He is incredible to look at... His face is incredle.
I'm not gay
Other urls found in this thread:
Sounds gay
Fucking harelip.
he's a 6/10 at best.
>posts old photo of him pre-balding
>this is average looks needed to slay in 2020
>Hi, user
>You know, your mom wishes you looked like me
fuck you superchad
Fuck off Henry
>thread gossiping about a man's looks on a board infested with far right losers
>instant replies, bump limit in under an hour
what is it with neo-nazis and having feminine teenager hobbies like gossip
rent free
Why do I love to look at him but not want to fuck him?
like it makes a diff
wanna explain why you microdick nationalist losers love doing pathetic girly shit like gossiping so much?
he looks best with the mustache
This, but you need to go further.
>le Yas Forums boogeyman
Henry and Nikolaj team up kino when?
I'm not gay either. But sometimes I look at Henry's perfect face and get fantasies of him reaming my ass and having his rock hard cock pumping warm seed deep into my guts.
It's just normal appreciation of human beauty.
>jaimefag is also a henryfag
He's a beautiful man for sure, but I think that James Purefoy and especially his role in Rome was even more attractive than Henry is, no homo. I kinda had a mancrush on Mark Antony.
Itt: uggos and repressed homosexuals coping.
On a scale from 1-10, I'm unironically only .5-1.5 points below him. We have the same phenotype. I'm like his less attractive younger brother.
You guys like Timothy Olyphant? Damn I'd go gay for him
I wouldn't go gay for him, but I do like Timothy Elephant quite a bit.
>I'm not gay
How can he see?
>Implying you don't instictively think you deserve a 10/10 due to years of porn and looking at pictures of super Hot women in Yas Forums
He's a 10 which, incidentally, is the same age as his...
20 years ago you could say a man is incredibly handsome without any implication of homosexuality
>20 years ago you could say a man is incredibly handsome without any implication of homosexuality
Completely wrong
It's just buff, young Bob saget calm down.
I want to KILL all of you faggots
The opposite, zoomer.
based, coincidentally libtards have the same backwards logic whenever lgs are involved
Gamers rise up!...
That's because lefties are all deviants.
He signed on to the show because he heard seven, not seventeen.
He’s a loser
He’s a closest faggot
He’s a pedophile
He’s a talentless hack
He’s a charisma void
He sucked as Superman
He got fired from Superman
He had to get fucked by Tom Cruise for a role in Mission Impossible
He had to resort to Netflix because of his lack of talent
He is embarrassing as Gerald
He has tiny hands
He had a tiny cock
He had a tiny frame
And he had a tiny amount of success in Hollywood
fuck man this webm is insane. just look at the ripple he sends down her leg. i'm good looking, i like what i see when i look in the mirror, but cavill is just another fucking species. leto? bieber? hemsworth? cavill makes them all look like fucking goblins, so what hope do the rest of us have? even prime pitt would look like a little boy who lost his mommy next to cavill. god help any man who ends up standing next to him with his gf or wife present.
he really is a bad actor, but it doesn't even matter. i literally watched the superman movies just to watch him.
>He had to get fucked by Tom Cruise for a role in Mission Impossible
fake news
Leto is a propecia-abusing retard who tries desperately to avoid looking his age with makeup and avoiding the wrong angles in his pictures.
Cavill is up there in the very upper leagues along with Brad Pitt, young Marlon Brando and young Johnny Depp.
Incel faggot. Obey natural selection dipshit.
>Marlon Brando
even i look better than that overrated boomer.
Mental illness: archive.4plebs.org
>You're a Nazi if you appreciate manliness
Kys trany
You might look better, but he isn't overrated. KYS yourself
what in the fuck
also he was 5'9 lmao. highly overrated in the physical sense. i have no opinion on his acting or anything else, i'm just talking about looks.
Absolutely based
that's pretty pathetic of you
this thread is about looks though. we're talking about looks here. simple as
Okay. Henry is 6' 1" and he's better looking than you are.
holy based
no shit. he makes me look like a fucking piece of trash, but he makes marlon brando look like a piece of trash just the same.
Christ. I can't keep up with you lookismcels
you just KNOW mamoa made this.
Has to be an angry lesbian
good, don't try to. you don't want to see people in the resolution that we do, it will ruin a lot of things for you.
He is incredible to look at... His face is incredle.
fucking retard, get cancer
must be. i can't see it being a dude. there are a lot of guys who get resentful towards better looking guys, but with cavill you never see that. just looking at him its like all men immediately recognize that there is nothing they can say or do to ever convince anyone that he is ugly or even overrated, so they just submit.