previous: We act like it's 1970 edition.
So how you guys liked the autons? Personally i think they do look quite freaky but I don't know maybe they are running out of ideas.
previous: We act like it's 1970 edition.
So how you guys liked the autons? Personally i think they do look quite freaky but I don't know maybe they are running out of ideas.
I miss based Troughton. The new guy dresses like a poof and his eyes are too close together. They should have given it to Ron Moody.
I miss flamethrower daleks
No one can top the original.
post jenna
fuck off peter
Who come no one talks about Peter Cushing on here?
what the fuck was their problem?
i only like his second movie but his TARDIS exterior was quite cool tho, love the sticker not sure why newer versions of the TARDIS does not include it.
What sticker?
the saint john sticker on the right door, the first doctor had it, cushing had it but 2nd didn't and 3rd so far doesn't have it.
It reappears during 11's run. 12 also has it.
We just said 1 has it 2 doesn’t come on man keep up
they were autistically in love.
what the fuck was their problem?
they had to keep their fucking off-screen so they were always frustrated
>muh Clala
FUCK Capaldi
>Doctor on Trenzalore for ~300 years in the episode
>~900 years in the books
>t. River
Did you fucking watch the episode?
Who are the best TARDIS team in the shows history, and why is it 2,Jamie and zoe? (or Victoria)
>2,Jamie and zoe? (or Victoria)
2- Best Doctor
Jamie- Comfy handman to show a common man perception of issues but still usefull
Zoe(Victoria)- Cuteness with the, sometimes, clever remark.
kino as fuck
Zoe really broke the trend of being one of the first properly competent female companions. Making her out to be a genius gave her much more intelligently written dialogue and better contributions than others before her asking the doctor to explain everything that is happening at any second.
Yeah. It was a very good composition.
While Jamie sometimes was written as a moron most of the time he was highly competent (if you use as base modern companions).
Frankly one of the ways that they could try to revive who is to redo some of the histories. It would be kino to see the ´´mind robber´´, as a example, again with modern actors.
Its not like they are widely know.
that would be my first introduction to who if you count it. I grew up to in the 90's so the show wasn't on air. I also remember watching the TV movie when it was aired as well. I don't remember much about peter cushing as Doctor Who desu. I do remember the daleks.
I think 7th and Ace or 6th and Evelyn/Frobisher are up there, but pretty much yeah
Is this it? The end of /who/?
Yes, my dear /who/, you must die! Die, /who/! Die, /who/! Ahahahahaha!
suck it /who/
suck what?
I have another issue with the "Timless Child".
The pre-hartnell versions of the Doctor we watch during the montage when that women is trying to understand regeneration are getting older in a "natural" fashion.
In Listen, the Doctor remembers being scared by a thing under his bed.
It means that he remembers being a kind in his "Hartnell form".
It doesn't seem that an adult Time Lord can regenerate into a kid.
So it doesn't make any fucking sens.
Nothing about the ´´Timeless child´´ makes sense user.
Some fans are trying their best to find some way to fit into lore and even their best ways have so much holes that you think it is some sort of cheese.
Its shit as fuck and should be ignored not aproved.
I want Zoe gf
What I found weird is that SJW complain about classic Doctor being sexist.
It had some of the best written and competent females than many modern shows. including modern who (series 11 e 12)
rip dr who
now a black female child oppressed by whites society
Those people have never watched classic who.
Those people never watch anything they criticize or praise. Birds of Prey comes to mind
His chin. Go on.
It makes even less sense when you consider this.
Clara saw all of his faces UP TO Matt, and including the War Doctor, so why doesn't she see the other faces he's now had?
But she isn't in his memories, she in his Timestream. This also negates possibly, all Loom shit.
>Why doesn't she see Jodie or Capaldi then?
Because they didn't exist. The Tomb of the Doctor only exists in a timeline where Gallifrey was destroyed by the War Doctor.
It's only in the event of 11, being the last face, going back in and literally changing the past to instead save Gallifrey, that the Timelords grant him a new cycle, therefore he doesn't die on Trenzalore anymore.
Moffat for all his faults, gives you amazing wiggle room to make sense of a lot of his stories, instead of forcing you down a very linear Show-all of shit like Chibnall.
I like him. He reminds me of Bond a little, while still being mostly brains.
Not related to Chibnall really but wasn't the reason Doctor stayed on Trenzalore the gallifreyan signal coming from the crack? Why would Doctor die there in timeline where Gallifrey is destroyed?
Because I'm almost certain the Timeless Child revelations are and were always intended to be the Master, and there is something about RuthDoctor we don't know to explain her. Nothing actually fits with what we know of the Doctor if you think about it for even a moment, not even mentioning the massive void of information.
Another thing to consider is that it's well established that at this point the contents of the Doctor's head, regens 1-13, are enough to make anything pop. No storage device in the known universe can contain it; it's how she escaped the Matrix, it's how 11 popped a certain parasite planet, and so on. Yet, we are supposed to believe that the Matrix once held unknown number of previous Doctors. It really doesn't add up at any level.
Well that's the question really. I don't have an answer for that, admittedly I'm just being an eager fan who likes theories.
My guess is in the timeline where he actually died on Trenzalore, he stayed for a different reason, but after changing the event of the Time War, that reason shifted to what we know
I can't quite remember, but was it the Timelords who made the crack, or did they just take advantage of it when 11s TARDIS exploded during the Pandorica stuff?
The Master being the Timeless Child makes the most sense.
They tested on him for years, killing and forcing him to regenerate, they made him a secret asset like The Winter Soldier, and when they gave him his new life where he meets the Doctor, they implanted the sound of drums to the beat of a Timelords heart into his mind.
They consistently double crossed him on deals he made with them, and always gave him the short end of the stick. He would have wondered constantly why his people never treated him as one of their own... And now he knows why. He never was one of them.
I also don't mind the Cyber Timelords, it's basically the prophecy of the Hybrid. I just hate how this Timeless Child ruins any chance of a good Rassilon story line.
I am not quite sure, but i think both Tardis and Timelords are separate causes(even though i never liked the idea of Doctor's single Tardis destroying everything. Kinda devalues Time War a little bit)
So, how 'old' did each incarnation get, not including shit like the time 12 spent in the Dial? Going off of 1 and 11, the only two to seemingly live out a natural lifespan, a Time Lords regeneration seems to typically 'last' nearly a milennia if they really push it into truly elderly and decrepit stage or on their last regen.
I ask because most seem to 'die young'. 9 for example seems to have lasted over a few human years, given we see most of his adventures, and there are few 'gaps' to fill unless I missed it. 8 oddly seems to have lived quite a while before Night of the Doctor, because he has visibly aged from his 'prime' into a grizzled older man, which takes a while for a Time Lord, probably a century or two.
this "deep breath" is a bit of a chore... got that fuckin "did we mention we're married lesbians lol!" couple in it, you know the ones who are also the inspiration for sherlock holmes... is nothing sacred?
As old as they want. They probably don't even have to age if they don't want to. River mentions making herself age backwards just to fuck with people.
11 does that right before he regens into Capaldi,
That's not what I mean user. I'm talking about the length of a regenerations 'natural lifespan' and those who got taken out by misadventure. 11 played one out in it's entirety, and probably a little beyond the point most would have chosen to regenerate. As did the War Doctor, oddly. 9 by all signs didn't even make a decade. Who knows how long 10 and 12 were adventuring around between companions, but neither 'got old'.
>River mentions making herself age backwards just to fuck with people.
A clever, if slightly nonsense, excuse as to why a character whose timeline we see more or less backwards seems to melt and develop crows feet and middle-age-spread the younger she gets.
he says something about the regeneration process resetting him before it changes him. NU-who has this idea that a regeneration heals the body and then changes it anyway. I want to say the writers have developed what regeneration energy as a concept but I think they make it do whatever they want.
It's scifi magic that does whatever it needs to at the time. Whether that be a creepy ghost of yourself walking into your body, makes you briefly bulletproof, regrow limbs, a physical reset that sticks because vanity issues, or takes out a Dalek fleet like a anime energy wave.
Just smile and try not to think about it too hard.
For what it seens it looks like between 300-2000. The first doctor was very ´´young´´ when regenerating and the 11 was old as fuck.
It seens that each regeneration has a increased and exponential lifespan. So if we go from that a time lord can live almost a eternity.
I don't desu.
I could say that I'm tired of the orange effect as well and that the doctors should get unique regenerations but I gave up on that as well. here comes the orange fountain!!
So do you think they'll retcon this timeless child shit or what?
Depends. I honestly think (hope), protestations or not, the drop in ratings will make things change for the better. I also suspect that what we saw was a bait'n'switch all along, never intended to be the truth (or full truth), and the fanbase jumped the gun a little because we hate Chibnall's writing and are sensitive after other franchises have been destroyed. But yeah, at worst I suspect in years to come it will be retconned.
What was Chibnall's thought process behind this shit? Why did he think it was a good idea?
Most problably they will ttry to salvage it using the idea that it was the master all along.
It was his childhood fanfiction. Simple as that
That was Russell's idea. He wanted a visual cue the kids would recognise so they knew The Doctor was going to be OK.
That's still kind of shit though.
The idea itself is shit as fuck and ignore most of the lore.
But Chibnail is shit as fuck.