

Attached: feminist super hero with the power to scream.webm (720x300, 1.19M)

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all women should be violently raped

it's really sad how bad these last movies were, why can't we just have a good dc movie that isn't fucking stupid or just mainstream or sjw shit?
fucking suits ruining my childhood

Suicide Squad legit looks 10 times better by comparison. I don't know what the fuck happened.

Is that the new charmed episode on CW?

Around 13 seconds in, it looks like Harley is being propelled forward by farts. This looks beyond laughably bad.

>I don't know what the fuck happened.
they remade suicide squad but with women

Why do the bad guys go flying in slow motion but Harley Quinn is moving in regular motion. Does any one else find this irritating?

this movie felt like a bad cosplayer tiktok, except instead of being over in 15 seconds it took 2 hours


This looks like one of those bollywood abortions. Probably used the same VFX studio.

has a single one of these "all women" movies actually done well at the box office? as far as i can tell, they've all tanked. you think hollywood would get the point. women don't give a shit about movies unless they're awful romantic comedies or romances.

why is the editing so bad

>bad guys fly back in slow motion
>harley moves at normal to fast speed

Is it because she plugged her ears?

>why can't we just have a good dc movie that isn't fucking stupid or just mainstream or sjw shit?
Because there are (((suits))) at the top of the Hollywood food chains who has ears to the latest tw*tter trends.

They could've taken almost any DC fan on Yas Forums to plan their movie universe better.

I think Ocean's 8 was the most successful one, and it was not a big success

Send it back.

powerful scene but THIS is my favorite iteration

Attached: black canary.png (1143x992, 1.65M)

Most of those are made by Sony, not Hollywood

Please post more OP, i beg you

Attached: 1512539448422.jpg (222x293, 18.66K)

Margot as Harley was a mistake

Thanks based yiffy

unintentionally hilarious depiction of female superpowers. Thanks feminism.


Just like when the wife yells at me!

Based and boomerhumorpilled

friendly fire disabled

>you think hollywood would get the point.
There isn't really a point to get that doesn't involve acknowledging their own incompetence. They already know. This stuff is always desperation marketing.

I'm not sure you get the point of these movies which is to expose boys to the future is female propaganda.

This just looks poorly shot.

no thanks

>the last shot where Harley zooms at the screen

Attached: 5c996e6663a3c2ef1b92ad9ef13ffef7.png (1024x1024, 74.48K)

This puts the Benny Hill music in my head.

I took one year of media class in high school and I could've composed every frame of that scene better. This has to be a money laundering scheme.

hmm it seems this woman has the power of my wife !!!! lol

>be a female
>your literal super power is just screaming at men

holy shit this looks like some tv production

>SS is just a tonal and editing mess
>Let's learn nothing of it and do the same shit here for half the movie

>make feminist superhero movie
>movie flops
>blame men for not propping up your feminist superhero movie
>turns out the majority of people who went to see your feminist superhero movie were men
>yas kween slay

girl power as impressive as ever

Attached: 1572651905264.jpg (385x358, 24.02K)


Can someone post the recent Charlie's Angels webm with stock video? Just for sake of comparison.



Attached: Arrow-Black-Canary-Canaries-Set.jpg (1080x1080, 190.48K)

>turns out the majority of people who went to see your feminist superhero movie were men
wait really?

Harkavy got the hips and ass
Lotz looks like just like Sara will enjoy fucking absolutely anything with a dick or pussy
Cassidy got the sex appeal of a bar of soap but got the face you just want to hatefuck

none of the DCEU bitches do anything to me

This is almost as bad as Batman V Superman

Attached: Chad vs 10000 Women.webm (600x334, 2.93M)

yeah i think statistically in the first weekend it was like 60% men who went out and saw the movie.

looks familiar


women don't watch superhero movies, even if it's a female lead
women literally HATE sitting through movies and are always on their phones.

Attached: tenor.gif (450x252, 723.77K)


>Despite being a female-driven film, the opening weekend audience for Birds of Prey was instead fueled by men, with males making up 54% of the crowd.

what vpns do you guys use


Most women look so fucking goofy and awkward doing action scenes...

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Imagine if Jared Leto had funded his own Joker movie, like Margot Robbie did.

Attached: 1571533078758.jpg (1752x1536, 284.38K)

the 3 year deal?

because it's not accurate. they are imitating male mannerisms when they should be using female mannerisms. I don't care how "manly" or "butch" a female is, they will not fight the same way a male does or react the same way a male does. Wonder Woman actually does it decently, where they rely on powers and whips, not making male poses, but Amazonian FEMALE poses.

Yeah, it seemed cheap enough.

Please tell me this is real.

Ok I found it. Now tell me, which came out worse? Keep in mind this is all footage from AAA film studios.

Attached: 1578542905887.webm (720x298, 2.93M)

both equally terrible

These. I'm not even Yas Forums or against female-led superhero or action movies, but come on man, it's pretty much always going to be majority men watching those kinds of movies. It'd be like making a shitty Twilight/50 Shades of Grey-style sexy movie, marketing it towards men, and then blaming women when your movie fails. That shit just don't make sense.

is this real?

>goes deaf by being three feet away from helicopter blades