any kinos about modern domestic life, and how we evolved to get here?
Any kinos about modern domestic life, and how we evolved to get here?
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atheists be like: Jesus Christ wasn't a real person. you can't believe the gospels
also atheists: fish are our ancestors
I do be like that
fish aren't our ancestors, there was some goopy sea creature that is fish's ancestor and also our ancestor because it eventually grew legs and became a lizard-looking thing that was a common ancestor to all land creatures
How’s that magic sky man helping out with the virus, buddy?
Where did you hear that? Who told you?
Literally no one claims Jesus wasn't a real person, they just question his magical shit. It's factually true that he existed though.
retards still pretend not to understand how common ancestors work
life cannot come from non life
a horse will never become a whale
evolution is fucking retarded and is not backed by any real research or experimentation
No, there is some doubt as to his existence.
Fish are paraphyletic; lungfish are more closely related to mammals than to other types of fish. If the common ancestor of all fish and tetrapods was alive today, we'd call it a fish.
Nice try satan
Self-replicating RNA probably can come from simpler organic molecules given enough time and space (and there was plenty of that)
A horse could absolutely evolve into whales given a few million years. IIRC cetaceans evolved from ungulates
is this the thread where i pretend to be a christfag?
satan, you sneaky little rascal
>believing in things because old unverifiable fiction book say so!!!
About as well as your global government. So much for your faith in man.
Outed, Jesus is love.
spastic cunt
what inspired him to make this choice?
spastic cunt
watch your mouth, asshole, my friend got hit by a drunk man trying to buy a fucking flashlight at wal-mart at 1am
atheists on this board right now are looking at this pic and thinking "ahhhh yeah go grandpa!"
atheists on this board right now be like "NOOOO DON'T STABBY WABBY THE HECKIN PUPPERINO BOI :(("
look at this smug fuck
what a legend
I don't have a problem with evolution as a theory but abiogenesis is a crock of shit and everyone knows it. That doesn't mean 'hurr god did it' it just means the current explanations are awful.
>but abiogenesis is a crock of shit and everyone knows it
>dude amino acids just clumped together and turned into RNA lmao
>give it enough time it'll totally happen bro!
why couldn't this happen?
"life" has arbitrary meaning
humans can already make self replicating ai with the intelligence of bacteria
>with the intelligence of bacteria
lol wow yeah good one humans
Almost got me
It's absolutely not. The RNA world hypothesis is completely workable. It's extremely improbable that basic organic molecules in the primitive oceans would come together into a self-replicating RNA molecule on the first collision, but we're talking about uncountable collisions throughout the global ocean over a few hundred million years. It's almost just statistics.
atheists be like : god ain't real but aliens? fo' shore they exist
My ancestor :)
The burden of proof is on you.
Go grandpa!
I'm not making a claim, I'm not a scientist or a hardcore atheist or religious or anything. I'm just asking why it'd be unlikely to happen
Doesn't make it plausible. It means some fucking nerd made an assumption and made it workable. Look up the meaning of words before you post.
It's statistically probable that alien life exists somewhere given the number of planets in the observable universe. Not definite, but probable.
>I'm not making a claim
Then shut the fuck up. This conversation doesn't concern you if you're not arguing any side.
What was his fucking problem?
Try reading someone's entire post before responding with some snarky reply about a word they used. You didn't address my point.
*tips fedora*
Watch the skies brah
jews created humanity
Try reading that it isn't plausible in any sense.
Fucking snowflakes.
actually expanding on that jewish aliens actually created the earth
we need to nuke america already
It's absolutely plausible. RNA is just a certain combination of a relatively small number of molecules, and the proteins required to replicate it are also just a combination of a relatively small number of molecules. Consider how many combinations of organic molecules would appear after a few hundred million years. I'm saying that it's plausible because in that time, the probability of RNA being one of those combinations is probably relatively high, and if you cared, you could do an analysis of the probability based on the number of molecules in a basic RNA strand and an estimate of how many combinations of organic molecules would have cropped up 4.1-3.8 Gya.
>It's absolutely plausible
But earlier it was apparently "workable". Those two words are very different.
>guy tries to learn
>is shut down instantly
when will atheists learn they are the christians of the 21st century
You're just arguing over what word I'm using to characterize it rather than addressing my actual point, which I explained and you're completely ignoring.
so like how did RNA evolve into DNA then?
Yeah it has, we've seen it occur in bacteria.
pagan athiests btfo