What was your favorite spongekino episode, Yas Forums? For me it's Rock Bottom

What was your favorite spongekino episode, Yas Forums? For me it's Rock Bottom

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krusty krab training video. i remember watching it premier and being ripshit when they cut out before revealing the secret formula.

Band Geeks. Meme answer, but accurate.

The one where Spongebob and Pat use their imagination in the TV box.

4D ride

The salty spitoon
How tough are ya?

this one
I was always exited no matter how often I saw it

Club Spongebob (the conch episode)

this one was so fucking kino. shit gave me chills every time

When they start RPing as Paraplegics needing to cut off their limbs I fucking died.

Dying for Pie, it's just so fucking perfect and hilarious.
Chocolate with Nuts is a close second.

the boy knitted you a sweater of tears
and you killed him.

for me it was the jump from extreme realistic noises to squitward opening the box to 2 dudes just sitting in it

When Mrs Puff lets Spongebob get his license and becomes terrified he's going to kill people and it keeps escalating.

The one with pantera music

lmao, heres modern spongebob




christ, this looks like straight out of hazbin hotel

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"Something something spiritual end to the series."

That last one is pretty close to classic sponge apart from the animation

Chocolate with Nuts

this but unironically, you can't keep a show going once a generation has moved on, it's always a decline in viewership until they bring out their new shit. Spongbob has survived by sheer marketing alone.

we're he's stuck at a bus stop in a different darker town.

>he's not in my thoughts

we are?

Krabby Land
Dying for Pie

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Yas Forums, do you want Fresh Scent or Heavy Du-du-du

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Sailor mouth.

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You *dolphin noise*!

When that pie goes up to bat...by which, I mean, hits his lower intestine.

The funniest jokes on this show will always be the super dramatic HD close ups. Kek

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that unironically looks like Janny

>Am I old?

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If y'all haven't already seen it


>dude, what if we redrew Sponebob in over the top animu way

i thought these jokes died in the 2000s

>im not twentyTHREEEE anymore!

best parts of Ren & Stimpy too

have you finished those errands

It's..... it's not gonna get pushed back, is it lads?

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this is probably one of the most impressive dubs i've heard of a cartoon

and my favorite actual episode is probably band geeks

this one

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it looked pretty nuSpongebob desu, so dont care

For me, it's Graveyard Shift

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This one had the makings of some good horror kino. I remember actually feeling a little unnerved when Squidward's story started to come true when I first saw it. The payoff's just great in that episode too. I always liked the Camping Episode the most, because I think it still gets the most laughs out of me after all this time.

Sounds like a lot of hoopla

for me it’s Shanghaied.
>you’re good you’re good you’re good


I don't get it but I like it

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Wasn't there an episode about Gary running away? I remember Nickelodeon making a big deal about it at the time

Yes and it’s immensely superior to whatever shit they’ll fling with this movie


yeah, one of my friends in high school had a step dad named gary who ran out and disappeared and we would always sing the gary come home song to him.

>kik me
isn't kik that app for sex predators

My personal favorite is Neptune’s Spatula.
Dying for Pie is best in terms of sheer good joke density.
And Graveyard Shift is the comfiest on a stormy night,

>Gary's fucking missing AGAIN.

*sigh* Somehow, Gary is missing again.

I wasn't a big fan of the last movie, I doubt this will be any better.