>young handsome multi-millionaire genius
>chooses this
turned it off after 10 minutes
The Invisible Man
the guy was insane, that's explained in the movie
he has the looks,money and intelligence to get any gorgeous women
Hope flu kills her
This is true though. Sexual relationships in 2020 western world is necessity of being ultramasculine 6'7'' male model nobel prize winner-multimillionaire to have a shot with 300 lbs 56 years old divorce with two biracial kids.
I feel bad for whoever has to wake up to that every morning
The whole point is she’s some ugly bitch he can manipulate. She even asks that exact question In the movie
Chad can manipulate 10s
Bad screenplay written by copers
that's why you put a bag over her head and go to town on the rest of her. a head on a woman is totally superfluous anyway.
10s don't have enough brain to be challenge to manipulate
he wanted a/one thing he couldn't have
They literally say this in the movie
Elisabeth Moss is cute!
Watch Queen of Earth
Get fucked, Fred
lol her career is based on being tv ugly
Except he wanted a 6/10 to make his ego feel better. A better looking woman is something he couldn't abide. Watch the flick.
Have you seen Elon Musk's girl? Grimes is uglier.
Yes but musk had his head pushed into a toilet in highschool and thrown down stairs. He is a beta at heart
How is that any different than what we know about the guy in this movie. For all we know he's also a loser. In fact, he is a loser because he can't get over the fact that someone doesn't want him.
lol gross ass skin tag on her armpit
>For all we know he's also a loser.
Nope this is ugly chick fantasy shit
Yeah it's where you need to aim your load
You seem so sure. This isn't some incel power fantasy, right?
Saw it in theater because I felt I need to go to theater before the pandemic is declared and this was the only one convenient for my time.
It was loud as fuck
I guess that's the last time I will ever go
>not having an ugly chick you can mind control
oh ok, anything in the entire world that is critical of women as a whole is incel releted?
oneitis is a hell of a disease
The heart wants what the heart wants.
You'll learn that one day.
The black daughter got great figure to show
The point was that she was a fairly successful, confident, up-and-coming professional woman. He wanted to mindbreak her into being a slave. A gorgeous thot who would be all over his dick regardless wouldn't be as fun.
No but this is.
>I don't believe this movie because the actress is ugly and my rich techonerd idol fantasy character would never lower himself
>MC is a murderer
>black cop is cool with being an accomplice
>"who would believe I raped an ugly girl like you? hahahaha I'm so evil!"
They don't believe it because it rarely happens if at all
>rich techonerd idol fantasy character built a suit in his house
Unironically ugly women get raped and abused more than good looking women, for that exact reason.
>"I have a vagina now!"
Black single dad cop sheltering a white woman from domestic abuse...
...I was hoping for ...you know...
Missed out on a good movie
Not really, they use the accusation as proof a man would deign to fuck them at all. Look at mattress girl
His lawyer brother helped him.
"hey bro, you wanna sell this miraculous tech to the military for billions?"
"nah brah I wanna use it to force my 5/10 ex-girlfriend to get back with me by murdering a bunch of people."
"ah, ok bro, how can I help?"
You shouldn't. They're probably a scientologist like her.
Musk's first wife was hot and smart.
Then he went for hotter with Talulah Riley.
Then he went for insanely hot with Amber Heard.
He concluded that the crazy goes up explonentially while the hot only goes up linearly, so it's not worth it.
So he went for someone average but well-adjusted (I hope).
"He could get any girl he wants at the party in Paris"
"I only want you because you are the only one who ever said no to me"
"He wants me because I was the only one who ever said no to him"
I forgot which one it was but that came up in their dialog
I know a girl that looks just like her. She SEETHED for weeks when i told her i didnt find her attractive. We are still friends tho
>We are still friends tho
That's terrible, you should break contact because it would be too painful for her to be around you. That is what reddit told me to do
Thanks for defending your boyfriend.
The sister getting her throat slit was cool.
You forget the part when the lawyer bro told the woman he was mind controlled by the guy
Although the woman berated the lawyer bro later but it doesn't change it
I used that bitch to breeze through my masters program. Busybody ugly girls will do so much work just for somw attention. Shit was so ca$h.
invisible man scenes, in rain, when his suit is borken - kino
everything else - fucking waste
scientologist flatso
What I didn't like is how the trailer pretty much gave away that the girl eventually becomes a badass and fights him to the death. I don't have to watch the movie to know that she wins.
Pretty annoying when they give everything away like that.
Do you think the inventor bro let the lawyer bro wear the suit to watch him fuck the woman the lawyer bro loved up close ?
It's still not a terribly satisfying answer
>Oh he was actually a chad millionaire hyper control freak who could have been banging super models but he wanted a woman with a face like unkneaded dough because she's the only one that ever said no!!
They abandoned the chemical thing so he doesn't even have an external reason to be insane, he's just an asshole. It's the kind of cheap "who cares" logic I expect from some shitty Netflix original, and it's pretty lazy writing considering he's essentially the central drive of the entire narrative
>invisible man
>get filmed on surveillance camera and leave a mile long of evidence and witness
The old invisible man wore a trenchcoat and bandages so everyone could see him. What's your point
Man, incels are so based :D
I dated a chick that was the spitting image of her, she was fucking nuts, but also crazy in bed so it was alright
Do you think the inventor bro wear the suit and get down under the lawyer bro's table and suck him off while he is in a meeting?
J-just to humiliate him and assert supremacy on him ...
I am saying that the suit is super cool but the wearer is dumb and ruined all its advantage of surprise.
How are they going to tie in something like the wolfman or the creature into this one?
Ugly women get raped all the time though.what a dumb fucking statement
they're doing standalones for now
Invisible Man arguments are older than the internet
>where as non-ultramasculine 6'7'' male model nobel prize winner-multimillionaire got no sexual relation at all
some will be standalone, some will be crossovers
here's current lineup:
invisible woman
dark army - crossover
monster mash - musical
What the fuck
So now the woman takes over the suit -the fruit of a lifetime of work of the two men? She got neither the knowledge nor the money to maintain it but she will just now use it for goods and save women from domestic violence now?
Fuck it they will just make her self teach to be the best science of optics in the world right?