a zoo animal
what is with this wave of new retro wave, vhscore, fascist propaganda?
What the hell kinda world are you living on?
Have you seen the latest tripe coming out of that Jewish shithole?
fricking epicness
Because women are useless outside rearing children
That is why they shouldn’t vote
gamergaters are hitting their thirties and they're still khhvs
>your qt wife
Haha y-yeah right...
the only thing more pathetic than these macros are the amerimutts who say "im german" when they dont speak the language
You mean the stuff that was spread back in 2016?
Where the hell have you been?
Ethnicity isn't about language or cutlure, cuckhold. It is about heritage and blood. You may take my ancestors out of Germany but you may never take the teuton out of me!
>some dude LARPing as being in the military walking through some field
>A photo with a shitty filter of a lady LARPing in traditional clothes for instagram
>a dude cutting wood
>cattle walking down the road
wow, what great culture
hah, classic
good bait
>African Americans give no fucks about africa.
Kek. Do white people really believe this?
>Multicultural communities get along fine. I live in one of the most multicultural cities in the world and never ran into those kind of problems
Which one?
What if I do speak German though? Language doesn't make you that ethnicity. I know Japanese due to being weeb and I'm 0% jap. And niggers speaking English doesn't make them English. I think your point is nonsense.