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i hope he dies

Pull that up jamie

No fuckin' way.

Jamie, pull that up.

what kind of car did he choose?

That thing could tear your lungs to shreds.

it's entirely possible

wonder how much they paid him

Chuckled in real life.

Noooo! Who will Schaub leech off now?

Jesus, that virus could rip him to shreds.

He's actually a great guinea pig. He's sort of old, but he's in pretty good shape, eats well, and works to regularly stay healthy but still has some vices. If he dies, we'll get a pretty good idea of how lethal COVID-19 really is. If he doesn't, then it's all a bunch of a horseshit.

most based post in this entire website

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Quickly, which gues could have brought the china virus into his studio during the last, say, two weeks?
Hard mode: not the virologist

>Shit I'm coughing up fluid from my lungs
>Jamie get a shot of that

Too high test and chimp dna to die from it.

you're forgetting the part where he is a high-profile asset and also a millionaire with access to any top-tier medical care in the world, and any secret shit the plebs don't have access too as well.

>posting fake articles
OP is a faggot like always.

>0.001% of Americans have it
>Yas Forums claims every other celebrity has it

i hope so, have a (you)

As a steroid user he probably has a heart condition.
Corona-chan may actually get him.

who gave it to him?

corona virus or covid-19 which is it?

well no because *brings the mic closer* every10 years your cells in your body actually completely change. i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland-jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster here we go *looks over at the screen* look at that yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds

Kung flu

fake news!

fake and gay

oh please be real

Chink flu

Ching chong subhuman race flu.


Covid-19 is the SJW name. Coronavirus is what people who've been following it since Wuhan call it. China virus is what boomers call it.

Right so which one of his guests was the carrier?

Wu-Ping Cough

COVID-19 is the lung disease caused by the corona virus

The Chinese Virus

Coronavirus is just a generic name for this type of virus but the media latched on to it because it didn't have a specific name as first. SARS is also a coronavirus.

It is Non-Specified Origin Virus

I've always told you guys he was a closeted bisexual

>eats well
His diet is all red meat and supplements


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Wuhan Flu
Bat Soup Flu
Xi's China Surprise
Sum Ting Wong Illness
Kung Pow Coofing
Xi Yu Go Na Die Naow

>Xi's China Surprise

not winnie the flu
1 job

The Chinaman surprise

Shanghai Shivers

Yeah, his enlarged swollen organs won't be able to deal with it. I like the poetic justice of it, a guy obsessed with being masculine, abuses steroids and weed gets killed by a tiny pathogen. Fuck Joe Rogan, Covid-19 will get you no matter how gay or strong you are


Dilate. If you actually hated him you would want someone to expose him as the cuck faggot that he is, and then he can die

Chinese Oriental Viral Infectious Disease

>tfw I smoke, drink, eat like shit and don't work out

I've stopped smoking and drinking but how fucked am I bros?

Could you repeat that?

The Chinese Coronavirus

also hes around 5'5
so old small lungs that by now would be rotten to the core with inhaled smoke
he would be done for

Imagine all the hot chinese bitches just sitting indoors waiting for someone to fuck them once quarantine ends

The Panda Brap


>he's in pretty good shape

Unironically asking, he is? The roids and drugs must have done a number on his system already. Also he's rich, so he's going to get faster and preferential treatment in his Californian shitpit city.

It's fake new that he has the coronavirus but he has been shilling it hard on his show because he's a malleable minded idiot who could flip if you brought in someone to oppose it

covid-19 is the name of the disease that's caused by the virus
the virus itself is called sars-cov-2

The only attractive women in china are from hongkong

noooo you can't just do a heckin racism like this!
Don't you know our biggest concern right now should be being nice to Chinese people?!

The holocough

Coronavirus is the family of viruses it comes from.
Covid -19 is the WHO approved name for the disease, like AIDS is the disease caused by HIV.
SARS coronavirus 2 is the gay official name for the virus that nobody uses.

I would call it the Wuhan Coronavirus, more memorable than their stupid naming convention which is alreay irrelevant as its mutated into dozens of different strains. China just doesn't want anyone to remember the circumstances that caused this shit show in twenty years.

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You can fight the virus and not be racist at the same time, you know?

>Celebrity test positive for COVID-19
>Claims that they feel just fine and will make a full recovery

How long until people realize that this is not the end of the world?

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Fucking diabetic Tom Hanks recovered in 4 days. He'll be fine.

>eats well

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>Joe Biden hasn't been seen in a week

He either has it or he's dead.

Wuhan Virus

>joe rogan

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Isn't Hanks type 2? Type 1s are the ones who are at high risk.

Boomer remover


looks healthy to me :)

so fake

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A lesson why you shouldn't suck cocks during an epidemic

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