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It's up

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when will barb die of coronavirus

>implying she hasn't been exposed to something far worse that has festered in the horde

>classic chriskino is almost over
>gay tomgirl shit for the rest of almost a decade

We'll get the BLARMS Saga though

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Chris will somehow bring it home and not catch it. He will put the contaminated object somewhere in his house where it will sit for many years.

Many years from now the next kung-flu spreads globally and a mutated coronavirus spreads from his house as the police sift through the piles of garbage within in search of bodies.

No one will know it was him. Chaos ensues as this second simultaneous outbreak occurs and blame is pointed everywhere.

Why would I listen to this autist mumble for 32 hours instead of just looking at the CWCki myself?


That was ten parts ago. This is his Divine trial parody

Has it dawned on anyone else that Chris might be the most documented person in human history lol

They never should have let him have video games and toys. If he was just turned into some sort of woodworking and train autist, he'd probably be fine.
Do you see how degenerate our hobbies are?

Most people are just as documented, just no one cares.

Nah, it's probably Napoleon

Where's the hours of footage of napoleon?

Checkmate, atheists.

What are the best episodes?


Posting some of my favorite Chris's

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I would say this is the kind of thing that needs to be seen from the beginning but Liquid Chris shows up in episode 13 and it's the most interesting saga in my opinion so try that

This was supposed to be a loving tribute to Bob, instead he took a swipe at him for not letting him wear a dress.

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Bravo, more autistic than the subject matter it is looking at, I can only conclude that that is intentional.

>part 32

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I know its fun to make fun of Chris and all that shit, but having fucking THIRTY TWO parts of almost 1 hour run-time videos about a nigga who draws sonic is about as autistic, if not MORE than the dude you're making fun of. It's fucking 2020 leave the retard alone at this point.

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Someone like Hitler's childhood isn't very well known. It's only because Chris puts out all this shit about himself that people can look at his report card from 4th grade.

Sonichu appearing in O.K. KO

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Autism. And everyone who's obsessed with him.

If that showed up in a movie only for the protagonist to fall apart like Chris did it would be considered way too obvious
>shows himself as a child
A psychiatrist would have a field day with this one picture alone

I feel nostalgic for 2010 now

I am sure if you were to go onto some blogosphere you'll find a sad fuck DWARFING this work with their own documentation of their favourite celebrity.

Some recent Chris.

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>being a simp for chris chan
Geno isn't making fun of Chris Chan, faggot. He's compiling all publically available information in a concise video series.


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We're a few episodes away from the tomgirl saga

so he's being autistic?

Thanks, got it.


When Chris found out about Bowsette and made his personal head canon that she was Peach's rape baby with Bowser, because trannies disgust him.

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That's when things get boring. Geno said before he saw the saga going about 50 episodes by the end and all the fun stuff is over with aside from blue arms

chris was never going to be a productive autist, the vidya is his symptom, not his cause

Explain why that's autistic :)

Possibly the most autistic thing someone has done.

What sick fuck shoots someone in BOTH lower shins? That shit completely shatters. Madman.

Can this logic be applied to documentaries about wildlife or warfare?

So the whole tomgirl plan was just to cover up that he's probably always been a homo but couldn't express himself because of Bob. Interesting

hey " Super Eurobeet"

The Count Dankula interview with Chris where he reveals Ted Bundy was a Sonichu is one of the most kino moments.

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>32 hours

No, Chris became a woman, because he got it in his head that women were turning him down, because they were lesbians, so if he became a lesbian too then they had no excuse not to date him. Also he gets special perks being a woman as well as for being autistic.

Does Louis Theroux take requests? Is there a way we can contact him and get him to interview Chirs?
I always wonder how much of it is really real, and how much is just played out of a pathological need to be this persona he has created.

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That was the only good interactions Chris has had with people who know about him in a long time. Dankula is kinda spergy but when he gets to interview people it can be fun like his interview with that ex-hitman.

If one person on their own made a 32 (planned to be 50) hour long chronicle of a SINGLE facet of one of those two topics, then sure.

I would argue a 50 episode series on the MG42 or a 50 episode series on "the woodpecker in my backyard" is "fucking autistic".

>No, Chris became a woman, because he got it in his head that women were turning him down, because they were lesbians
Yeah, but he has cross dressed and made up reasons to wear sports bras and there's even one video of him wearing one where it looks like he stuffs it to make his mantits look huge. Also of all the plans he's had to find a woman, or people had suggested he never really stuck with to getting women the one idea he goes along with is trannying it up.

i get that these videos are a "comprehensive history" but jesus they are boring. You don't need to include every single video Chris has ever made in their entirety. The first 10 episodes or so were great because we didn't have much information about Chris and we didn't have his lengthy and numerous videos to include.

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For real, Geno does seem like he's a bit on the Spectrum. Not even meaning that in a rude way, but he's got some slightly offer mannerisms about himself.

It’s because he hated men because they always told him to accept responsibility while his mom coddled him. Therefore he thought men were evil so he wanted to be a woman.

>goes along with is trannying it up.
It's the easiest and people and society enable such behavior. It doesn't require him to lift weights, exercise, shred some a few pounds or get a job. He can just stay at home and play vidya games.


I am counting on ALL FULL Positive Cooperation in this major matter.

Christian Weston Chandler, August 17, 2009

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They're important for context. If you miss even one moment of his life you may not be able to understand other key events and sagas.

It is almost as if being stuck in your sonic headcannon for decades makes you a 1 dimensional uninteresting person. I am sure he is interesting for a psychologist at first but I reckon even they would get bored with this cluwne in the end.

>They're important for context. If you miss even one moment of his life you may not be able to understand other key events and sagas.
That's why you act like an editor and cut or summarize said 5 minute video in to 30 seconds. Most of Chris' videos are just plain boring. for every 1 legendary one there are 20 boring ones.

What do you think about Chris's taste in waifus?

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Who else is excited to go to Pancake day?

I think the Church was right and wish we could go back 700 years or so. Technology was a mistake.

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I'm suprised people remember that show

Cant wait for our mutt geno to get to idea's guy

You mean Ted.

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Yeah, but if you don't know how God and the Bear at Regency Square Shopping Mall gave Chris his name, then it's all lost on you.

The church would ensure that chris would get to breed.