I don't get it, why are sjws angry? I can't be the only one that think Ahsoka is spiritually black, right? like piccolo
I think she's good cast, even her square skull is similar to CW Ahsoka's
I don't get it, why are sjws angry? I can't be the only one that think Ahsoka is spiritually black, right? like piccolo
Other urls found in this thread:
rosario dawson made the grave mistake of antagonizing a tranny and that's something that is considered unacceptable in America because it runs contrary to the propaganda that billionaire doctors have been injecting into the school system, that the transgender is the new ubermansch and should never be questioned let alone attacked
This, she's literally a based black woman and that makes libtards seethe
Unironically he most widespread case of the emperor’s new clothes I think of all time. That and people being afraid to criticize Jews or point out that they control an insane amount of the media, Hollywood, banks, academia, etc for their tiny percentage of the population
I want to fug that kween!
pic related is the perfect Ahsoka
She’s hardly based for saying something as scientifically factual as water is dihydrogen monoxide. The bar for out of touch Hollywood actors can’t be THAT low. Nice dubs tho
She looks like a black foreskingamerextreme
>He doesn't know
Rosario Dawson is ugly but it's easy to fix when she's playing an ayyylmao.
Don't know who this is but I agree for a younger Ahsoka. Mandalorian-era Ahsoka would be in her 40s though.
thanks for clearing it up, i thought it was cause of her skin, but turns out it's for an even dumber reason.
>why are sjws angry?
being angry is the entire point.
>white girl wants to fuck a horse
Seriously, why are women obsessed with horses?
uhhhhh what wiseguy thought anyone wanted to see a haggard negroid Ahsoka?
SJWs are mad? I was expecting lots of YAAASS KWEEENing when I read the news. I don't know how I feel. Voice too deep, and Ahsoka looks East Indian, not black.
>white girl wants to fuck a horse
>like piccolo
do americans really see a green guy and think about niggers?
Why you guys continue to be insensitive pricks?
She was being transphobic, did you know that trans people of color are the most targeted minorities in America?
sjw are angry about this? holy fuck, fuck those schizos, anyway: chick always get me hard both of them
Everyone does, go back to knitting in your Lithuanian mud hutt retard
Colorism much?
Piccolo is just as black as Knuckles, it's just how it is.
Hold on... what reason did sjws find to get up in arms about this?
If SJW's weren't pissed about the tranny thing you autists would absolutely be throwing a fit about political agendas in Hollywood because she's black.
You don't have an ideology, you just care about going against the snowflakes. You're no better than them.
For her during the clone wars yeah
Nobody would ever care about Ahsoka's race because she's fucking orange. Nobody cares about Gamora either. They would only care if they decided not to paint her like they did with Starfire in that shitty Titans show.
Gamora is a haggard negroid too what a coincidence she's fucking ugly. But you only think about skin color because you're a redditor.
Bullshit. I didn't know anything about her comments on trannies until literally this thread, and my first thought when I saw the headline earlier was that she was a decent choice for the role. I can actually picture it
Ugly 40 year old hag.
>if things went the way of my fictional narrative you would all look foolish
he takes care of another man's son, if anything goku is the nigger
>Rosario fucks up trannies
>Liam Neeson fucks up niggers
>Palpatine’s supremacist bloodline wins in the end
Are we sure Star Wars isn’t secretly /ourfranchise/?
you do know how old ahsoka is during the season 2 time period, right?
Piccolo is black. It is known.
Everyone except this retard apparently
>why are sjws angry
Some literal who mentally ill tranny accused her of misgendering and assault, and Twitter believes her delusions because they're gullible retard virtue-signallers/mentally ill themselves.
this was always my favorite
any source on that rosario dawson hate from tranny?
>>Dawson was born on May 9, 1979, in New York City. Her mother, Isabel Celeste, is a writer and singer of Cuban and Puerto Rican ancestry. Isabel was 16 years old when Rosario was born; she never married Rosario's biological father, Patrick C. Harris
Is she black?
Wait so sjws are racist now? Because I was told it was racist to complain when a black person gets cast regardless of the reason.
`i think sjws just hate ahsoka, maybe because she a awesome character that doesnt use the gender care all the time and cares for everyone not just women
So Anakin's apprentice was alive and kicking through the entire original trilogy yet she didn't do anything to stop the Empire or help Luke the entire time? Ok sweetie.
Anything after ROTJ is just fan fiction.
>MFW I work for Disney marketing team
>MFW also browse Yas Forums
>MFW I learned how you incels think
>MFW I actually recommended to my team leader that we create a false outrage about Rosario Dawson so you guys rally around her and defend her rather than attack her
>MFW I beat you all and you're praising her casting
she became like a monk or something
Who the fuck is this? Is your turboautism faceblindness so severe that you think this is Rosario Dawson?
more importantly
>touted as final season and will wrap up everything
>five out of twelve episodes in and fuck all has happened
what the fuck are they doing
Hearts beat loud was fun
She was stranded on Malachor, possibly for years. We don't even know how she got offworld.
>why is culture war my man child franchise thread #213984124 Yas Forums ?
>Puerto Rican
She probably has some Dominican ancestry, because she looks more black than hispanic.
>whining about whining
>why are sjws angry?
Because they're SJWs. It's one of the biggest problems with "liberalism" and why you cannot, nor should you even bother trying, to appease them. Their entire ideology revolves around changing what exist and has no real end goal.
It's why they'll happy throw any of their comrades under the bus, with no way back into their retarded club, for not continuing with their hivemind thinking.
Even ISIS will forgive you if you convert. But SJWs/Liberals/Leftists/Commies/Whatever you want to call them? No fucking chance.
how are people mad about this? She is literally the only logical and correct choice. Who do they want? Brie Larson??
>big peepee
A bit old in my opinion. Even if I love Rosario.