Kinos about everyday unsung heroes?
Kinos about everyday unsung heroes?
I don't use the term hero lightly. But he is the greatest hero in American history.
So brave. So bold. Orange man bad.
Stop making twitter threads about random nobodies you sentient topicality violation
I spat all over monitor ty fuckhead
But what about that guy who handles that ball really well on the court/field?
>I'm doing this for you
I would rather have you die
Respect the TRUE american heroes!!!
>I'm risking my life to vote Bernie, match me!
this but ironically
it's kind of funny how liberal hysteria concerning the virus is negatively impacting their chances of winning 2020
what's his real name?
Their ability to self-sabotage is almost impressive
Should have just got mail-in ballots, fucking retard narcissists
>I'm doing this for Bernie who literally just bucks to the establishment every time he's faced with make it or break it choice
>what the fuck is pc load letter
more like JUSTica
Me? #ImWithHer
>Oh man I hope I, a healthy young person won't catch the virus that kills the elderly or people with severe conditions already
Has the consoomer mentality crippled America? It's like none of them can see any point in doing anything that doesn't directly benefit them.
>No one expcept the elderly dies from coronavirus
why do people keep repeating this already debunked cope? is this denial? normalcy bias?
young people die but in very low numbers
to be honest I don't see any point in the "democratic" system the Americans have either.
You've got two choices, or you waste your vote.
Those two choices are between rancid fecal matter, and a used condom.
You're then made to turn up in person and waste an entire day just throw your own meaningless vote in the hat.
Please post one healthy young person that has died. You literally can't
the only thing this guy punches is mens fartboxes
Like imagine saying the same thing about the dentist.
>It's just so hard to keep your mouth open
>We need a way to make going to the dentist fun again
>78 year old woman saying 'ghosted'
hello fellow zoomies!
>dump the guy who dumped you already
lmao who on her team came up with this? did they event attempt to look up what ghosting was before trying to target millennials with this? lmao
millenials were a mistake
little bit of difference in paying to get your teeth fixed requiring you to turn up and sit for 45-60 minutes, while also enjoying some drugs, and the end result being a nicer smile, in comparison to having to take a day of work to stand in a line together with other retarded Americans so you can put an X on a bit of paper, which probably won't ever mean anything, and then forgetting about it.
One benefits you directly, one doesn't.
Don't vote for socialist, rope them.
This is the zoomer revolutionary. Whining on social media and scared of corona.
>revolutionaries of yore were fighting in the jungle amongst malaria and leprosy.
>zoomer revolutionaries are whining on social media how they are afraid of a less than 0.01% of getting a desease
>One benefits you directly the other doesnt
Yes it does, provided you care about your vote.
If it didnt benefit you, why go vote at all?
Says a lot about american history
>Yes it does, provided you care about your vote.
A singular vote is meaningless.
>If it didnt benefit you, why go vote at all?
I don't.
>nooo we need to give billionaires free reign to fuck over and exploit whoever they want
I don't understand Americans
>I dont vote and i think it's pointless
fair enough
I could make the same argument for going to the dentist though
I never get a toothache and I dont care if my teeth are wonky, therefore going to the dentist is meaningless
what are they even voting in lol
this shit got bumped right out of the news
>for Bernie
THE FIX IS IN. That's how Biden went from damn-near last place to first place in one single day. "Super-delegates" have made their decision, and now the polls are rigged to say it's what YOU wanted.
And when it's over, Bernie will get told to pocket that surplus campaign cash and get a nice new lakefront mansion in exchange for not making a big deal out of the rigged system just like 2016.
No refunds
What'd happen to these """people""" if the government officially acknowledged that there are no more nazis?
I disagree, the dentist is something you pay for and you get the results right after you leave the chair.
It takes less time to do than voting does and also allows you to ingest drugs.
And the outcome is guaranteed to be in your favor.
Imagine unironically going outside, exposing yourself to the virus and the retarded general population, just to stand in a line for several hours, just to draw an X on a box next to a candidate who would win or lose regardless of your vote.
Someone edit that to say "living with my wife's" where it cuts off
That's all just your point of view though, as has been explained.
someone should shoop this onto Tomas the tank Engine.
theyd find more nazis
>Trump wants to give every adult American citizen $1,200 in free money with the explicit instructions to spend it on anything you want to keep the economy and local businesses stimulated. And no free money for the rich at all. And if the stimulus fails then an additional $3,000 in free money for each household will be given
>democrats already killed the first deadline while nit-picking in spite of it being exactly the kind of socialist bullshit they WANT.
>imma vote for Bernie because he cares about the poor, especially with the way he said "white people don't know what it's like to be poor."
>I'm also gonna post this on Yas Forums instead of Yas Forums or Yas Forums
*Mods and jannies please cut people some slack because there are many without many places to go during quarantine time, as long as no one's posting NSFW content.
the establishment dems don't want bernie leading them. He's gonna get stabbed in the back again and he knows this. He's just doign it to make a few more shekels.
socialists poo in their pants
So she fucks people behind his back. I see.
Of course it's a fucking Bernietard who has a
Dubs of truth
That reddit watermark/attribution stirs my stomach something fierce even though I know in all likelihood it was put there to make me mad.
I have this wish that I could stumble upon a girl or two attempting to be raped by 3 or 4 guys and I have my knife with me. I would honestly just give it my best to save the girls and if I die so be it. My life is a joke and i might as well give it up and go out a hero.
Join the military bro. You might not be a hero but you'd get to do some cool shit probably.
>NOOOOOOO we're supposed to solve overpopulation and climate change by killing all the fascist boomers and aborting all the white babies I a future member of the politburo wasn't supposed to die I'M SO FUCKING AFRAID HEEEEEEEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEEEE!
Bros.... What's going to happen when city voters can't show up to the polls because of Corona Chan. But middle America can because there's less spread of the disease???
I had a dream last night that I was eating at Applebees with Bernie Sanders in a party of 6 and it got held up and they took my $170 cash.
Ive had two knee surgeries and a rap sheet. I tried to get in when i was 20 ten years ago but they denied me because i had possession of a controlled substance on my record. It was devastating.
I actually kind of feel sorry for people who were so delusional they thought Bernie had a shot