Season 2 finale is coming this Tuesday. Son of Hynek said that a third season is in the works and there are talks for a 4th one too. Is Yas Forums excited?
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Just finished the recent episode, it was great to see Doc fly a plane
I thought he was going to crash it like in season 1.
So, are aliens real in this show or not? Is it like x files or worse?
The word comfy gets thrown around a lot, but it's a comfy show
Isn't it weird that there are a lot of pics of Allen Hynek but close to zero to his wife Mimi Hynek? I mean she is a main character in the show and it's true that she was helping her husband on cases no russians though... But why no pics of the real Mimi? I wanna see how much does Laura look like the real Mimi Hynek...
I really hope a leak isn't true about her character in the final episode next week
What leak? Post it!
There's been a lot of plane references in S2. The creator is fucking with the audience now
No survivors?
Mimi dies. I wouldn't be able to handle it. and Doc gets abducted. We will see
Mimi is beautiful but I hate her facial expressions so much. Ksenia acts much better then her too.
So, will Hynek go to antarctica in season 3?Also,will they do the conspiracy theory of the real Alien contact at that air force Base?
Are you fucking retarded, they had a flashforward episode this season where they're both on the set of "Close Encounters"
That's fucking retarded. Mimi Hynek saw her husband die of brain tumor in 1986 and Mimi appears in the episode close encounters of the third kind which is set in the future. How could you believe that.
>Hynek jad 5 children
>only Joel is in the show
I know Joel Hynek is working on the show but isn't this a dick move not to show jos brothers and SISTERS too?
This, also it was a kino episode. Oh, who is the actor who plays JFK? Or is he cgi?
It's uncanny...
So I really want to get into this show but I have some concerns:
1. How many interracial couples are in the show?
2. How many niggers are in the show?
3. Are there any explicitly homosexual sex scenes in the show?
4. and lastly, from 1 to 10 how pozzed is the whole show?
There's one negro that posed as a friend but turned out to be a rat, it's kino
Betty and Barney hill are racebend to be a black couple.
>explicitly homosexual sex scenes
Anyone got a HD trailer for The final episode? I wanna see the triangle ufo better.
Now that I think of it the last episode had the same scene but on a plane with Quinn and Hynek, wondering if they did it on purpose.
It's called bromance. Hynequinn is a thing.
So, how were the visual effects for you guys? I think they are pretty damn good but the effects for the ufo in the close encounters of the third kind were kind of shit. The uso from the final episode looks good though. Wonder what the budget was for both seasons...
I hope the ending is damn good because we don't have much time till pic related happens....
i am. It's one of the best things on tv so at the moment.
Disclosure soon???
I used to watch this. One day, I forgot to download it and honestly didn't miss it.
Watch it again. Season 2 is better than season 1
So, is the series based on real events or not?
>So, is the series based
why does this fucking exist. hey lets make the x files without anything that made that iconic. there's like 5 things you have to take out but they did it
i only saw it because it was bought cheap by a free-to-air channel in my country why the fuck would anyone of all the shows available download this of their own volition
>x files without anything that made that iconic.
The incoherent main story?
It's obviously not as good as the X-Files because it's on a budget but it's a pretty good show, far better than I was expecting and they have actually paid close attention to the history of ufology. I like how they've incorporated different real life sightings from different time periods into the show
go back to watching your indistinguishable capeshit shows and films that are churned out at a rate of once a month, niggerfaggot
Because it promotes ancient aliens theories. Watch ancient aliens then watch project blue book. They literally shoehorn their theories that aliens are here to help us in the series.
The show has better effects than X Files though..
>Because it promotes ancient aliens theories.
No, it doesn't. Why are you lying?
But it does. How it doesn't? It makes all that aliens are here to save us from ourselves because nuclear weapins BAD.
I'm not even making the show bad,I love it. It's fun.
I like Captain Quinn and Hynek.
Aliens don't exist.
They do.
you have no proof
Found the skeptic
Remember this, SKEPTICS need to be right everytime but BELIEVERS only once and that's the CONTACT
They do, wait for april for proof
Show me proof that they do exist
Why the Fuck should I do that, you're the one whose saying they don't exist a
Well, then I'm right, they don't exist.
Stop being deluded you retard
You should try looking into the dark skies once or twice
I did a 100 times. Guess what I found. Nothing, well I saw Planets and satelite but nothing else. And something weird like an aurora borealis.
who the fuck are you imagining that liked x files in its day and now watches comic book shows. that's not a type of person
Hasn't aired here, wonder if they will put it on Disney plus once is on.
Anybody else skiped all scenes with mimi? I can't stand that actress.
No, I love her.