Flavor of the month, already forgotten.
>story about a monster hunter
>design of the monsters is complete shit
Seriously they should've just added detail to the 3D models from Witcher 3
so bad it made the Hobbit movies look good.
>all the females in it are ugly as fuck
obviously a show written by ugly women.
Dragon ep was alright
uninspired garbage shat out by uninterested roastied who only """cared""" because it was popular, and it shows
even Ciri was a big nosed porkster. who the fuck is the target audience for this if it isnt permavirgin gaymers?
Geralt is based
Yen is surprisingly based
Yet they have zero chemistry together
I thought it was pretty racist when Ciri stared at the nigger and went "Are you an elf?"
Worse than Game of Thrones season 8, yet praised more than Game of Thrones season 3.
it was alright
One of the worst episodes m8, the dragon itself looks like straight garbage.
the casting is like the opposite of adaptational attractiveness, everyone is uglier than in the original material except for Geralt. Renfri a side character is twice as hot than Yennefer a main character. written by women is really the only explanation
it was fun because of the large cast interaction
who gives le fuck about the action, they weren't gonna pull it off anyway
everything except triss and fringilla was great
Everyone thinks Yen is supposed to be super gorgeous because of the games not the source material. In the books she's explicitly not that beautiful
I liked it.
I never played the games or read the books though
The amount of characters they supposedly have and how many retards the reavers are shown to have just took me out of it. Show a somewhat large party of the 4 groups, then show the reavers having like 30 guys by themselves.
Henry is so gosh darn handsome
What is their complete relationship?
Personally liked it, yet it has a lot of flaws and down right fucking dumb ass shit. But most of the bad qualities it has I feel can be solved for the next season.
isnt that the point of the beautification ritual
of course it looks like shit, americans made it and they can't differentiate between a dragon and a wyvern
I've played the games and read the books, and I liked it despite its flaws.
She's so yummylicious
In the books she's explicitly striking. Show Yen is the opposite of striking. If she stood at a podium holding passionate speech, you'd wonder how long it took for the actual speaker to show up, she's that unremarkable. The quintessential background character face.
why are wh*te w*men like this?
Is this from Witcher?
it was just another shitty netflix show. nothing else. any other opinion is cope
Embarassing. They had everything: story, characters, dialogue, ending and they managed fuck up literally everything.
False, they didn't fuck up the niggerification quota
Why doesn't he use the mind control spell more often? I assume it works just fine on random peasant assholes
They did. They created the worst token characters in the last 10 years.
Hope you don't mean based elf kid
a woman wrote it
whats even worse is that a jewess wrote it
>the writing team is full of literal, unironical feminists, one of them has 'patriarchy smasher' as her twitter bio
>costume designer, now fired, was forced to design armour so it looked like scrotum and helmets to look like dickheads
>Nilfgaard, the "bad guys" are literally 100% white, The North, the "good guys" are america-tier diverse
>Fringilla is supposed to be a first cousin of Emperor Emhyr, Emhyr is a white dude, Fringilla is the darkest black they found
>Driads went from green skinned naked hotties with bows to nigger driads wearing leather and chugging spears
>Yennefer went from a minor character of the first book to a main character, overshadowing Geralt
>Short stories completly ignored
>Nilfgaard changed from an enlightened absolute monarchy to an ISIS-tier empire
>Dragon has two legs instead of four
and my favourite, they've completly fucked themselves thanks to muh diversity
>While in Toussaint, Geralt enters into romance with Fringilla solely due to her looking like Yennefer lookalike, show Yennefer is a pajeeta, Fringilla is black as night
fuck them
Are you aware of being so anhedonic, or is totally subconscious?
There was no such ritual, sorceresses being vain women will always fix up their looks to make themselves look ideal.
They couldn't have children because they were sorceresses, not because some creepy guy ripped out some of their insides.
>some creepy guy
Why so hateful of plastic surgeons?
I was gutted when Renfri died, she was fit
That’s only thing they didn’t fuck up or change.
that actress should have played Triss
geralt's mom could've fit too
what was wrong with Triss?
What wasn’t wrong with her?
ugly and a terrible actress
Redheads are a meme
she didn't look like their videogame waifu. triss has always been a shit character.
the look disparity could have been forgiven if she wasn't also a dogshit fucking actress
>>story about a monster hunter
Actually, it isn't. It's supposed to be, but it isn't.
Watched a little past the she-warrior fight scene. I would say better than garden variety Netflix, but if you’re looking for an interesting story i wouldn’t recommend it. It’s one of those “for as large an audience as humanly possible” with healthy dose of woke et cetera.
Good show, but I think it helps ALOT if you've played the games, at least the 3rd one.
Trish without red hair was weird.
>In the books she's explicitly not that beautiful
Yes, she is. She is gorgeous and all the northern sorceresses are too. What makes her stand out to Geralt is that she isn't quite perfect. Her nose and mouth are very slightly crooked, but it's only really noticeable if you aren't in awe of her beauty. All the other northern sorceresses would fix that.
>barely watched it
>"here's my take on the entire story"
are you a reviewer on RT?
One of the least authentic adaptations I've ever seen. It completely invalidates the idea of checking out a series because you are familiar with the material. It's a blatant and cynical attempt at exploiting brand recognition.
She can literally blind men with her beauty.
Cavill claims to be a fan and made them include potions and Signs when they didn't want to because without them he isn't playing Geralt
One would assume she blinds people with magic, rather than her face literally just making your eyes explode?
Really? Cavill is more based than I realized.
this isn't a star trek thread.
after a reasonably sample a show that begins poorly usually goes on poorly or worse in my experience