>this terrifies the average poorfag pirate on Yas Forums

Remember when XVID died and Yas Forums threw a bitchfit when all the pirated content moved to H264?

What happens when all the pirated content moves to H265/x265/AV1?

Answer: poorfags will have to get a job to buy new hardware.

And that's not even taking HDR into consideration.

Attached: 1511861078_IMG_904695.jpg (2500x2500, 276.17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I already get all my shit in H.265???
>leddit spacing

But I watch movies on my computer??

People have been saying this for around 8 years now

There was a fad when all the anime fansubbers released stuff in that format but eventually started going back to what people could actually watch


>People have been saying this for around 8 years now
it is almost time

>Answer: poorfags will have to get a job to buy new hardware.

a $50 Chinese android box can play 4k x265.

I watch my kinos on the PS4 media player and that for some reason does not support x265

It's such a fucking hassle having to search, or god forbid, convert videos to x264 specifically.

PS5 media player better not pull this same shit

>a $50 Chinese android box
Poorfags can't even get that.

>What happens when all the pirated content moves to H265/x265/AV1?

I probably just continue to use VLC

I already use H.265 for most content on my Plex server.

Most smart TVs support it.
Most phones support it.
PS4 and web browser require transcoding (which my NAS can do anyway).
Buying new hardware for H.265 is not a problem today.
Buying new hardware for AV1 may happen a few years in the future, but smart phones are already powerful enough to software decode it right now.

PS4s are just shit for video playback.
I understand why people use them, because it's a device they already own.
But literally every time my server starts transcoding it's because one of my users is on his PS4, even if its x264 content they'll be transcoding most of the time.

You already made this thread. I can play HEVC on my phone.

I dont even know what all that shit means

Do people really watch movies on a laptop...


Thanks YIFY

a laptop would be able to software decode x265 unless it's from 2006.
Even the integrated GPUs in atom processors found on the lower end of laptops has hardware x265 decoding.

I've zero issues for years in playing my shit on my PC or NAS which streams to my tv or phone.
You're dribbling OP, clean yourself up.

Noooo not the spenderino of my monerino
not the Benjamin bois

>everything is already at least 1080p and 4k with some 8k stuff
>my laptop barely plays 1080p, I have to close every program in order to watch anything
>I have to re encode everything to 720p
> PC lags and freezes with 4k stuff
>I dont even bother with anything in 8k

Attached: sPe325c-_400x400.jpg (400x400, 27.33K)

Good, I've been using 265 for ages now and it pisses me off every time I see a bloated awful 264 file.

Attached: 1579243500383.jpg (900x1200, 129.28K)

>Do people really watch movies on a laptop...

Attached: 2.jpg (2048x1536, 564.42K)

>release group still shitting out bit starved lossy audio HEVC encodes

Attached: 1500119259402.jpg (807x659, 41.62K)

I don't understand what's wrong with this picture.
Is it too tidy?

Main 10 hevc handles bitstarved retard releases (ie the "scene") better than 8 bit x264 does so it's a good change.

Yify will save the day as has

>encode x265
>set audio to passthrough
>barely any larger
>takes less time

Attached: 1565166072230.jpg (743x715, 58.57K)

Looks comfy

Do zoomers really watch movies on their phones?

Literally just use anything but Windows Media Player. Also whatever happened to H265 HEVC? I remember almost all torrents being in the format around 2014-2015, but then it sorta disappeared

Attached: Steve Jobs pirates of the silicon valley are you a virgin.png (720x526, 404.07K)

>He doesn't watch movies at 1.5x speed on his phone in 5 minute bursts throughout the day

What's wrong with that? My laptop has a 4K screen. My monitor is 1600x900.

Literally all you need


Attached: no-thanks.jpg (609x419, 39.12K)

would you lick his feet?

Why the fuck not? Any half decent laptop has an HDMI input.

What's the difference between the two
In English doc
I'm just a simple yify man you know

like 1gb maybe

What about the hardware needed? Is that for the TV? Since when does it matter what hardware does your TV have? Are they PCs now or what? Just play the movie you stupid screen.

Nah, but I would watch his kino

Attached: Pirates of Silicon Valley.jpg (500x336, 105.57K)

huh? I already only download x265 because the filesize is much smaller, and mpc.hc plays all my x265 files just fine.

user, I have an Oppo 203 and a 720p TV and 5 movies from the last decade.
How fucked am I?

Attached: aussieten.jpg (553x517, 131.69K)

>poorfags will have to get a job to buy new hardware.
Nah. I just get my gf to buy me stuff.

Can't all computers run that shit? What's the problem?

I don't she any issues.
if anything H265 videos have smaller filesizes that accelerate and facilitate both piracy and streaming.
You can also hoard more content on the same HD because of this.
H265 is a blessing.

>>if anything H265 videos have smaller filesizes that accelerate and facilitate both piracy and streaming.
People like you should be killed.

You can have high quality H265 files though. The higher quality files are still more smallerer

Anyone wants a snahpit invite?

>tfw don't know if private tracking sites are worth it
>tfw still use TPB like the boomer I am

I almost always export to H264. Am I retarded?

Its a ddl site bruh. No torrents, no ratio

That sounds even better desu

What are you using it for?
If you're exporting to upload to Youtube then google reencodes everything anyway so h.265 would be a waste of processing time.

>if private tracking sites are worth it
they are if you want the rarest kino and the highest quality encodes. otherwise, you will be fine just downloading tiny encodes with a SEEDR or Snahpt account.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. "Piracy" is a loaded term, it likens a harmless act to high-seas robbery and murder. Consider instead using "unauthorized redistribution of copyrighted materials", or "unauthorized sharing" instead.

Do they only cover new movies though or do they do old ones too? I wish suprnova was still around :(

>Its a ddl site bruh. No torrents, no ratio
I do this and use the free usenet accounts from /ptg/

fuck torrents.

>Do they only cover new movies though or do they do old ones too?
Private trackers literally have every movie ever made and distributed to the public. Even silent films from the dawn of cinema. And they have them all organized by quality.

>surely THIS will stop the piracy

Attached: 0x09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0.jpg (600x440, 45.55K)

>If you're exporting to upload to Youtube then google reencodes everything anyway so h.265
not true. i just downloaded a video from youtube and it's H.264.

yt doesnt do x265 yet

>buy new hardware.
Whatever this codec is, I'm pretty sure my PC will play it without issue and I won't have to buy anything new. I might have to switch player though, which is annoying.

Holy FUCK I've been living like an animal this whole time. Fucking liars telling me it was just pozzed new shit and no true kino.

when you upload a video to youtube it always gets reencoded to various formats for consumption.
It doesn't matter what format you upload in, it has to be reencoded for every quality setting and so every device can see some version of it.
Youtube does h264 and VP9 and AV1 for consumption.
Just because you download a h264 stream from the service doesn't mean it was originally uploaded in that format.

>he gets to sleep on an air mattress instead of the hard floor
i aspire to live in such luxury

>Fucking liars telling me it was just pozzed new shit and no true kino.
Every movie ever made has its own section like this. From shorts to feature films. Since the late 1800s.

Attached: kino.png (900x226, 58.84K)

Whenever I play a h265 encoded vid the colors are desaturated, is this because my monitor doesn't do HDR?

Attached: 1580206990837.jpg (480x603, 25.63K)

>Whenever I play a h265 encoded vid the colors are desaturated, is this because my monitor doesn't do HDR?

I need to look into this further tomorrow. Thanks.

h.265 has nothing to do with HDR.