Any movies about isolation in your own home?
Any movies about isolation in your own home?
Looks comfy.
Its much more comfy watching tv in bed than on a cold leather sofa having to sit upright.
un homme qui dort
I might watch this movie on slow motion. The dialogue is going 10000 mph and reading the subtitles gets tiring
>Looks comfy.
Nice reddit cartoon newfag.
fucking MEN
someone explain to me why i should waste thousands of bucks adding unnecessary visual clutter to that room? if i wanna entertain guests i just book a table at a restourant or have them in the dining room which actually looks decent
>carpeted floors
it's genuinely revolting
for the acoustics
you don't want the sound waves to bounce around like in that room
then again he doesn't even have any proper speakers so you know it's a retard living there
The point of sitting up is so you can see the television screen better you SIMP
maybe the tv has a built in speaker?
>he’s a tile guy
>not having a complex system of mirrors so you could watch movies from any position in the bed
Get a load of this half-sitting-half-lying-down-hunched-lordosis fag.
For me it's hardwood floors with throw rugs
It needs a sofette with three throw pilows that say, "live, laugh, love."
why are you calling him a simpleton? he just wants to lay down while watching tv
tiles are for bathrooms only
the reason I hate carpeted floors is because they're very unhygienic and hard to clean
nice microwave in your room
built in tv speakers are always shit i seriously hope no one on Yas Forums watches kino with built in speakers
>carpet flooring
Americans need to be gassed
why do so many people not know how to use this word?
>he doesn't enjoy the convenience of quickly heating up popcorn and hotpockets for his kino incursions
essential image
Hardwood floor in the living rooms, carpet in the bedrooms.
Isn't that Joey and Chandler's apartment?
Whats wrong with this? It is easier to clean and get rid of Coronavirus from the bitches and whores that one can afford
based reddit frog catboy.
Why exactly can't you do that in a kitchen?
essential clutter and garbage all he really needs is that counter behind him, why would he need a table infront? to put his legs on? he has a recliner. he can just put shit behind him or on the floor
takes too long and isn't as convenient
Only the fauxerplace, posters/slogans, nonfunctional short curtains and the fucking cushions are bad here
pets, tables, a rug, curtains and a bench to put your shoes on are all functional or cozy
you must be morbidly obese american, i look forward to your demise in the corona plague you fat fuck
I live in a 20 room house. It takes ages to grt to the kitchen.
My current apartment looks too much like this. It doesn't need to have decorations all over the place, but its terribly bare.
Is this setup Yas Forums approved?
my female co worker already bought all those stupid signs with words like home sweet home. Why do women DO THIS?
i like it
RP moar
there is no hard Chad under your soft, greasy exterior
I can't see shit, was that photo made with a pre-war camera?
tv is so small, and so far away
he will have neck issues later in life you simp
I did use the word correctly you fool
wtf water your plant nigga it is dying
it's 50 inches :SS and only 2.3 meters from the sofa, the wide angle lens maybe makes it look further away
Fat chicks all have "sayings" hung over their walls. It's a fact.
like father like son
>café paris
What's the deal with that coffee?
never make the image more interesting than your post if you want real responses
>ctrl+f oldboy
>phrase not found
looks good thanks
>dabs on your life