>FIlm Critic Gene Siskel was notoriously prudish and dismissive about horror movies. He rarely if ever gave horror movies good reviews. He didn't like Jaws or Aliens, and he even gave Silence of the Lambs a bad review. Not surprisingly, he gave Friday the 13th "no stars" and even revealed the ending to the movie in his review. He even gave the audience Betsy Palmer's address and told them to write letters in protest for the exploitation movie.
Being a movie critic is the most worthless """"profession"""" in the world. A jizz-mopper is worth more to society than someone who bitches about movies for a living.
Oliver Stewart
Christopher Murphy
>Man whose entire occupation heavily revolves around trashing other people's artistic creations while making nothing himself has a rotten personality.
Elijah Moore
>but muh review is an artistic creation on its own. >ackshually it's my movie because it's my experience of the movie I saw. >critics are the real artists.
Thomas Scott
>What was his fucking problem? horror movies from the 80s and 90s are filled with the teenage girls he missed out on
Jace Taylor
>t. Scaruffi
Julian Nguyen
Ebert was the same way when it came to horror movies. They both did the SJW shit and are from where the whole "man people who make slashers have issues with women" thing originates.
Alexander Harris
>What was his fucking problem? Both Siskel and Ebert were strong proponents for cinema as an art form. They both felt slashes and exploitation movies cheapened cinema as whole. It kind of hurts your argument that cinema should be seen as an art form when you have movies like Big Tiddy Slutwhore Massacre Part 3 playing in the theaters.
Ebert was a fucking white knight, remember how he hated Blue Velvet simply because Isabella Rossellini's character was mistreated and he had a crush on her?
>How dare David Lynch humiliate my waifu and make her get naked! lmao
Carson Rogers
But Big Tiddy Slutwhore Massacre 3 is the best one.
Cameron Scott
They're middle brow plebs who deluded themselves, anything that was odd or surreal they were scratching their heads like morons
Jonathan Price
Why were these two idiots so famous? They seem so clueless and superficial every single time I read anything from them.
Carson Reyes
imagine thinking that having one thing play in a cinema makes another thing worse automatically
fucking boomers
Joseph Jenkins
>didn't like Jaws How in the fuck did this dude have a job in his field? Let alone a high level job in his field.. When it comes to American cinema, Jaws is peak kino.
Isaiah Watson
What would they've thought of the modern capeshit trend?
Nathaniel Hernandez
Didn't they both die of cancer too?
Jeremiah Young
I can't imagine they'd like any of it. (maybe Nolan's batman?) Ebert liked the 1978 Superman movie though
Aiden Hall
They'd do scathing reviews of all of it, kinda like how Bill Maher blames Stan Lee and capeshit for getting Trump elected.
Liam Gutierrez
Does low brow art not exist? Retards, not everything needs be a John Ford movie
Michael Mitchell
Spielberg is an overrated hack
Eli Green
Yeah but I had to deal with mush mouth for 20 more years. You know how hard that was? Especially living in Chicago?
Caleb Powell
All women are ple-
Oliver Stewart
Friday the 13th was ruined by the last half hour. The girl knocked the psycho woman out multiple times and could have easily killed her, tied her up or even ran away, but instead she just stays in the camp and runs around hiding in different cabins? Retarded directing, no idea what the fuck they were thinking.
Austin Price
Isn't Ebert the same guy who wrote pic related and was close friends with Russ Meyer? What a hypocrite
>Big Tiddy Slutwhore Massacre Part 3 Would be sold on seeing it just from the title alone. Imagine not having a blast watching horror slock like this : youtube.com/watch?v=D8Sr_VBZNKo
They couldn't, they literally were obsessively autistic about film being art that it prevented them from not getting butthurt that not everything was up to their standards.
Daniel Foster
he was a pussy
Bentley Diaz
Except they loved low brow comedies.
Michael Baker
Then they could've gone and said "Yeah, no, horror flicks aren't our thing so that's why we don't review them"
Lincoln Gray
with good reason though. Shock is easy. Jump scares, blood, making people uncomfortable, it's not difficult to do. Someone getting cum thrown in their face is gross and a cheap way to gross out the audience. Silence of the lambs is a good movie, but look at the sequels. They slide right into the bullshit.
Thomas Butler
>grow up in 1950s chicago I mean, nothing on screen would scare me either after that.
Jacob Campbell
It comes down to the fact that they wee the original numales and hated any film where girls were hurt
Sebastian Rodriguez
He's right. Horror movies are trash.
Adam Ward
Because George Romero shoved in political messages that were about as deep as a puddle but which both critics agreed with. Zombies are a great horror monster, but I'll never understand the love the Romero movies get outside from creating them.
Brayden Watson
Haneke failed miserably though because he doesn’t understand horror, gore, exploitation films etc and why people watch them. He made a movie designed to make the audience feel guilty because he thought people watch these films as a way of rooting against a villain, just like in a western, and that they root for the protagonists. Although some of that may be true, those reasons are ancillary; the main reason people are these films is simply to be scared, or disturbed. That’s it. Haneke doesn’t understand his audience and thus his whole project fails
John Bell
but humping anything for being surreal, ambiguous, interpretive or otherwise non-traditional in presentation is the beating heart of middle brow
Alexander Morris
I'm not big on political messages in Horror, but I do like Day of the Dead and the tension he managed to portray with that situation.
Adam Jenkins
They made film criticism low-brow. Instead of making it about actually analyzing the themes and messages behind the film or the background process that went into making the film it was essentially just describing what happened in the movie in a setting that made plebs comfortable. That's why pic related hated Ebert so much and vice versa, they constantly shat on each other.
>people watch horror movies primarily to get scared Do they?
Mason Williams
They reviewed movies for their target audiences unlike most retards today.
Easton Garcia
Horror movies are lowest common denominator garbage. The cinematic equivalent of 2000s numetal.
Kayden Evans
>SotL >horror
Landon James
This. The only good ones are Hellraiser and Scream.
Parker Foster
the Halloween franchise is the worst shit that's ever been put to film that people still defend as a "classic" They're all fucking absolute trash, murder porn for people before the internet came about which is why these movies never get made anymore, you can get your porn elsewhere. The camera work is average at best, terrible dialogue, autistic thematics, it was badly acted even for the time. horror in general is almost completely devoid of actual artistic merit, i love Event Horizon but i'm not about to claim that it's anything other than gore porn.
Jace Cox
Carter Long
how did these dumb fucks get so popular and respected? nothing but shit opinions.
Charles Bell
There have only been 3 worthwhile horror films in the history of cinema.